CORUSCANT PHONEBOOK       filter       about                                                                                  OTHER TOOLS: Coruscant Translator | Coruscant Food | Coruscant Sports 
Coruscant Phonebook at
Tanisuldees Lyu (Male Dresselian from Drongar)
Age: 26 Height: 205cm Weight: 80kg
Brown skin, no hair, yellow eyes
Yarroq Prash Korrado (Male Trandoshan from Trandosha)
Age: 41 Height: 202cm Weight: 74kg
Green skin, no hair, yellow eyes
Hes Anager'jari (Male Duros from Vaynai)
Age: 46 Height: 218cm Weight: 92kg
Green skin, no hair, red eyes
Anavus Del Surik (Female Felacatian from Felacat)
Age: 25 Height: 163cm Weight: 56kg
Tan fur, tan hair, orange eyes
Anavus Kihotay-Ree (Male Alderaanian from Socorro)
Age: 22 Height: 176cm Weight: 66kg
Dark skin, white hair, hazel eyes
Zuggs Locrin (Male Tchuukthai from unknown)
Age: 43 Height: 303cm Weight: 108kg
Green fur, green hair, white eyes
Zuggs K'tanner (Male Elomin from Kal'Shebbol)
Age: 35 Height: 152cm Weight: 62kg
Orange skin, no hair, yellow eyes
Anavus'zuggs Tlo Gor (Male Kel Dor from Dorin)
Age: 24 Height: 198cm Weight: 80kg
Peach skin, no hair, black eyes
Zascha Lorin (Female Cerean from Nar Shaddaa)
Age: 23 Height: 200cm Weight: 75kg
Light skin, blond hair, yellow eyes
Zuggs Cyrs Ln (Male Yinchorri from Yitheeth)
Age: 23 Height: 172cm Weight: 71kg
Green skin, no hair, yellow eyes
Tez Joh Lochner (Female Kel Dor from Dorin)
Age: 39 Height: 157cm Weight: 53kg
Peach skin, no hair, black eyes
Sy'tan Sylo (Male Near-Human - Nomad)
Age: 46 Height: 182cm Weight: 71kg
White skin, white hair, yellow eyes
Uthil Voli (Male Gotal from Tuulab)
Age: 25 Height: 212cm Weight: 88kg
Gray fur, white hair, orange eyes
Zytho Brelm (Male Nimbanel from Vaynai)
Age: 75 Height: 181cm Weight: 73kg
Gray skin, brown hair, black eyes
Zytho Zugga (Male Toydarian - Nomad)
Age: 26 Height: 116cm Weight: 52kg
Blue skin, no hair, yellow eyes
Zuggs Zuggs Gneppe (Asexual Filordi from Genarius)
Age: 18 Height: 139cm Weight: 52kg
Orange fur, orange hair, amber eyes
Zuggs Whitsun (Male Dresselian from Drongar)
Age: 48 Height: 194cm Weight: 74kg
Brown skin, no hair, yellow eyes
Anavus Bault (Male Mrlssti from Mrlsst)
Age: 49 Height: 133cm Weight: 57kg
Light blue and gray feathers, brown feathers, black eyes
Anavus Anavus Greeta (Male Rybet from Coruscant)
Age: 46 Height: 184cm Weight: 80kg
Olive green skin, no hair, orange eyes
'anavus Lin Gabbard (Male Snivvian from Tatooine)
Age: 67 Height: 141cm Weight: 52kg
Brown skin, brown hair, black eyes
Suggs'broden Arc (Male Sludir from Sluudren)
Age: 26 Height: 210cm Weight: 82kg
Orange skin, black hair, black eyes
Sait Yppiks Axt (Male Kitonak from Nar Shaddaa)
Age: 26 Height: 156cm Weight: 60kg
Off white skin, no hair, black eyes
Zordo Lemte Chung (Asexual Hutt from Zeltros)
Age: 344 Height: 2,180cm Weight: 800kg
Orange skin, no hair, green eyes
Anavus Monite Sundar (Male Theelin from New Bornalex)
Age: 24 Height: 182cm Weight: 59kg
Lavender skin, orange hair, yellow eyes
Anavus Sai (Male Kaminoan from Vandor-3)
Age: 21 Height: 198cm Weight: 93kg
White skin, no hair, silver eyes
Yotts Mossa (Male Nikto from Thaere Privo)
Age: 43 Height: 192cm Weight: 75kg
Orange skin, no hair, black eyes
Zuggs Ledwellow (Male Nimbanel from Vaynai)
Age: 22 Height: 175cm Weight: 74kg
Gray skin, brown hair, black eyes
M'zuggs Xiese (Male Iktotchi from Iktotchan)
Age: 22 Height: 169cm Weight: 74kg
Pink skin, no hair, yellow eyes
Zytho Koornacht Hja (Male Kentra from Orellon II)
Age: 16 Height: 208cm Weight: 71kg
Tan fur, brown hair, yellow eyes
Zytho Iss'remex (Male Elomin from Kal'Shebbol)
Age: 44 Height: 160cm Weight: 70kg
Orange skin, no hair, yellow eyes
Anavus Ell'eib (Male Sullustan from Ylesia)
Age: 16 Height: 185cm Weight: 81kg
Light green skin, no hair, black eyes
Gew Seario Kylo Osh (Male Riileb from Riileb)
Age: 11 Height: 281cm Weight: 107kg
Gray skin, silver hair, pink eyes
Modo-Das-Sai Kamalas (Male Cerean from Nar Shaddaa)
Age: 21 Height: 198cm Weight: 82kg
Light skin, black hair, yellow eyes
N'anawus Sindal (Male Bothan from Zygeria)
Age: 22 Height: 143cm Weight: 59kg
Brown fur, brown hair, brown eyes
Anavus'mari Woztu'tal (Female Chadra-Fan from Romar)
Age: 19 Height: 98cm Weight: 34kg
Brown fur, brown hair, brown eyes
Zuggs R'ukal (Male Khil from Merakai)
Age: 60 Height: 206cm Weight: 80kg
Dark gray skin, no hair, black eyes
Kardue'zytho Sah Lin (Male Devaronian from Zeltros)
Age: 27 Height: 190cm Weight: 75kg
Green skin, no hair, red eyes
Zythmnr Doim (Male Massassi - Nomad)
Age: 18 Height: 198cm Weight: 83kg
Red skin, brown hair, yellow eyes
Anavus Thano Shawgrim (Male Zabrak from Telos)
Age: 23 Height: 193cm Weight: 75kg
Dark brown skin, blond hair, blue eyes
Khar'chieb Camasau (Male Twi'lek from Wroona)
Age: 45 Height: 178cm Weight: 83kg
Purple skin, no hair, orange eyes
Zuggs Kon Da (Male Baragwin from Denuhi VIII)
Age: 26 Height: 242cm Weight: 90kg
Dark olive skin, no hair, yellow eyes
Seer'kur Ra Zad (Male Schenor from Rhamsis Callo)
Age: 21 Height: 265cm Weight: 93kg
Brown fur, brown hair, yellow eyes
Thlan Zuggs Wynnopin Siv (Male Ugnaught from Zhanox)
Age: 38 Height: 143cm Weight: 41kg
Dark pink skin, white hair, black eyes
Ai'd'jus Innk (Male Nikto from Thaere Privo)
Age: 69 Height: 182cm Weight: 88kg
Green skin, no hair, blue eyes
Vor Vor Raffaan (Male Kel Dor from Dorin)
Age: 24 Height: 188cm Weight: 80kg
Crimson skin, no hair, black eyes
Anavus Mah Amedda (Male Quarren from Telos)
Age: 23 Height: 187cm Weight: 73kg
Salmon skin, no hair, blue eyes
Zuggs Yeb (Male Swokes Swokes from Makem Te)
Age: 62 Height: 188cm Weight: 85kg
Pale green skin, no hair, white eyes
Anavus Meyer (Male Gran from Stend IV)
Age: 44 Height: 171cm Weight: 70kg
Tan skin, no hair, purple eyes
Thanks to:, /r/swtor, The Sith Imperium, SaberForum, L'Iris Noir, Star Forge RP Community and and all sites catering to Star Wars RP!