CORUSCANT PHONEBOOK       filter       about                                                                                  OTHER TOOLS: Coruscant Translator | Coruscant Food | Coruscant Sports 
Coruscant Phonebook at
Zytho Topii (Male Zabrak from Telos)
Age: 63 Height: 196cm Weight: 74kg
Dark brown skin, black hair, green eyes
Bodis Bodis Arlos (Male Sunesi from Monor II)
Age: 19 Height: 185cm Weight: 75kg
Turquoise skin, no hair, black eyes
Carh'ze Solvan (Female Falleen from Trigalis)
Age: 47 Height: 134cm Weight: 49kg
Red skin, black hair, amber eyes
Qes (Male Quarren from Telos)
Age: 81 Height: 157cm Weight: 81kg
Olive skin, no hair, turquoise eyes
Zuggs Suel (Male Human from Zorbia II)
Age: 39 Height: 189cm Weight: 64kg
Light skin, blond hair, amber eyes
Anavus Salaktori Xam (Male Kaminoan from Vandor-3)
Age: 60 Height: 221cm Weight: 97kg
White skin, no hair, silver eyes
Ko'zytho-Pal Rej-Gallorr-Lungthyme (Male Cerean from Nar Shaddaa)
Age: 49 Height: 210cm Weight: 78kg
Light skin, red hair, yellow eyes
Zueb Nus'baoth (Male Sullustan - Nomad)
Age: 27 Height: 203cm Weight: 80kg
Pink skin, no hair, black eyes
Anavus Sulli Statermast (Male Givin from Yag'Dhul)
Age: 76 Height: 204cm Weight: 79kg
Pale white skin, no hair, black eyes
Zuggs (Male Wookiee from Vizcarra)
Age: 125 Height: 257cm Weight: 134kg
White fur, black hair, blue eyes
Ko'un Rowan (Male Cerean from Nar Shaddaa)
Age: 23 Height: 200cm Weight: 83kg
Light skin, blond hair, yellow eyes
Zuggs Delckis (Male Klatooinan from Shawti)
Age: 22 Height: 167cm Weight: 67kg
Dark brown skin, no hair, yellow eyes
Zytho Weelak (Male Pa'lowick from Lowick)
Age: 23 Height: 131cm Weight: 47kg
Green skin, no hair, green eyes
Tez Hintack Kayson (Asexual Filordi from Genarius)
Age: 18 Height: 146cm Weight: 54kg
Orange fur with blue stripes, orange hair, amber eyes
Zytho Morjara (Male Bimm from Genarius)
Age: 122 Height: 153cm Weight: 55kg
Light skin, red hair, amber eyes
F'quallix Hiicrop (Male Nalroni from Celanon)
Age: 106 Height: 169cm Weight: 74kg
Gold fur, gold hair, brown eyes
Anavus'ssach Oru (Male Gotal from Tuulab)
Age: 43 Height: 200cm Weight: 87kg
Gray fur, brown hair, yellow eyes
I'ga Sirch (Male Nikto from Thaere Privo)
Age: 24 Height: 200cm Weight: 68kg
Red skin, no hair, black eyes
Anavus Prennert (Male Melida from Melida/Daan)
Age: 42 Height: 182cm Weight: 73kg
Dark skin, gray hair, hazel eyes
Anavus Sawrtin Mipsy (Male Chevin from Vinsoth)
Age: 23 Height: 288cm Weight: 131kg
Dark gray skin, dark brown hair, black eyes
Zytho Oxsor (Male Issori from Trulalis)
Age: 48 Height: 176cm Weight: 76kg
Green skin, green hair, yellow eyes
Ostan Baem (Female Lowen from Low'n)
Age: 44 Height: 187cm Weight: 57kg
Dark skin, no hair, brown eyes
Zuggs Morwan (Male Anx from Shusugaunt)
Age: 26 Height: 376cm Weight: 237kg
Yellow skin, no hair, black eyes
Zuggs Pheron (Male Bimm from Genarius)
Age: 43 Height: 158cm Weight: 65kg
Dark skin, black hair, brown eyes
Do'holt Dambrizi (Male Ithorian from Vaynai)
Age: 21 Height: 219cm Weight: 97kg
Brown skin, white hair, blue eyes
Zuggs'arr Ihar Mer (Male Mon Calamari from Vaynai)
Age: 48 Height: 180cm Weight: 66kg
Magenta skin, no hair, gray eyes
Zytho Chowall (Male Quarren from Telos)
Age: 37 Height: 169cm Weight: 70kg
Olive skin, no hair, blue eyes
G'anavus Bar Var (Male Trandoshan from Trandosha)
Age: 22 Height: 216cm Weight: 72kg
Green skin, no hair, yellow eyes
Gack Ban Re'Kak (Male Baragwin from Denuhi VIII)
Age: 22 Height: 233cm Weight: 85kg
Dark olive skin, no hair, yellow eyes
Zytho Vitan (Male Felacatian from Felacat)
Age: 57 Height: 167cm Weight: 68kg
Tan fur, tan hair, orange eyes
Zytho Thorn'tal (Male Swokes Swokes from Makem Te)
Age: 40 Height: 208cm Weight: 74kg
Pale green skin, no hair, red eyes
Zuggs Tobbra (Male Phindian from Phindar)
Age: 24 Height: 163cm Weight: 71kg
Olive green skin, no hair, yellow eyes
Anavus Ankkit (Male Neimoidian from Qiilura)
Age: 45 Height: 188cm Weight: 78kg
Green gray skin, no hair, dark red eyes
Zuggs Jastrinas'kodash (Male Nimbanel from Vaynai)
Age: 22 Height: 179cm Weight: 70kg
Gray skin, brown hair, black eyes
Zuggs Tiis (Male Iktotchi from Iktotchan)
Age: 37 Height: 175cm Weight: 70kg
Pink skin, no hair, yellow eyes
Si'zytho Thiac Lado (Male Issori from Trulalis)
Age: 42 Height: 193cm Weight: 66kg
Green skin, green hair, yellow eyes
Akk'ur (Male Tusken Raider from Tatooine)
Age: 25 Height: 207cm Weight: 93kg
Light skin, no hair, black eyes
Zytho Lsu (Male Esoomian from Hollast VII)
Age: 44 Height: 306cm Weight: 130kg
Blue-gray skin, no hair, black eyes
Shin Mot Adoug (Male Human from Zorbia II)
Age: 20 Height: 178cm Weight: 65kg
Dark skin, black hair, green eyes
Zuggs Shaia (Male Priapulin from Pria)
Age: 17 Height: 396cm Weight: 157kg
Yellow skin, no hair, violet eyes
'zuggs Sloan (Male Near-Human - Nomad)
Age: 24 Height: 182cm Weight: 69kg
Crimson skin, brown hair, yellow eyes
Anavus Nep'wa (Male Sullustan from Ylesia)
Age: 48 Height: 157cm Weight: 65kg
Light green skin, no hair, black eyes
Zuggs'abek'the Andron (Male Nikto from Thaere Privo)
Age: 27 Height: 211cm Weight: 77kg
Orange skin, no hair, black eyes
Anavus Vee-Fel (Male Near-Human - Nomad)
Age: 26 Height: 189cm Weight: 73kg
Brown skin, crimson hair, silver eyes
Ghalabanavuslios (Female Squib from Skor II)
Age: 32 Height: 90cm Weight: 23kg
White fur, black hair, yellow eyes
Anavus Jien (Male Miraluka from Katarr)
Age: 47 Height: 173cm Weight: 72kg
Dark skin, auburn hair, no eyes
Zuggs Sathel'ke (Male Sullustan from Ylesia)
Age: 40 Height: 182cm Weight: 59kg
Light green skin, no hair, black eyes
Anavus Fenni (Male Riileb from Riileb)
Age: 17 Height: 275cm Weight: 110kg
Gray skin, silver hair, pink eyes
Thanks to:, /r/swtor, The Sith Imperium, SaberForum, L'Iris Noir, Star Forge RP Community and and all sites catering to Star Wars RP!