Stat | Best | Team | Date | Venue | Result |
Scores | 2 | Senators | Dojundo 50, 23012 | The Palace | Sand Panthers 5, Senators 11 |
Assists | 2 | Senators | Blotus 6, 23012 | The Palace | Starhoppers 2, Senators 16 |
Prime Assists | 2 | Senators | Zochaeb 52, 23012 | The Palace | Wraids 3, Senators 9 |
Passes Completed | 4 | Senators | Ardustagg 13, 23012 | The Palace | Mynocks 1, Senators 9 |
Pass Receptions | 2 | Senators | Ardustagg 13, 23012 | The Palace | Mynocks 1, Senators 9 |
Newballs | 3 | Senators | Dojundo 53, 23012 | The Palace | Mynocks 3, Senators 18 |
Best Performance | 1439 | Senators | Ardustagg 55, 23012 | Tirsa Pavilion | Senators 11, Starhoppers 3 |
Stat | Best | Team | Date | Venue | Result |
Checks | 13 | Senators | Blotus 12, 23012 | The Palace | Mynocks 2, Senators 15 |
Damage | 80 | Senators | Ardustagg 55, 23012 | Tirsa Pavilion | Senators 11, Starhoppers 3 |
Interceptions | 1 | Senators | Ardustagg 48, 23012 | 5th Estate Gardens | Senators 10, Tuk'ata 5 |
Pass Blocks | 1 | Senators | Dojundo 9, 23012 | Tirsa Pavilion | Senators 10, Starhoppers 7 |
Steals | 2 | Senators | Blotus 6, 23012 | The Palace | Starhoppers 2, Senators 16 |
Fumble Recoveries | 5 | Senators | Ardustagg 61, 23012 | The Palace | Tuk'ata 9, Senators 5 |
Throwaway Recoveries | 4 | Senators | Ardustagg 55, 23012 | Tirsa Pavilion | Senators 11, Starhoppers 3 |
Times Checked | 4 | Senators | Blotus 52, 23011 | Orlean Gardens | Senators 8, Wraids 9 |
Team | Date | Name | Biography | Play Description |
Senators | Zochaeb 34, 23012 | Huegu Kuuga (Starhoppers, Age 22) | Kel Dor male from Dorin | blaster for 48 health |
Game Date | Transaction |
Blotus 2, 23011 | Signed by the Senators. |