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Name Biography Team P Age C E F S B Coaching Peak Ovr Fame Ego XP XP Avail Traits
Aa'vien'mari Chiss female from Cioral No Team E 40 70 75 38 51 48 60 0 6 462 462 Expert with Staff
Alendar Human male from Aargau No Team S 46 44 53 50 54 51 54 0 5 88 88 Risky
Bikkel Human female from Demesel No Team E 50 66 72 48 58 73 53 67 5 27033 943 Very Delicate
Blackaat'chak'badavvzi Chiss female from Cioral No Team F 40 38 49 51 43 55 58 0 5 2748 2748 Proficient with Blaster
Droo Near-Human female from Annaj No Team S 46 60 52 44 61 58 48 4 6 115 115 Proficient with Catching
Geay Veknoid male from Moonus Mandel No Team E 45 51 59 43 53 50 56 4 6 389 389 Protective
Habria Near-Human female from Elrood No Team S 49 52 47 49 53 57 45 0 3 104 104 Proficient with Grapple, Proficient with Passing, Very Nimble
Haz'aruun'merri Chiss female from Snevu No Team C 41 69 43 59 39 44 59 6 6 124 124 Proficient with Passing
Heana Human female from Rendili No Team S 54 62 52 59 70 53 56 1 5 2359 2359 Nimble
Ik'brimon'aton Chiss male from Rentor No Team C 39 76 52 37 54 54 46 6 7 116 116 Clutch Player, Very Focused
Lek'jo'nesota Chiss female from Cularin No Team C 39 66 51 63 47 59 51 5 8 94 94 Clutch Player, Expert with Catching
Loh'brin'uruurr Chiss male from Copero No Team C 40 50 38 44 42 48 47 0 6 1206 1206
No'par'vek Twi'lek male from Courkrus No Team S 51 52 49 51 69 67 45 7 4 106 106 Very Accurate
Tok'aaz'br Chiss male from Avidich No Team F 35 54 57 63 44 47 62 0 6 455 455
Kurline Narbuj Aan Near-Human male from Utapau No Team S 51 51 54 52 67 49 63 0 1 99 99 Proficient with Passing, Ungainly
Dannl Adri Wroonian male from Saleucami No Team C 42 60 41 51 44 64 63 0 0 139 139 Proficient with Staff
Jaleq'kae'tan Hesas Afu Twi'lek female from Courkrus No Team F 41 43 39 51 43 48 81 5 7 3933 3933
Oris-Ah Ahld Near-Human female from Filordis No Team C 48 52 46 47 51 67 45 0 7 124 124 Expert with Catching, Proficient with Staff
Trondor Seger Ain Near-Human male from Vandelhelm No Team F 58 56 56 70 57 57 57 6 3 2903 2903 Brute
Alvor Anager'tinovorsh Rodian male from Varonat No Team E 55 63 69 53 53 56 66 2 7 113 113 Proficient with Passing, Very Clumsy
Halno Feinu Anan Zabrak male (no homeworld) No Team C 44 71 42 61 59 42 67 0 3 1719 1719
Kayda'brion Hral Arbor Duros male from Atapap One No Team F 53 55 51 56 54 58 45 4 7 123 123
Arraxx Borf Argente Zabrak male from Iridonia No Team E 44 53 77 42 52 49 57 0 4 4292 977 Proficient with Passing, Protective
Ap Argo Human male from Pitann No Team E 45 43 81 52 55 51 64 38 4 8970 113 Acrobatic
Ap Argo Near-Human male (unknown homeworld) No Team F 50 68 59 76 55 48 38 63 3 5327 1437
Mister Arnae Daan male from Melida/Daan No Team C 43 64 47 43 62 41 55 0 5 2012 2012
Bwahl Mio Artom Ithorian male (no homeworld) No Team E 50 48 68 54 52 69 37 0 2 98 98 Adjusts, Graceless, Selfless
Dom'orta Ashar Defel female from Demesel No Team F 45 69 70 82 43 59 57 119 6 11131 45 Clumsy, Daring
Katya So Asto Human female from Coruscant No Team F 47 57 49 66 45 61 50 0 5 130 130
Dyles At-Xarran Human female from Zolan No Team C 47 68 55 45 55 46 65 0 3 112 112
Boga Atar Human female from Sat'Skar No Team S 48 53 58 56 62 70 60 0 5 103 103
Gribbet Belaya Atoka Kuati female from Kuat No Team S 50 49 69 48 81 67 53 129 5 21563 767 Adaptable
Nial Axo Trandoshan male from Cularin No Team C 47 62 55 50 51 45 38 0 2 128 128 Proficient with Grapple, Very Strong
Aerex Axt Human male from Zonama Sekot No Team S 44 42 59 55 78 47 65 2 5 8848 783
Toka Aycen Bith female from Escarte No Team S 43 41 55 61 67 47 63 6 5 102 102
Vun'gebnerreet B'jusik Gotal male from Esfandia No Team E 44 50 78 42 77 46 43 39 4 1309 1309 Daring
Loh'thune'do Opatajji Rasheer Baakos Twi'lek female from Genarius No Team E 51 63 70 57 56 62 47 31 7 11452 1762 Focused
Hela'spitar Tas Badra Falleen male from Trigalis No Team S 53 53 57 53 62 65 66 0 4 89 89 Clumsy
Horvik Lorwin Baem Human male from Esooma No Team C 41 60 45 39 52 47 63 0 3 2589 2589 Chokes in Clutch, Strays from Combat
Rekvan Varko Bahr Human male from Riileb No Team S 46 49 55 44 57 58 50 1 6 690 690
Arak Bain Near-Human male from Korriban No Team C 46 72 61 46 56 71 56 129 6 15790 1735 Proficient with Staff
Allic Balrog'creip Rodian male (no homeworld) No Team F 49 61 47 64 56 69 50 2 4 107 107 Adjusts, Injury Prone
Shri Bo Ban Human female from Troiken No Team E 45 51 59 59 43 75 26 0 6 116 116
Frekka'ban'hinji Taloon Bandon Twi'lek female from Ryl No Team C 51 72 63 53 50 60 49 14 3 5175 662 Adjusts
Salva'ran Bane Near-Human male from Ket No Team S 42 52 48 40 61 48 59 0 7 2353 2353 Proficient with Blaster
Vadon Baranar'soth'buundaz Nagai male from Kinooine No Team E 61 64 75 59 74 64 37 0 4 2656 135
Gorvan Bari Gungan male from Naboo No Team C 46 66 45 63 51 53 57 0 7 108 108 Tough
Sprool'leong Barl Duros male (unknown homeworld) No Team C 46 66 54 59 46 45 44 5 5 139 139
Adni Bast Zabrak female from Frithia No Team F 51 56 58 72 58 49 49 32 6 2927 623
Dorme Bazak Ithorian male from Kothlis No Team E 48 51 55 46 54 63 70 0 4 115 115
Iella Bebo Chev female from Nishr No Team C 46 69 52 58 45 66 75 0 4 2116 1632 Guardian
Arb Beck Near-Human male from Atrisia No Team C 46 70 63 49 69 65 68 110 7 10584 1739 Daring
Aklee Bel Human female from Eriadu No Team F 53 51 57 58 57 63 58 0 4 135 135
Arbmab Bela Human male from Troiken No Team F 43 41 43 60 47 43 62 0 5 130 130 Adjusts, Hearty
Uun-Ice Brattakin Benelex Gungan male from Naboo No Team F 52 67 57 73 64 50 60 0 0 1788 1788
Sor'jere Beq Bith male from Trevi IV No Team C 44 76 72 47 44 49 65 2 3 6377 156 Proficient with Passing
Brisha Besa Human female from Cadomai No Team E 45 50 59 43 52 61 49 0 5 124 124 Short, Uncoordinated
Nosschtrick Zhar Beth Human male from Gotal No Team F 51 49 59 61 56 68 44 0 7 136 136 Nimble
Presvere Bey Near-Human male from Belgaroth No Team E 42 45 67 40 51 66 53 2 7 879 879 Chokes in Clutch
Junelle Biulf Frozian male from Froz No Team C 51 64 60 49 55 57 35 0 5 110 110
Ardle Bixa Human male from Socorro No Team C 46 64 46 52 64 44 56 4 5 137 137 Team Leader
Ardle Bixa Human male from Yavin 8 No Team C 51 62 55 55 49 69 62 0 6 91 91 Proficient with Catching, Very Acrobatic
Kammie Bland Ho'Din male from Obroa-skai No Team C 44 74 60 68 60 42 52 3 6 5227 126 Acrobatic, Proficient with Grapple
Kylain Coh Blech-Ghem Near-Human male from Shihon No Team C 53 65 53 53 51 70 66 1 6 137 137 Proficient with Passing, Tall
Arecelis Blin Human male from Talus No Team E 44 62 70 42 58 48 63 5 7 467 467 Ungainly, Very Delicate
Lyal-Shamel Bona Near-Human male from Sanyassa IV No Team F 46 54 48 74 60 44 52 31 7 2135 2135 Proficient with Staff
Harch'tantor Borsen'dor Sullustan male from Vandelhelm No Team E 51 52 54 49 50 62 55 0 1 88 88 Adjusts
Relain-Mexnean Sep Brell Human female from Teevan No Team E 47 51 88 61 63 81 64 92 4 39768 1499
Mezer Brin Geelan male from Needan No Team F 48 46 60 63 51 60 63 5 5 98 98 Acrobatic
Mezer Brin Arkanian male from Thule No Team F 46 57 51 59 44 46 33 0 4 90 90 Proficient with Blaster, Proficient with Staff
Ah Buc Near-Human male from Cormit No Team F 54 61 53 80 52 70 47 100 6 11756 2066 Hearty, Suicidal
Arly Buir Near-Human male from Axion No Team E 48 52 57 53 48 46 65 8 7 107 107 Accurate, Adjusts
Rea'sassich Melne Burgan Sluissi male from Praesitlyn No Team S 46 62 47 44 66 60 61 6 3 98 98
Verga Mao Caeleachair Human male from Trevi IV No Team E 44 53 73 42 53 48 57 0 2 1129 1129 Incredibly Injury Prone, Proficient with Blaster
Castion Cage Human female from Onadax No Team C 49 58 47 50 47 61 35 3 3 120 120 Focused
Harman Kiefer Rudd Sloane Calkyn Human male from Plesstil No Team S 48 46 62 49 70 46 69 3 4 138 138
Nashira Ien Carinth-Logoth Human male from F'tral No Team E 46 44 69 47 47 61 55 0 4 91 91 Accurate
Ysanne-Feeana Cee Human female from Ruuria No Team F 45 49 54 67 43 53 53 4 4 520 520 Proficient with Passing
Pret Chano-Tey Alderaanian male from Prefsbelt IV No Team E 45 52 59 59 47 44 63 4 5 715 715 Injury Prone, Protective
Ali'kas'aris Chenati'fin Devaronian male from Devaron No Team C 46 62 44 55 46 53 70 3 5 111 111 Adaptable, Somewhat Feeble
Droog-Larrad Chinzano-Lessev-Matoone Cerean male from Nar Shaddaa No Team F 46 64 51 69 46 47 63 0 3 103 103 Brilliant with Catching, Proficient with Passing
Hosk Chipple-Kyneulchesro Human male from Paigu No Team S 44 55 49 49 59 42 64 0 3 122 122 Proficient with Grapple, Risk Averse
Jurnel Chode Mon Calamari male from Mantan No Team E 52 53 58 55 50 70 47 3 4 109 109 Tough
Mik Chung Near-Human male from Nelvaan No Team E 45 43 67 54 52 62 48 0 5 139 139 Very Acrobatic
Rute Cless Selonian male from Corellia No Team F 45 61 44 71 58 73 78 48 5 13427 709
Ruuk Codru Duros male from Kwevron No Team F 41 58 44 71 39 53 55 5 6 2724 1499 Brute, Expert with Blaster
Bara Cole Twi'lek female from Corellia No Team C 44 64 64 52 44 42 59 0 4 287 287 Ungainly
Brug Conegan-Corra Human male from Needan No Team C 43 87 42 61 43 73 51 117 5 25180 658
Amon'szardra Bomu Convarion Trandoshan male from Cularin No Team F 44 61 50 64 50 46 40 0 6 95 95 Very Strong
Syla Cooc Gran female from Hok No Team E 49 47 81 58 64 51 57 0 4 3082 3082
Syla Cooc Baragwin female from Denuhi VIII No Team F 51 65 49 68 50 61 40 0 2 121 121 Immobile
Oodonnaa'ostan Cors Gotal male from M'haeli No Team E 45 47 58 52 46 47 54 2 5 132 132 Risky, Somewhat Injury Prone
Icknya Charal Cov Human female from Meris VI No Team S 46 44 46 57 67 46 70 3 4 88 88 Uncoordinated
Thrackan Cray Human male from Cularin No Team E 45 55 67 55 45 51 36 0 4 99 99
Vosa Virar Cray Near-Human male from Taboon No Team E 47 51 60 45 52 68 53 4 3 127 127 Injury Prone
Koffi Gharon Cree'orou Duros male from Harpori No Team C 52 70 50 57 68 53 49 0 8 1780 1780 Adjusts
Cord Daagh-Colgter Near-Human female from Yavin 22 No Team S 47 53 59 48 68 75 58 5 7 113 113 Focused
Naktu Dagwa Sullustan male from Obica No Team C 50 55 48 48 55 66 52 0 3 141 141
Rin Ralgadorr Dahk Human male from Kabal No Team C 51 69 55 57 55 58 70 0 5 113 113 Uncoordinated
Cian Dahl Near-Human female from Uvena Prime No Team F 41 65 53 68 39 47 49 0 7 3733 2611
Astor Dahn Human male from Desevro No Team C 42 63 53 61 40 41 52 3 6 3116 3116
Warshack Dalo Gran male from Cularin No Team S 46 44 47 44 58 50 63 0 4 137 137 Accurate
Wumdi Danga Nimbanel female from Vaynai No Team F 47 45 73 83 52 84 54 93 5 34597 299
Atmino Dare Human male from Vaathkree No Team E 42 42 80 55 53 40 67 6 5 603 603 Very Nimble
Basbakahn Davip Khommite male from Khomm No Team F 43 41 69 75 71 49 26 0 3 770 770 Marksman with Blaster
Bolpuhr Dawun Gotal male from Geridard No Team F 54 54 55 79 62 52 56 13 5 6304 363 Uncoordinated
Cakhmaim Dazon Corellian male from Lianna No Team F 45 60 45 61 44 67 42 0 4 117 117
Vomak De Gotal male from Narg No Team S 46 49 44 47 55 60 49 0 2 91 91 Very Strong
Anirak Deeq Ryn male from Rhinnal No Team F 43 51 59 80 41 54 55 0 6 2038 1413 Risk Averse
Annor Del-Hannad Human male from Drall No Team E 47 51 64 46 50 56 48 0 8 107 107 Strays from Combat, Tall
Adery Derra Deld Zabrak female from Corellia No Team S 52 60 55 50 66 58 57 0 2 138 138 Feeble, Strays from Combat
Alabar Demain-Pau Near-Human male from Noonar No Team C 47 71 51 45 48 57 60 88 8 4200 719 Proficient with Passing
Almir Deova'na Duros male from Onderon No Team S 48 46 50 46 64 60 57 6 5 133 133
Thanaer Fama Desh Near-Human female from Nar Shaddaa No Team S 49 60 52 47 62 82 54 0 5 122 122 Tall
Coolie-Odona Dev Human female from Courkrus No Team F 57 58 55 66 60 63 50 2 6 129 129 Injury Prone, Protective
Sakhisakh DeVay Chadra-Fan male from Chad No Team E 43 41 61 48 54 65 54 0 4 1134 1134 Brilliant with Catching, Short
Smekt Devis Duros male from Jenenma No Team C 51 57 53 53 49 59 53 0 5 137 137
Tin-Dio-Gew Dewes Gran male from Kintan No Team E 45 45 67 61 61 44 55 0 5 103 103
Mix Dharrg-Zel Near-Human male from Nim Drovis No Team F 44 46 42 54 43 59 56 0 4 138 138 Uncoordinated
Tier Ranjyin Dhil Kerestian male from Felacat No Team C 44 59 57 48 46 42 53 0 5 123 123 Brute, Naturally Agile
Tchiery Kora Diath-Green Human female from Korriban No Team S 48 50 46 57 71 49 41 5 4 1389 1389 Muscular, Risky
Baiuntu Dil Near-Human male from Malastare No Team F 47 50 47 60 45 53 65 0 3 123 123 Very Tough
Kyakhta Dod Yinchorri female from Yinchorr No Team S 46 54 56 44 57 44 51 0 6 96 96
Artonian'choi Rha Dodonna Aqualish female from Andosha II No Team F 49 51 47 77 52 47 55 3 4 2087 2087 Injury Prone
Aralina Doneta'ungo Twi'lek female from Vaynai No Team C 47 71 46 46 70 68 43 38 3 10322 943 Chokes in Clutch
Nuuta Doole Chadra-Fan female from Romar No Team S 45 54 44 43 61 47 55 2 4 1078 1078 Short, Somewhat Injury Prone
Luana Kandise Doran-Nace Near-Human female from Najiba No Team E 44 63 71 42 44 43 66 0 5 1421 1421
Rova Dovos Elomin female from Elom No Team E 52 50 59 58 57 71 57 0 5 96 96 Adjusts, Very Accurate, Very Injury Prone
Achonnko Dow Trandoshan male from Sarafur No Team C 46 63 44 53 56 59 45 3 4 115 115 Very Strong
Veerzan Dowwn Givin male from Coruscant No Team C 47 63 57 58 57 45 42 1 4 132 132 Adaptable, Expert with Grapple
Slish'norufu Dra Trandoshan male from Galantos No Team F 44 73 51 75 64 42 38 0 2 1426 1426 Very Strong
Ku'ranjyin Dred Verpine male from Roche No Team S 49 57 47 65 67 55 52 3 2 105 105 Expert with Grapple
Alabar Dree Trandoshan male from Nar Shaddaa No Team C 41 48 40 39 46 55 44 2 6 2662 2662 Graceless, Very Risky, Very Strong
Wryk Espaa Droo Near-Human male from Byss No Team C 48 57 48 54 46 55 52 0 5 139 139 Muscular, Very Injury Prone
Abbela Du Human female from Chalcedon No Team E 46 61 65 50 44 49 48 0 2 130 130 Proficient with Passing, Tough
Benchar Duel-Ell Human male from Rannon No Team E 47 49 70 45 70 57 70 0 5 99 99
Arystul Simikarty Duey-Be Human male from Ando No Team C 44 62 48 42 46 54 42 5 5 102 102
Allisha Dunn Zabrak female from Iridonia No Team S 45 48 45 45 62 43 32 1 6 124 124 Delicate, Proficient with Staff
Sarella Dunn Kiffar female from Kiffex No Team S 43 41 53 43 57 57 39 3 6 2125 2125 Strays from Combat
Borbor Durns-Gomou Human male from Manaan No Team S 45 58 65 50 74 55 60 41 5 4058 1430 Short
Frega Gor Draesinge Durs Twi'lek female from Naalol No Team S 48 53 64 47 76 46 61 3 7 1673 1673 Chokes in Clutch, Graceless, Selfless
Tallet Eddis Baragwin male from Denuhi VIII No Team F 42 62 55 66 40 47 76 5 4 3285 3285 Expert with Blaster, Plodding, Very Accurate
Agrosko Torbin Eldrel Near-Human female from Th'irus No Team E 53 59 77 51 70 62 55 18 3 13099 2069 Guardian
Lorz Manex Ell-Graffe Human male from Cilpar No Team S 50 59 48 59 71 59 52 34 4 5987 886 Very Hearty
Ayra Emala Gamorrean female from Bespin No Team E 48 52 54 46 48 47 29 1 9 93 93
Alole Emos Zabrak male (no homeworld) No Team E 45 62 73 50 54 56 53 42 6 7595 2290 Muscular
Jurga Kolb Enasderi Xexto male from Troiken No Team S 49 47 50 54 68 62 54 3 8 115 115 Hearty, Short
Zlarb Tel Erith Duros male from Ossus No Team S 52 68 65 50 70 55 42 0 1 116 116 Very Daring
Amanoa Ern Human female from Sikurd No Team E 43 46 88 47 41 56 46 0 7 116 116 Accurate, Proficient with Grapple
Alvor Erne Gotal male from Tuulab No Team C 43 51 42 41 47 43 78 0 5 1140 1140 Clutch Player, Very Focused
Daria Eros Near-Human female from Abregado-Rae No Team E 50 62 63 58 48 60 68 3 7 107 107 Brilliant with Passing, Proficient with Blaster
Lernia Asvo Esan Human female from Shili No Team F 50 63 48 69 57 56 51 66 5 6745 1844 Graceless
Abu Macz Esi Human male from Biivren No Team S 50 48 51 49 68 48 57 5 5 122 122 Proficient with Passing
Viconya Tyl Esi Human female from Shantipole No Team S 46 44 57 47 67 62 40 4 2 101 101 Accurate
Bipopa Fac Weequay female from Kloper No Team C 44 78 70 66 42 46 55 0 6 5736 35 Proficient with Blaster
Lania'heon Dreezien Fac Duros male from Kwevron No Team C 51 65 52 51 49 61 52 0 5 103 103 Proficient with Blaster
Cav'il Fal Gotal male from M'haeli No Team C 42 56 41 40 55 40 50 6 4 1417 1417 Very Acrobatic
Reya Lacielo Far-Taneel Barabel male from Korriban No Team F 45 43 48 68 62 53 63 5 6 500 500 Strong
Ch'zana Farvash-Darone Gran female from Dantooine No Team C 44 69 57 46 48 42 39 6 5 90 90 Unnaturally Agile
Uskgarv Shodon Daal Fateau Askajian male from Askaj No Team E 45 43 63 62 49 51 37 0 6 118 118 Adjusts, Proficient with Blaster
Eno Fea Arcona male from Cona No Team S 48 70 46 47 71 62 57 19 5 4874 1738
Kely-Knire Stinwise Felidoron Near-Human female from Zonama Sekot No Team E 50 52 78 56 50 57 63 70 6 10586 3021
Var'koll'eca'ttul Fengris Feskyn Twi'lek male from Mrlsst No Team E 46 46 64 44 57 46 56 4 7 104 104 Expert with Passing, Tall
Karlon Fio Gran male from Dantooine No Team E 45 43 67 61 63 73 51 0 6 107 107 Acrobatic, Expert with Blaster, Proficient with Grapple
Cligot Forbert-Josto Human female from Murk No Team E 47 45 71 46 56 50 41 0 7 1486 1486 Risk Averse, Very Agile
Dassa Teraah Mosa Forto Twi'lek female from Naos No Team E 51 60 63 54 59 49 45 0 5 121 121
Dulse Frel Yevethan male from N'zoth No Team F 43 56 62 80 50 41 66 2 6 731 731 Proficient with Blaster, Risk Averse
Haque Fromm Mandalorian male from Kamino No Team E 55 53 67 54 54 58 51 4 7 115 115 Acrobatic
Sir Halbeet Gallandro Ryn male from Gyndine No Team S 47 45 50 54 59 73 62 0 9 618 618
Chahis'liunb Gand Near-Human male from Phorliss No Team S 45 43 52 47 66 47 67 6 5 1270 1270
Devidia Gant Human female from Lijuter No Team S 50 62 48 66 71 61 56 13 3 4296 1271
Hes Garl Trandoshan male from Sarafur No Team E 41 41 54 43 39 64 57 0 6 3057 3057 Plodding, Very Strong
Huruni Nel Garral Miralukan male from Alpheridies No Team F 41 50 71 74 39 60 64 0 2 3068 1736
M'ayo Gart Human female from Tatooine No Team C 45 66 51 43 55 67 64 0 4 3641 1013 Expert with Passing, Feeble, Risky
Nara-Finux Garyn Sith male from Ch'hodos No Team S 42 66 40 50 70 53 67 0 5 3290 2100
Narees Gessak'tertarrnek Bith male from Trevi IV No Team C 45 79 56 43 52 53 52 113 5 7943 441
Dirneele Ghon Human female from Murkhana No Team C 43 60 52 41 47 67 31 4 2 1002 1002 Proficient with Blaster, Proficient with Catching
Glecka Flan Giba Near-Human female from Esfandia No Team F 44 55 42 69 64 50 48 4 9 606 606 Naturally Accurate
Addath Jundop Goa Duros male from Genarius No Team E 49 59 65 63 48 61 67 6 7 116 116 Incredibly Injury Prone, Strong
Meelto Gomou Ortolan male from Orto No Team F 48 46 61 79 55 60 52 69 2 16704 548 Protective, Short
Lavar Jade Gon Drall male from Iotra No Team E 50 61 78 48 58 56 37 2 5 5959 169
Fabio Clat Goo Human male from Flax No Team S 43 51 56 47 59 65 57 2 6 539 539
Gharon'rudo Anders Goodrow Dug male from Malastare No Team C 36 61 56 34 49 60 51 0 5 140 140 Adjusts, Agile, Short
Baxter Gorr Near-Human male from Clak'Dor VII No Team C 50 75 49 51 75 69 44 117 6 15823 918 Injury Prone, Nimble
Porg Ban Gorr Trandoshan male from Ralltiir No Team C 43 60 43 57 46 56 41 0 2 133 133 Godlike
Morgotou Gosan Human male from D'Skar No Team F 41 64 49 76 53 41 41 0 4 2639 1078
Dutana Gra Hapan female (no homeworld) No Team E 44 55 56 49 43 57 47 4 5 100 100 Hearty
Neesh Grath Near-Human male from Belsavis No Team S 50 49 48 48 57 58 65 2 5 98 98 Very Accurate
Beckar Grave-Santorini Near-Human male from Beheboth No Team E 49 53 56 53 52 59 62 4 3 92 92 Chokes in Clutch, Proficient with Blaster, Proficient with Staff, Very Accurate
Alabar Azard Grhave Trandoshan male from Dathomir No Team C 45 70 49 47 46 43 48 4 6 1329 1329 Very Strong
Alabar Trenwell Guldi Zabrak male from Lorista No Team F 48 56 47 61 46 48 66 4 5 132 132 Delicate, Risk Averse
Rennik'enara Guo Trandoshan female from Pinett No Team F 41 60 39 62 53 51 76 4 5 4101 4101 Graceless, Hearty, Very Strong
Vook Guri Venan male from Vena No Team E 48 46 64 64 58 66 53 0 5 114 114 Feeble
Dreeble Gyad Human female from Brochiib No Team F 42 53 40 76 67 50 78 0 3 1762 561 Delicate, Proficient with Grapple
Sa'holt'allexia Jhorn Mantid Gyyll Twi'lek female from Manaan No Team F 45 43 63 69 59 46 66 0 6 490 490 Proficient with Catching
Voorhorian H'loro Duros male from Fadden No Team E 46 65 76 53 44 44 64 0 3 1273 1273 Nimble
Brafid Haan Near-Human male (unknown homeworld) No Team C 44 61 61 42 50 42 63 5 6 1219 1219
Begas Hack Human male (no homeworld) No Team C 42 70 53 49 42 69 58 0 4 2406 1586 Proficient with Grapple, Strays from Combat
Begas Hack Human male from Er'stacia No Team F 42 49 45 53 52 40 51 5 2 1619 1619 Protective
Dria Halo Human female from Wroona No Team E 48 57 84 51 55 61 56 34 4 16685 1546
Plett Kam Hamachil Daan male from Melida/Daan No Team E 48 46 80 60 72 53 49 60 3 11323 733 Injury Prone
Bejo Hans Human male from Dxun No Team E 45 47 51 43 46 65 68 0 2 133 133
Vhiin'ka'cror Bolera Harson Twi'lek male from Tol Ado No Team E 47 47 71 45 60 53 55 0 7 1732 1732
Phow Hass Trandoshan male from Trandosha No Team C 52 59 52 55 50 61 36 4 5 114 114 Proficient with Catching, Very Strong
Bando Havel'ottekvar'talsava Twi'lek male from Naboo No Team C 50 58 48 56 53 48 46 0 2 97 97 Proficient with Staff
Gara Kuep Hawaz Human male from Cioral No Team F 43 44 41 56 50 53 65 5 7 938 938 Delicate
Althon Hax Human male from Sposia No Team F 49 54 47 70 51 54 63 21 5 6750 2906 Hearty
Balderik Hejaran-Dekker Human male from Datar No Team E 42 40 53 42 44 46 57 0 4 3003 3003 Brute, Uncoordinated
Spid Helaw Talid male from Ando Prime No Team E 57 58 59 57 55 62 57 0 4 99 99 Adaptable, Short
Norufu Aa Herr Near-Human female from Iktotchan No Team F 42 44 40 65 48 58 47 1 10 3405 3405 Clutch Player, Very Daring
Gwig Adonais Hesas Bothan male from Aargau No Team F 46 59 51 68 50 54 48 4 3 122 122
Duena Hesz Human female from Oseon 5631 No Team F 45 45 47 67 54 43 48 3 6 507 507
Bho Hesz-At Near-Human male from Rhiannon No Team F 46 48 44 53 44 47 47 3 5 1978 1978 Proficient with Blaster, Proficient with Grapple, Unfeeling
Nolaa Kak Trier Het Twi'lek female from Teyr No Team S 53 52 57 52 70 51 63 0 1 98 98 Somewhat Injury Prone
Batcheela Hirf Herglic female from Morado No Team S 41 39 45 47 81 46 58 3 3 3272 1730 Very Strong
Garron Hirken-Anen Human male from Antar 4 No Team S 47 45 46 45 52 73 52 0 4 139 139 Very Hearty
Chirita Hoba Near-Human female from Oyokal No Team F 45 62 43 75 56 44 62 3 2 3270 3270 Proficient with Blaster
Tox Hoctu Human male from Taris No Team C 48 52 48 47 48 46 59 0 6 107 107 Strays from Combat
Alton Hol Human male from Poviduze No Team S 48 62 54 47 69 49 58 3 5 107 107 Proficient with Catching
Hagrin Barich Hol Human male from Desevro No Team F 45 55 43 71 61 65 62 46 2 15655 1489 Accurate
Ator Hord'ward Gotal male from Antar 4 No Team S 44 43 51 54 57 46 41 0 6 118 118 Proficient with Blaster
Valry Horle Selonian male from Selonia No Team C 47 60 45 52 46 61 59 4 8 1224 1224 Incredibly Injury Prone
Abran Hu Human male from Lamaredd No Team C 56 68 54 55 63 70 65 0 3 108 108
Darvla Hui Swokes Swokes female from Makem Te No Team E 45 44 56 47 53 43 69 0 4 102 102 Accurate, Immobile
Zon Tirea Hul Duros female from Cularin No Team F 50 58 61 72 66 58 43 18 5 7134 568 Nimble, Powerful
Auben'ruku Hunt Nikto male from Coruscant No Team E 49 67 98 51 47 65 53 119 7 34794 118
Julept'lama Drevin Im Gamorrean male from Derilyn No Team C 40 64 59 38 38 56 76 0 6 643 643 Short, Very Masochistic
Benoni Inek Human male from Sarrelon I No Team C 46 76 57 61 66 50 66 0 6 8979 1582 Brilliant with Passing, Graceless, Muscular
Vosca-Den Iryt Near-Human female from Anobis No Team S 49 49 47 47 59 59 42 5 9 107 107
Ainvar Isp Gotal male from Coruscant No Team E 46 58 63 44 44 69 52 0 5 98 98
Nagem'teebo Issk Nalroni male from Celanon No Team C 57 74 69 70 71 55 59 3 4 2332 2332 Somewhat Injury Prone
Gribbet Ixsan Baragwin male from Denuhi VIII No Team S 45 54 56 43 66 72 47 0 3 96 96 Accurate, Adjusts, Plodding, Proficient with Catching
Amer Jak Human male from Echnos No Team E 54 52 64 64 54 72 64 2 6 129 129
Affric Jal Trandoshan male from Dosha No Team F 46 53 44 66 66 69 58 111 6 9686 3301 Protective, Very Strong
Brryg Jannarc-Telo Near-Human male from Copero No Team S 42 48 57 46 62 44 32 0 4 2703 2703 Expert with Catching, Short
Chom Neala Jari Near-Human female from Nam Chorios No Team E 42 56 76 75 52 40 54 0 4 1488 1488
Berethon Jarn Near-Human male from Ukio No Team E 43 51 68 59 41 63 65 0 3 96 96 Muscular, Very Acrobatic
R'r'sh Jeers'diggs'gerrat Bothan male from Bothawui No Team C 45 56 55 45 43 55 65 0 5 979 979 Feeble, Graceless
Ris Merisee Jeht Near-Human female from Devaron No Team F 43 49 41 61 56 49 57 5 5 692 692
Berandis Jev-Rogos Near-Human male from Tion No Team S 42 60 50 64 68 59 40 4 5 388 388
Cyra Freely Jia Near-Human female from Dreena No Team S 41 53 56 39 66 46 33 0 7 3202 3202 Adjusts
Amos Jik Human male from Lok No Team S 42 52 55 53 57 40 52 0 2 2275 2275 Ungainly
Isoh Joben Venan male from Vena No Team C 48 73 65 62 56 46 53 4 2 2829 125 Proficient with Catching
Arkan Jong-Sareeta Human male from Garos IV No Team E 42 42 72 43 40 62 64 0 6 2476 1615
Dunstal Jorel Sullustan male from Pirik No Team C 43 69 42 59 41 46 51 0 6 1022 1022 Proficient with Passing
Darnada Ledwellow Jun Svivreni male from Thonner No Team C 49 73 54 55 47 51 56 2 5 2339 2339 Acrobatic, Injury Prone
Tar Jusik Snivvian male from Cadomai No Team F 47 63 54 65 45 56 45 6 5 669 669 Expert with Grapple
Dara Ka-Re Human female from Council No Team S 46 44 51 57 75 54 67 41 4 4974 977
Nephle'keye Kaal Duros male from Nam Chorios No Team E 43 42 67 44 46 56 54 0 9 1821 1821
Zovaren Kad-Noorr Human male from Kessel No Team S 48 55 60 46 63 55 64 0 8 133 133 Proficient with Staff, Ungainly
Xad Kahn Human male from Mima II No Team C 41 67 62 54 58 56 57 0 4 3739 2650 Chokes in Clutch
Alain Kai Human female from Norulac No Team F 42 59 43 85 59 41 44 2 7 2631 1831
Bargeth Kailrethilrin-Ka Human male from Dentaal No Team C 44 58 44 56 49 43 47 0 6 630 630
Alandra Kam Human female from Togoria No Team E 45 59 72 53 67 57 50 40 6 10114 1084 Proficient with Catching
Besh Kanu Human male from M'haeli No Team E 46 46 62 53 44 46 49 6 3 112 112 Proficient with Blaster
Zuur Kanu Mirialan male from Mirial No Team F 45 62 51 85 61 85 66 313 3 41754 1055
Rowel Kass Duros male from Onderon No Team E 46 44 67 50 51 71 59 3 7 107 107 Adjusts
Yaff'lushros Kass Defel male from Reaper's World No Team F 43 44 42 68 68 41 64 0 2 1469 1007 Clutch Player
Ellona Katt Human female (unknown homeworld) No Team S 48 65 48 52 69 62 62 5 7 117 117 Proficient with Staff
Choaaty Irkaniel Kcaj Human male from Gbu No Team S 46 44 53 53 73 47 61 0 6 1614 1614 Proficient with Passing, Very Focused
Ziris Fannis Keb Zabrak male from Iridonia No Team E 42 56 69 40 60 59 60 0 5 1332 1332
Aleas Kej Near-Human female from Korda 6 No Team C 43 61 54 41 45 50 49 0 5 138 138 Proficient with Grapple, Proficient with Staff
Flalios Tzizvvt Kek-Hyx Near-Human male from Iego No Team C 43 64 51 53 52 43 50 2 8 109 109
Dagga'kinsa Kenten'arakyd'frohurst Twi'lek female from Corellia No Team S 49 62 55 50 67 81 53 0 8 129 129 Proficient with Grapple
Aay Ker Near-Human male from Danuta No Team F 45 57 60 69 67 43 46 0 3 105 105 Protective
Shrag Baxendahl Kil Human male from Ferrhast No Team E 47 45 54 52 53 50 48 5 5 260 260
Tray Lula Koat Human female from Aruza No Team S 58 56 57 58 65 71 58 0 6 126 126 Delicate
Aelon Koda-Nahm Human male from Lobaoc No Team E 48 50 67 48 46 46 56 0 6 115 115 Proficient with Blaster
Tekli Kraymunder-Goluum Cerean female from Cerea No Team F 44 63 44 64 42 52 47 0 4 390 390 Accurate, Very Risky
Mak Meris Krenimec-Bettle Near-Human male from Leritor No Team C 44 67 43 50 47 62 68 0 5 138 138 Acrobatic
Man Star Krim Near-Human female from Bundim No Team S 41 39 42 45 50 53 50 0 1 2703 2703 Very Hearty
Zazu Misou Kronn-Ta Near-Human female from Corellia No Team C 45 69 58 56 45 43 26 0 5 100 100 Brilliant with Passing, Proficient with Blaster, Very Accurate
Aia Kut Twi'lek male (unknown homeworld) No Team E 42 40 77 56 41 40 55 0 3 2647 2647
Thug Kybo Gamorrean male from Thyferra No Team C 48 55 53 53 50 75 44 4 7 129 129 Tough
Ettal Kyll Human female from Vasha No Team S 43 69 42 48 81 51 38 2 4 6022 260 Incredibly Focused
Weesh Lan Rodian male from Tatooine No Team S 41 51 50 48 64 55 73 7 6 6290 796
Bobi Lane Human male from Rafa V No Team F 52 55 57 71 50 50 53 6 6 1363 1363 Adjusts
Evasta Lane Human female from Prildaz No Team E 50 64 73 52 49 59 65 66 2 13797 1888 Very Acrobatic
Venorra Lane Trandoshan female from Dathomir No Team F 43 41 49 60 46 55 49 0 2 470 470 Proficient with Catching, Very Strong
Moplin Leats Rodian male from Dathomir No Team C 51 62 55 56 56 55 65 0 7 119 119 Ungainly
Bodu Leem Human male from Sposia No Team S 43 41 50 56 64 56 52 0 5 1485 1485 Daring, Guardian
Achonnko Li Near-Human male from Refgar No Team E 44 42 74 42 46 59 70 39 5 5219 458
Van'erg'hydra Pasiq Li Twi'lek male from Taris No Team E 43 53 59 43 41 66 54 0 1 1252 1252 Acrobatic, Guardian
Borert Li-Volune Near-Human male from Nal Hutta No Team E 50 48 74 63 52 56 62 0 4 4005 284 Somewhat Injury Prone
All'br'be Limoth'lonnel Devaronian male from Brentaal No Team E 44 50 66 42 48 69 60 2 5 127 127
Mawin'kardue Links'molan'nagag Caamasi male from Caamas No Team E 46 55 61 44 55 55 50 0 4 108 108
Hem Feckle Linn Bothan male from Malrev No Team S 46 48 55 54 67 48 39 0 5 90 90 Adaptable, Proficient with Grapple
Adair Lis Human male from Copperline No Team E 48 54 79 68 46 59 50 111 7 20596 2311 Nimble, Very Accurate
Anj Borin Lis Near-Human male from Jenenma No Team C 48 66 59 46 58 74 43 0 6 108 108 Proficient with Blaster
Hurley-Na Lis'nar Klatooinan female from Coruscant No Team E 54 64 65 63 53 58 32 0 6 135 135 Proficient with Passing, Very Accurate
Alvor Mithus Lloyn-Yidrath Human male from Cularin No Team E 52 51 60 55 51 59 64 0 4 92 92 Proficient with Passing, Tall
Acun Lo Near-Human male from Ceriun No Team S 41 39 60 46 76 53 56 0 5 4472 3020 Proficient with Blaster
Domisari'lethin Loca Ithorian male from Kothlis No Team F 46 52 48 75 64 51 69 6 3 8743 2439 Somewhat Feeble
Pa'nim'beedee Lodik Nikto female from Asmeru No Team F 46 56 44 66 54 72 29 5 6 122 122
Aruden Loms Gotal male from Antar 4 No Team F 41 51 57 70 39 54 48 5 3 3024 1834 Graceless
Fave Loms Near-Human female from Rori No Team C 43 83 44 57 60 41 48 3 7 1892 1430
Aleha Lona Rodian female from Caluula No Team E 50 48 61 53 55 57 55 3 6 129 129 Proficient with Staff
Naz'be Loogg Vodran male from Vodran No Team S 43 45 41 47 68 46 64 0 6 652 652 Delicate, Hearty, Proficient with Catching
Aia Los Duros female from Onderon No Team C 44 54 53 44 51 51 53 5 5 258 258 Graceless, Risk Averse
Brigta Tebut Los Human female from Trian No Team F 47 53 45 54 48 48 71 3 5 125 125 Proficient with Blaster
Feinu Losa Human female from Ord Mantell No Team E 41 47 55 51 51 53 37 0 5 2990 2990 Proficient with Staff
Gwynn Jolli Lu Near-Human female from Rampa I No Team S 45 43 44 47 50 50 44 0 4 100 100 Very Injury Prone
Maddie Lup Human male from Elrood No Team F 47 45 45 66 48 48 59 0 2 136 136
Borth Lusoff-Yo Human male from Relephon No Team F 41 63 39 69 39 58 68 0 4 3943 2787 Risky
Ullumub Lyell Chadra-Fan male from Metellos No Team E 47 49 69 48 53 45 48 0 3 110 110 Short
Fema Maal Human female (unknown homeworld) No Team S 43 72 59 42 86 50 44 4 6 1977 1557 Proficient with Blaster
Saelt'gack Maal Pho Ph'eahian male from Pho Ph'eah No Team C 49 75 47 70 55 49 63 11 4 4513 669 Acrobatic, Proficient with Catching
Fy'yel'daos Larker Maddaan Verpine male from Roche No Team F 52 55 58 62 54 50 49 2 7 105 105 Daring, Somewhat Feeble
Adion Madiry-Ophasmyct Near-Human male from Kuras No Team C 43 79 57 73 43 42 32 0 1 2167 1326 Daring, Unnaturally Agile
Rolanda'lyt Alverite Maglea Pa'lowick male (no homeworld) No Team C 43 68 52 41 59 60 67 0 8 1856 1856 Muscular
Malis Mouk Mai Duros male from Telos No Team S 44 56 64 55 66 42 39 0 5 134 134 Very Daring
Tanogo Mak Chadra-Fan male from Nar Shaddaa No Team S 48 58 46 58 68 78 49 4 5 93 93 Short
Borjak Makk Human male from Alderaan No Team E 41 47 59 46 53 40 85 0 4 2185 2185 Expert with Blaster, Proficient with Catching
Balig Maldean-Bindoo Near-Human male from Danteel No Team C 45 56 46 43 49 56 38 0 2 90 90 Hearty, Proficient with Staff
Prall Bu Cahey Malek Chevin male from Gamorr No Team S 57 67 56 58 68 79 47 1 7 105 105 Ungainly
Tolokai Mall Kel Dor female from Coruscant No Team E 47 70 87 81 66 45 45 15 3 5431 1646 Very Clumsy
Menndo Mamam-Myr Human male from Ord Cestus No Team F 45 59 45 64 43 54 57 0 4 100 100 Guardian
Ado Man Human male from Svivren No Team C 45 60 50 58 43 50 54 1 5 135 135 Guardian, Proficient with Staff
Alok-Harme Man Near-Human male from Zonama Sekot No Team S 48 49 57 48 90 51 56 11 4 14037 7 Very Acrobatic
Osman-Vi Man Human male from Cularin No Team E 46 55 81 49 79 54 46 32 9 10852 31 Accurate, Injury Prone
Tarsus Bandor Krayle Mar Zabrak male from Nar Shaddaa No Team E 54 52 68 63 61 58 67 0 4 130 130 Proficient with Blaster
Ujii Mar Mandalorian female from Manda'yaim No Team S 43 81 56 56 82 53 57 0 5 1783 1783 Adjusts, Proficient with Grapple
Haera Mar-Prax Human female from Spira No Team C 46 55 54 52 44 48 67 0 5 112 112 Proficient with Blaster
Brannij Harkor Markos Human male from Naporar No Team S 49 59 54 47 65 75 58 0 1 118 118
Whuvuum Shia Markos Gamorrean female from Kidron No Team E 41 39 57 56 43 59 61 0 6 417 417 Proficient with Blaster, Proficient with Passing
Filla Marn Near-Human female from Endor No Team F 48 49 50 59 48 46 45 7 5 117 117 Very Hearty
Borus Masu Human male from Bellassa No Team S 44 69 57 56 81 48 64 50 7 7918 367
Rednax Kwi Maximus Falleen female from Hocekureem No Team C 48 64 46 57 52 55 66 3 8 100 100 Proficient with Blaster
Twik Masda Maxx Near-Human female from Panatha No Team S 44 48 66 42 67 56 40 0 4 131 131
Foolookoola Mays Human female from Ord Radama No Team C 41 56 39 44 42 67 37 4 4 2256 2256 Incredibly Weak
Aima Melams-Phai Human female from Ieria No Team S 50 52 48 49 64 49 45 5 6 130 130 Very Strong
Adson Mer Near-Human male from Equanus No Team F 45 43 43 67 58 43 50 0 3 89 89
So Dawc Merkon Kubaz male from Garnib No Team E 50 49 77 60 58 51 80 0 5 5243 196 Proficient with Passing, Protective
Vissfil'poy Mesa'mog Ho'Din male from Caluula No Team E 44 59 76 70 55 42 52 0 2 2004 2004
Kitak Glarc Mimb Human male from Arbra No Team F 50 53 48 68 59 54 64 0 4 105 105
Ssoh Jia Miran Trandoshan female from Dosha No Team F 52 56 54 62 50 51 34 2 5 122 122 Hearty, Proficient with Catching, Very Strong
Arkeld Miro Duros male from Aquilae No Team S 45 46 43 63 64 56 33 0 4 99 99 Proficient with Blaster
Aeon Mit Human male from Cioral No Team S 45 43 45 59 65 61 68 4 4 1154 1154
Ator Tinto Mit Zabrak male from Anobis No Team C 46 58 51 46 44 64 62 1 6 137 137
Almir Mohc Rodian male from Kessel No Team S 43 67 57 42 72 55 40 6 5 867 447 Adjusts, Tough
Arlan Mohc Duros male from Vaynai No Team C 45 66 50 55 45 43 51 4 5 103 103 Strays from Combat
Kinfarg Khell Monite Mon Calamari male from Lok No Team E 50 48 68 64 59 50 55 0 3 118 118 Brute, Proficient with Catching, Short
Marshoo Polpot Mossa Ithorian male from Torina No Team S 46 51 44 44 55 51 67 0 7 130 130 Immortal, Proficient with Passing
Gaitzi Mozh Near-Human female from Muunilinst No Team F 42 50 54 55 46 58 63 0 3 2373 2373
Kerrick'ekh So Mozh Lorrdian male from Lorrd No Team S 43 41 45 44 70 69 54 0 5 1880 977 Team Leader
Galney Muro Human female from Sisk No Team C 45 56 43 47 46 73 56 5 6 112 112 Somewhat Injury Prone
Ohaftolaris Muro Near-Human female from Wroona No Team S 43 44 43 41 70 74 65 0 3 117 117 Very Daring
Bimbam Muse Twi'lek male from Mrlsst No Team E 48 50 61 58 46 62 65 7 5 112 112 Guardian, Incredibly Injury Prone
Toirboggle Myrishi-Korpil Near-Human male from Champala No Team S 44 69 63 44 71 42 59 6 9 1695 1695
Ambaln Cirrilla Naar Near-Human female from Praesitlyn No Team E 48 46 88 46 54 77 50 126 6 25407 1339 Daring
Aru Vundar Kash Naberrie Zabrak male from Anobis No Team E 46 44 91 49 79 71 54 108 3 27401 470 Chokes in Clutch, Proficient with Passing, Proficient with Staff
Stoghin'malta Nagag Devaronian female from Reena No Team C 51 69 50 67 49 71 48 35 5 9275 989
Rullak Ven Naian Herglic male from Baramorra No Team S 49 72 68 47 79 47 52 1 3 3660 1059 Very Strong
Moppo Nall Near-Human male from Culroon No Team E 46 44 68 48 49 61 41 0 5 103 103 Acrobatic
Candabrine Lytus Nandy Human female from Celanon No Team F 49 56 56 72 66 47 43 0 0 1730 1730
Carena Nar-Yarrow Near-Human female from Ripoblus No Team C 48 59 55 46 54 63 51 1 6 124 124
Rozatta Naria Bothan female from Thaere Privo No Team C 58 68 56 61 61 65 63 0 1 103 103
Samnt Crim Narn Near-Human male from Sibisime No Team E 46 48 65 51 57 75 46 0 7 129 129 Expert with Passing, Ungainly
Heltiss Gisk Nataz Lannik male from Lannik No Team E 46 48 65 44 48 58 50 0 5 142 142 Expert with Staff, Proficient with Catching, Very Hearty
Aves Nath Gotal male from Tuulab No Team E 42 40 65 49 57 46 44 0 4 415 415 Adaptable, Strays from Combat
Brak Navander'chistor Sullustan male from Cularin No Team S 46 48 58 44 70 51 58 0 6 1770 1770 Proficient with Blaster, Very Acrobatic, Very Hearty
Annowiskri Bilsek Ne Trandoshan male from Ord Mantell No Team C 46 60 54 46 44 76 50 86 10 8305 1391 Very Strong
Shalera Leethe Ne Snivvian male from Taris No Team C 47 63 45 53 50 48 53 0 3 108 108
Dob Zori Needalb Rellarin female from Rellnas Minor No Team S 41 45 39 45 61 52 63 4 4 3538 3538 Powerful, Tall
Binn Neeel-Sesro Human male from Rondai-2 No Team E 42 40 63 45 46 55 51 1 7 361 361 Proficient with Passing, Short
Ta'tru'bley Nett Twi'lek male from Murkhana No Team S 46 44 52 52 68 44 66 0 4 1954 1954 Very Hearty
Roron Nha'daele Rodian male from Anaxes No Team E 46 49 77 56 58 46 61 4 6 1430 1430 Incredibly Injury Prone, Proficient with Passing
Beyele Niik Khommite male from Khomm No Team E 45 45 74 56 68 43 36 3 7 1221 1221
Nanda Marae Ka Niik Human female from Nez Peron No Team C 42 69 40 47 67 75 72 90 5 11687 859 Adjusts, Proficient with Grapple
Barst Nimablu-Dorvin Human male from Lasan No Team C 44 68 42 42 53 66 26 3 6 138 138 Proficient with Staff
Abyssinian Ackmena Nin Human female from Abregado-Rae No Team F 44 48 42 65 43 66 50 4 5 114 114 Incredibly Injury Prone
Gerell Ninx Human female from Sullust No Team E 47 47 77 45 49 47 27 4 7 956 956 Proficient with Passing, Very Injury Prone
Sa'massac Ninx Duros male from Ossus No Team E 42 68 83 40 59 41 54 0 5 1117 1117 Hearty
Laudica Ziamzun Nnac Moggonite male from Arorlia No Team S 46 44 48 51 81 71 50 97 7 24512 792 Proficient with Passing, Somewhat Injury Prone, Tall
Ika Tatavan Nod Human female from Najarka No Team F 42 47 57 59 41 59 49 0 5 1469 1469
Darion Luha Noko Human female from Echnos No Team C 46 66 60 44 62 49 40 0 1 113 113 Clutch Player
Bigluu'groot Nonnaihr'dorits Bith male from Clak'Dor IV No Team F 51 57 52 67 59 51 38 2 6 108 108
Kloot'cakhmaim Norz Aqualish male from Kiffex No Team C 49 76 64 47 70 65 41 114 7 13126 441 Tall
Fillorean'girt Nos Rodian male from Socorro No Team F 44 42 48 62 57 54 61 5 7 119 119 Focused
Barpotomous'orona Noth Duros female from Kwevron No Team E 47 60 67 45 47 45 44 0 5 87 87 Very Acrobatic
Lyssa Kymball Novan Rellarin male from Rellnas Minor No Team E 44 50 57 42 54 48 53 0 6 134 134 Powerful, Tall
Eiko Nu-Elangeley Near-Human female from Eirrauus No Team S 44 46 50 54 58 70 64 3 4 116 116
Lamuu Nuiv Trandoshan male from Pinett No Team E 46 46 60 44 50 68 47 4 7 114 114 Expert with Grapple, Very Strong
Dap'wilam Nuur Duros male from Jenenma No Team C 46 62 44 45 44 57 58 3 6 105 105 Proficient with Passing
Velst O'kwan Iskalonian male from Julsujod No Team E 45 54 65 56 48 44 54 0 3 95 95 Hearty, Proficient with Grapple
Sossk Obbin Mon Calamari male from Thonner No Team E 51 53 79 51 63 49 52 1 6 2676 75 Proficient with Passing
Ssorku Obrim Selonian male from Corellia No Team F 47 47 45 65 60 53 57 0 5 121 121 Tough, Very Daring
Anibi Ode Near-Human female from Bortras No Team E 51 53 66 49 59 72 28 4 5 89 89
Anii Ohr Near-Human female from Morado No Team E 55 61 77 53 75 55 68 39 6 4026 4026
Rutu Olko Human male from Phorliss No Team E 42 66 69 44 50 40 46 0 5 316 316 Brute
Thrung Omis Ithorian male from Cularin No Team S 46 50 44 52 53 64 62 2 4 119 119 Powerful
Nile Ry Orn Human female from Tammuz-an No Team E 50 63 67 58 48 52 42 0 4 111 111 Adjusts, Injury Prone
Morst Osh Near-Human male from Pelemax No Team C 53 76 58 55 51 63 49 16 5 6665 2152 Injury Prone
Peshk Lorennion Paam Weequay male from Vaynai No Team E 44 55 75 59 52 49 65 1 1 4147 4147 Adaptable
Kymn Rivo Page Human male from Alaris Prime No Team S 49 63 57 56 89 52 58 27 3 15951 695 Proficient with Passing
Asco Jiinan Pau Human male from Albecus No Team S 47 56 54 45 60 61 53 0 6 845 845 Expert with Grapple
Annowiskri Paz Near-Human female from Lamaredd No Team S 43 60 55 45 70 74 43 0 5 97 97
Reug Paz Chadra-Fan male from Chad No Team C 48 77 55 58 46 47 51 1 2 1302 1302 Expert with Blaster, Short, Strong
Boonta Pazz Defel female from Genarius No Team C 46 64 47 45 44 44 68 0 5 725 725 Proficient with Blaster, Tall
Vorta Syrin Peck Human female (unknown homeworld) No Team C 46 52 51 44 52 52 59 0 2 126 126 Risk Averse
Nonak Simons Pepe Human male from Csilla No Team E 47 48 55 48 45 68 57 4 5 120 120 Proficient with Passing
Andria Petrivoor-Coor Human female from Nar Shaddaa No Team F 46 61 48 72 44 64 54 110 5 16140 821 Delicate, Frail
Haruko Phin Human female from Arthon No Team E 45 53 65 49 45 43 27 0 5 360 360 Expert with Passing, Graceless, Proficient with Blaster, Proficient with Staff
Baltharog Piin Gotal male from Engebo V No Team S 49 50 54 53 59 47 45 0 5 95 95 Graceless, Tough, Very Delicate
Tombat Dalhney Piksoar Miralukan male from Katarr No Team F 43 55 54 77 41 50 47 0 5 2128 2128
Allya Plo Zabrak female from Lorista No Team E 44 42 65 60 48 49 59 2 9 113 113 Muscular
Igniv Rey Pomt-Cvetkovic Human male from Cartao No Team E 44 42 76 65 55 61 69 4 5 11041 837 Proficient with Blaster, Proficient with Catching
Dreddon Pong Ishi Tib male from Coruscant No Team F 52 60 60 61 50 53 63 0 4 102 102 Proficient with Blaster, Proficient with Grapple
Haash'gujdim Pqis Ithorian male from Gelgelar No Team E 51 49 77 61 52 72 57 42 8 27653 1048 Protective, Ungainly
Orax Tal Proscht Daan male from Melida/Daan No Team C 45 69 68 63 56 43 37 4 8 122 122 Proficient with Passing
Burra Puhr Human male from Manaan No Team E 48 66 68 68 60 46 65 0 3 108 108
Gargonn Puhr Nimbanel male from Kip No Team E 41 39 63 40 56 59 42 3 7 4507 4507 Proficient with Grapple
Akim Pym Human male from Celanon No Team E 44 69 70 52 64 42 53 1 7 115 115 Nimble, Very Daring
Alpiett Pym Gotal male from Esfandia No Team S 43 52 41 52 63 55 47 6 5 132 132
Akkar Pyn Human male from Sorimow No Team S 48 46 46 52 59 63 60 6 4 116 116 Protective
Glorga Qalu Epicanthix female from Caprioril No Team F 44 58 61 75 50 48 46 1 1 6341 390 Protective
J'anu-Sai Qol-Tarpilan Gran female from Oovo IV No Team C 44 80 70 43 48 46 52 11 7 3973 1372 Protective
Alam Qui Near-Human male from Zhanox No Team C 43 56 51 41 43 56 63 4 6 115 115 Very Daring
Azrakel Quin Trandoshan male from Sarafur No Team C 53 62 51 55 52 63 60 0 4 93 93 Graceless, Very Strong
Bovit Quo'queecon Rodian male (unknown homeworld) No Team S 49 54 47 62 78 75 62 112 2 23607 31 Acrobatic, Protective
Aereena Ra Human female from Sarafur No Team E 44 42 97 52 73 71 50 75 5 39238 448 Adjusts
Dorset Ra-Maw Human female from Vycynith No Team E 47 45 64 50 64 47 36 4 4 120 120 Brute
Grodo Rada Ishi Tib male (no homeworld) No Team S 46 60 47 44 71 54 62 0 4 1628 1628 Adjusts
Breg Raz Near-Human male from Yityl No Team S 44 47 54 45 82 63 67 119 5 24815 597
Ame Rcharrz'revoc Duros male from Telos No Team E 52 56 69 69 59 50 26 0 6 127 127 Proficient with Catching
Eeshrin Ren Kel Dor male from Pantolomin No Team E 58 69 72 56 67 56 63 2 3 2595 2595 Strays from Combat
Bao Inea Brec Rhinann Shistavanen male from Uvena Prime No Team F 44 50 50 74 58 42 66 0 7 1354 1354 Proficient with Blaster
Narmle Lyis Rhine Frozian male from Froz No Team F 41 71 39 74 52 49 45 0 6 3848 2696
Acle Rho Twi'lek female from Taris No Team C 51 61 55 49 53 60 60 0 3 132 132 Adjusts
Altros Riv Zabrak male from Cularin No Team E 46 60 62 58 44 66 60 0 4 100 100 Graceless
Dren Ro Gotal male from Coruscant No Team C 45 56 48 43 54 64 31 0 8 109 109 Expert with Grapple, Strays from Combat
Catarine Jev Romanski Human female from Poytta No Team C 43 65 58 54 41 56 60 0 7 119 119
Nooga Roor Iskalonian female from Aquaris No Team C 57 74 67 55 55 66 54 20 4 8133 19
Nullada Ross Klatooinan female from Byblos No Team E 49 51 68 64 47 82 56 6 6 88 88 Master with Catching
Lial'iean'sha Rox Twi'lek female from Taris No Team S 43 44 41 43 53 55 36 6 7 405 405 Proficient with Grapple
Kei'wao'obdulla Roxe Devaronian female from Fenves No Team F 44 60 57 65 58 42 46 0 6 89 89 Proficient with Staff
Omin Kaimer Ruda Daan male from Melida/Daan No Team E 46 57 61 48 45 44 45 0 5 680 680
Andria Fal Saacronal Human female from Bandomeer No Team E 53 65 70 63 60 58 33 4 4 6850 310
Ribba Saam Near-Human female from Tizon No Team S 47 51 49 46 69 45 37 3 3 99 99 Adjusts, Proficient with Staff
Alic Sah Near-Human male from Krevas No Team E 51 50 84 63 49 57 52 61 4 11351 1545 Proficient with Grapple
Tup'hissal Sal Sullustan male from Essowyn No Team S 42 44 42 42 72 58 41 4 5 2325 1505 Muscular, Proficient with Grapple
Asant San Human female from Kroctar No Team S 46 45 48 44 67 49 46 4 7 108 108
Gjeel Sarden-Orde Near-Human male from Granna No Team C 47 73 60 56 45 60 67 122 7 7916 3560 Uncoordinated
Orvak Ayy Sazz Talid male from Ando Prime No Team C 50 70 56 48 56 51 34 0 8 1118 29 Tough
Lom Vrei Seenath Arkanian female from Nar Shaddaa No Team E 45 59 64 43 62 71 45 17 4 12315 520 Proficient with Blaster
Boelo Rayl Sen Zabrak male from Anobis No Team E 51 50 66 49 60 53 59 0 3 109 109 Delicate, Very Tough
Bertrum Tolamyn Serro-Zom Human male from Genesia No Team E 44 47 57 49 54 42 51 3 7 387 387 Proficient with Blaster
Alku Sha Human male from Korriban No Team C 45 64 61 45 53 43 60 3 6 635 635 Clutch Player
Vogga Shah Duros female from Saloch No Team F 45 47 43 49 47 67 54 0 6 133 133 Incredibly Injury Prone, Proficient with Staff
Arkvis Nyeb Sheff Human male from Iktotch No Team C 46 66 45 60 56 70 60 0 3 909 425
Narees Siev Dug male from Malastare No Team S 52 51 54 53 74 50 68 0 4 1263 1263 Agile, Short, Titan
Narees Siev Issori male from Trulalis No Team C 45 54 44 49 50 68 41 0 3 1184 1184 Adjusts, Strays from Combat
Jaxa-Vernuss Sirl Gran male from Malastare No Team C 49 68 63 47 53 54 63 8 9 111 111 Proficient with Catching, Risk Averse
Dagga Sma-Kinnet Human female from Lanthrym No Team E 41 62 71 61 40 64 75 0 3 2239 1014
Chirome Smarx-Nett Near-Human female from Nam Chorios No Team E 45 43 70 51 63 64 62 5 5 889 889 Proficient with Blaster
Zyn Seek Trenor So Rellarin male from Rellnas Minor No Team S 45 49 51 43 70 55 63 0 4 112 112 Insane, Powerful, Tall
Mone Somo Ishi Tib male from Dathomir No Team S 54 65 60 59 66 52 60 3 8 116 116 Strays from Combat
Luur'zatec Sypikne Strego Trandoshan male from Pinett No Team C 46 63 62 44 45 60 47 4 4 131 131 Very Strong
Anoon Ijaaz Pohar Sundar Twi'lek male from Ralme IV No Team E 46 44 60 53 54 49 73 0 3 93 93 Unnaturally Agile
Lon'sh Surn Coynite male from Coyn No Team S 48 47 47 46 51 71 37 0 5 111 111 Strong
Ire Synn Weequay male from Sriluur No Team F 43 61 41 64 57 54 48 5 4 128 128
Biris T'Qul Human male from Farrfin No Team E 47 64 72 52 63 45 42 0 4 1666 1666 Adjusts
Asvo Tai Human female from Th'irus No Team F 47 54 45 57 50 65 54 0 2 132 132 Chokes in Clutch, Guardian, Proficient with Passing
Nabat'dervis Tafo Belha Tai Twi'lek female from Nar Shaddaa No Team E 47 61 75 45 71 54 61 11 3 10747 3666 Proficient with Grapple
Greeta Tallav-Ordona Human female from Rinn No Team S 50 59 56 48 70 57 55 0 7 108 108 Accurate, Proficient with Blaster
Randil Tanoor'desilijic'coome Bothan male from Kidron No Team S 42 55 68 52 72 46 75 0 3 1550 537 Chokes in Clutch
Dznori Tantor-Braittrand Human female from Makem Te No Team S 53 58 60 51 68 67 57 0 3 122 122 Proficient with Blaster, Very Ungainly
Marshoo'thosscon Taskelor-Kerioth Near-Human male from Skor II No Team S 46 56 48 44 60 59 70 3 6 431 431 Adjusts, Strong
Kletoo Dunnit Te Zeltron male from Zeltros No Team S 43 44 49 62 74 44 30 4 5 1944 1019 Proficient with Staff, Very Injury Prone, Weak
Wald Lom Telari Ithorian male from Naboo No Team E 46 44 62 53 50 55 54 3 6 468 468 Very Focused
Figrin Teldan'findo Sullustan male from Seikosha No Team C 43 69 48 57 45 42 54 0 6 126 126 Acrobatic, Somewhat Injury Prone
Kyn'j'orssk'vosa Tell Coynite female (unknown homeworld) No Team C 44 70 70 53 42 43 63 6 5 6410 6410 Daring, Guardian, Strong
Shi Aleema Kiyanu Telsh Zabrak male from Telos No Team S 49 47 51 53 60 52 42 0 6 109 109
Atris Ten Human female from Belnar No Team C 43 57 46 42 53 46 57 0 4 1003 1003
Mar'lern'clat Garrulan Teraah Twi'lek male from Cotellier No Team S 47 45 46 52 61 61 65 5 5 113 113 Masochistic
Adorn Tesc-Ten Human male from Darlyn Boda No Team S 43 51 49 41 74 56 37 4 9 1660 328 Proficient with Staff, Very Hearty
Altros Tev Near-Human male from Charubah No Team E 44 44 78 52 68 49 65 5 4 7389 286 Brute
Lugh Tibeeme-Finuej-Reiko Cerean male from Cerea No Team F 48 47 49 78 63 53 60 101 5 4922 1441 Proficient with Passing
Fola Errat Maris Till Human female from Barlok No Team F 44 55 48 69 52 43 45 0 6 509 509 Proficient with Staff, Uncoordinated
Daroe Tion Aqualish male from Kiffex No Team C 49 67 47 59 66 55 51 0 4 98 98 Proficient with Grapple, Ungainly
Emie Tion-Me Human female from Ossel II No Team F 47 59 52 73 71 46 53 1 6 1451 1451 Proficient with Catching
Emlee Trunkel Torlnet Human female from Zonama Sekot No Team E 49 51 90 72 64 58 71 14 6 12684 11 Proficient with Catching, Somewhat Injury Prone
Arcuse Toschecyrs Near-Human female from Arden No Team S 45 48 51 45 56 59 67 0 6 138 138 Graceless
Meila'oskaa Tran'lusoff Gotal female from Esfandia No Team E 46 44 69 44 59 53 50 4 7 96 96
Diva Enwandung Treidum Talid male from Ando Prime No Team S 53 66 67 51 69 57 62 0 5 102 102 Daring, Proficient with Staff
Marama-Terandi Trel Talz female from Alzoc No Team E 59 67 73 57 62 64 59 36 4 2207 2207 Monstrous
Baltke Tuc Tynnan male from Tynna No Team E 51 59 67 67 49 54 60 0 2 120 120 Adjusts
Avlin Tur Near-Human female from Oyokal No Team S 45 44 60 63 77 43 62 0 4 1585 1585
Tamtel Grindol Tur-Farley Human female from Sanza No Team S 43 45 41 52 56 49 65 6 4 875 875 Proficient with Staff
Aliura Uln-Vandelhelm Near-Human female from Ator No Team E 43 53 73 56 59 41 45 0 4 1891 1891 Proficient with Grapple, Proficient with Passing, Unnaturally Agile
Ayumi Unu Near-Human female from M'haeli No Team E 49 50 73 62 47 53 46 2 4 2217 192 Proficient with Blaster, Strays from Combat
Geng'jhorag Kerioth Vanee Ithorian male from Genarius No Team S 46 44 53 45 70 59 43 0 4 125 125 Protective
Barra Limoth Vanukar Human male from Yashuvhu No Team S 45 48 57 43 65 45 66 0 3 138 138 Adjusts, Very Delicate
Druan'jiki Var Trandoshan female from Ord Mantell No Team C 41 63 58 39 40 53 51 0 3 340 340 Proficient with Passing, Very Strong
Khana Var Gamorrean female from Lanthrym No Team S 42 58 40 45 60 51 67 0 6 130 130
Koyi Ver'flin Twi'lek female from Stoga No Team C 45 76 43 61 61 44 52 1 3 1200 1200
Aliniaca Ver'reiko Duros female from Tralus No Team E 42 50 62 62 48 40 78 0 5 2322 2322 Acrobatic
Brea Verr Chev female from Vinsoth No Team E 51 62 71 49 50 55 59 0 4 1964 1964 Hearty
Kirkin Verrimuch'fetz Klatooinan male from Aralia No Team S 49 66 50 56 70 55 27 0 5 133 133 Injury Prone
Bakkel Via Human female (unknown homeworld) No Team C 44 67 46 43 64 66 42 0 4 109 109 Guardian, Short
Sya Elsinore Vimdin-Dar Human female from Sabrix No Team C 47 63 57 46 54 61 44 4 5 123 123 Adaptable
Yar'ro Vinn Ithorian male from Caamas No Team S 43 55 56 45 70 41 34 0 4 112 112
Induran Zora Voh Lowen female from Low'n No Team C 63 89 64 77 69 61 42 25 5 1601 1601 Expert with Passing
Th'havaland'fyllyk Voh Coynite male from Coyn No Team C 43 61 41 52 60 47 61 0 6 560 560 Strong, Unstoppable
Kuuvat Vorn Duros male from Vaynai No Team S 48 55 46 58 70 55 63 0 4 104 104 Proficient with Blaster
Aslik Ar Vos Near-Human male from Sluudren No Team F 48 55 46 56 56 65 35 0 5 122 122
Mektiss Trillka Vrei Near-Human female from Isis No Team F 41 39 51 53 48 43 56 3 6 3379 3379 Somewhat Feeble
Keerag Vuluk'lundi Gotal male from Antar 4 No Team S 57 64 58 68 69 62 59 0 1 96 96 Master with Catching, Proficient with Passing
Alima Vure-Mastigar Human male from Exodo II No Team E 46 57 61 56 44 50 47 0 4 91 91 Proficient with Staff, Somewhat Injury Prone, Very Acrobatic
Trill Darro Vuull Skrilling male from Ord Mantell No Team E 41 39 63 50 49 57 60 0 3 3805 3805 Proficient with Blaster, Tall
Tay'atin Reimo Wadrat Defel male from Af'El No Team C 58 74 59 56 60 57 48 1 7 2901 692 Adjusts
Azlyn Werribee-Frein Human female from Genian No Team S 52 50 57 52 61 54 55 0 4 126 126 Accurate
Andor Win Near-Human male from Cotellier No Team E 46 51 69 65 47 44 65 0 6 120 120 Clutch Player
Andos Xaj Near-Human male from Kathol No Team F 53 51 56 62 53 57 41 0 5 87 87
Andras Xan Human male from Coruscant No Team S 50 48 59 54 60 69 64 0 3 136 136
Ampotem Xyn Duros male from Jenenma No Team E 52 55 68 50 62 68 65 0 7 133 133 Proficient with Passing
Arak Y'endivain Duros male from Ossus No Team S 50 52 50 48 62 70 55 3 6 104 104 Adjusts, Ungainly
Dariana Yeldarb'moross Gotal female from Esfandia No Team E 41 50 59 39 57 61 55 0 2 3435 3435 Guardian
Gharon Vorfren Tre Yerevan Human female from Kuna's Tooth No Team C 46 64 44 53 62 64 66 0 2 107 107
Zawadi'lupo Yim Gamorrean male from Bespin No Team E 40 43 83 38 53 71 58 0 3 136 136 Expert with Catching
Athon Yob Daan male from Melida/Daan No Team C 52 71 65 50 59 59 63 102 5 7562 3718 Brute
Belaya Zad Near-Human female from Nar Shaddaa No Team E 45 43 61 46 44 58 67 3 7 87 87
Ughok Drhaenell Zaine Nimbanel male from Nimban No Team C 42 74 46 57 40 53 49 0 6 2365 1033
Ai'crys Zak Trandoshan male from Ord Mantell No Team C 51 67 61 60 63 60 64 7 5 131 131 Proficient with Blaster, Very Strong
Cheriss Garnatrope Zavod Near-Human female from Ord Sedra No Team S 43 54 41 43 65 89 51 139 6 21478 693 Adaptable
Auugu Zed-Yas Near-Human male from Genarius No Team F 50 49 48 62 61 58 33 6 3 118 118 Chokes in Clutch, Injury Prone
Grake Zehow-Ompho Human female from Borgo Prime No Team E 46 50 58 44 56 57 30 0 6 136 136 Injury Prone
Rannah'lles Zhet Rodian male from Nar Shaddaa No Team S 45 55 43 57 67 54 87 7 4 897 897 Adjusts, Muscular, Somewhat Injury Prone
Narek Gauch Zih Human male from Cularin No Team S 46 54 44 65 66 56 44 3 6 122 122
Lyn-Rivo Zom-Onone-Sezala Cerean male from Nar Shaddaa No Team E 44 46 59 45 45 43 50 0 4 93 93 Proficient with Blaster

Thanks to all guilds and websites catering to RP within Star Wars: The Old Republic