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 Draft Eligible Players - Young
Name Biography Team P Age C E F S B Health Peak Rec Prospect Ovr Fame Ego XP XP Avail Traits
Arod Krev Rodian male from Redcap Amzab Pulsars F 14 45 54 106 55 50 79 D AAA 204 7 22306 22306 Precise, Very Ungainly
Andyr Esca Twi'lek male from Stoga Meirm Terentatek F 17 46 54 92 50 61 100 D AAA 97 4 99179 71827
Anii Ohr Near-Human female from Tatooine Gurian Zalaacas F 17 55 54 103 61 71 82 D AAA 221 8 14202 14202 Proficient with Blaster
Aldalad Ver Raisuun Zabrak male from Nar Shaddaa Tirsa Starhoppers F 18 50 39 100 54 52 100 D AAA 270 6 181513 161507 Chokes in Clutch, Proficient with Staff, Risk Averse, Strong, Very Agile, Very Injury Prone
Eckle Ilen Human female from Sevarcos Spadda Sandtuskers F 17 56 57 83 50 61 75 D AA 861 7 132181 105555 Short, Somewhat Injury Prone, Strong
Aalia Feb Human female from Sarafur Amzab Pulsars F 18 48 44 74 44 50 100 D AA 151 6 12507 12507 Clutch, Intelligent, Proficient with Blaster, Proficient with Catching, Selfless, Tall
Bern Val-Bealyard Near-Human male from Jomark TasCorp Cannoks F 18 43 41 81 47 57 100 D AA 81 4 108240 84122 Protective, Strong, Ungainly
Aubro Arrel Nikto male from Sarafur ArmaTek Corsairs F 18 48 54 87 43 57 100 D AA 853 7 111431 89836 Adaptable, Proficient with Passing, Tall
Allexia Trevval Braitano Sith female from Korriban Exotac Gizka F 21 50 43 80 44 58 100 C AA 140 5 120805 95890 Chokes in Clutch, Intelligent, Short, Very Strong
Airten Bullwin-Fotzekotze Human male from Q'Maere Amzab Pulsars F 16 55 53 73 46 47 72 D A 17 3 72376 72376 Adjusts, Daring, Durable, Guardian, Tall
Faya Lond Human female from Rafa V Amzab Pulsars F 16 37 51 82 54 60 49 D A 75 4 14101 14101 Uncoordinated
Antidar Ke-Seylas Near-Human male from Olanji Sienar Dragonets F 18 51 44 99 44 62 100 D A 407 8 90969 62993 Chokes in Clutch, Durable
Fajiri Leed Near-Human female from Dur Sabon Novinyet Ghests F 18 58 56 90 45 61 100 D A 181 5 105971 87495 Clutch, Proficient with Passing, Short
Berm Jode Human male from Gastrula TasCorp Cannoks F 19 60 44 131 49 72 100 D A 165 6 221682 41342 Expert with Staff, Precise, Proficient with Catching, Very Strong
Taylu Byrg Trandoshan male from Nar Shaddaa Sienar Dragonets F 19 57 50 86 45 61 100 D A 338 8 124897 106093 Intelligent, Short, Very Agile, Very Strong
Aelruino Flax-Lessor Near-Human male from Korad Sienar Dragonets F 21 50 51 89 46 62 100 D A 34 3 178462 115714 Proficient with Grapple
Ka'mont'sem Aath Nikto male from Coruscant Desler Mynocks F 22 54 57 91 45 61 100 C A 239 6 95375 80470 Tall
Tarrence Sarne Burloo-Demoal Human male from Coruscant Orlean Wraids F 22 40 49 58 49 33 100 D A 284 6 106616 97869 Very Daring
A'tare Xaj Human male from Bespin Spadda Sandtuskers F 23 53 47 97 60 61 91 B A 14 3 84604 69036 Expert with Catching, Strays from Combat, Tall
Airen Merrick Dangel Raef Human male from Dac Raynor Coppis F 23 46 50 64 35 48 100 B A 726 9 71954 66003 Expert with Catching, Risk Taker, Somewhat Clumsy, Very Strong
Ashla Sho Human female from Borgo Prime Raynor Coppis F 24 61 41 97 48 71 100 D A 604 7 165150 80693 Expert with Staff, Incredibly Agile, Proficient with Grapple, Very Delicate
Chester Ji Rodian male from Coruscant Desler Mynocks F 25 47 54 74 50 51 100 AA A 62 3 73321 67679 Proficient with Grapple
Salla'nuray Morningstar Corrino Durkin Twi'lek female from Ryloon ChemFlex Tuk'ata F 25 61 48 93 44 63 100 D A 298 6 175963 95596 Adjusts
Kaoln Nah Vae Near-Human male from Coruscant Raynor Coppis F 25 50 48 82 45 52 100 B A 5 2 92527 80126 Short
Dom Hera Iryt Near-Human female (unknown homeworld) Exotac Gizka F 28 53 26 91 72 61 100 B A 188 5 174061 113190 Chokes in Clutch
Darez Ga Duros male from Jenenma Raynor Coppis F 29 52 45 81 47 50 100 B A 221 6 79826 65759 Intelligent, Risk Averse, Short
Dotswa Kimer'haas Duros female from Tatooine Gurian Zalaacas F 16 53 47 74 45 69 91 D BB 227 7 18383 18383 Short
Geor'n'harhan Borf Nikto male from Coruscant Amzab Pulsars F 17 46 40 66 46 50 100 D BB 118 6 21152 21152 Proficient with Passing
Castrella Naian'nailati Duros female from Tatooine Gurian Zalaacas F 18 43 55 80 42 43 100 D BB 119 5 10583 10583 Clutch, Often Avoids Combat
Mingo Birhan Das Iktotchi male from Coruscant Coruscant Senators F 20 34 47 61 20 49 100 D BB 16 3 83934 75050 Risk Averse
Heren-Lor-Lu Xyn Gran female from Hok Desler Mynocks F 20 59 60 86 60 71 100 D BB 1 2 95162 78465 Injury Prone, Protective
Transhiva'lenna Goa Da Trandoshan female from Quockra-4 Synchet Shyracks F 21 52 33 79 52 53 100 D BB 17 3 118369 82241 Very Strong
Gilfrome Nixx Human female from Naos Corellia Sand Panthers F 21 51 52 93 52 65 100 C BB 112 4 128430 67645 Proficient with Grapple
Bels Hett Human male from Dantooine TasCorp Cannoks F 24 65 34 101 27 71 100 C BB 91 4 185459 90501 Protective
Irini Ic Orde Human female from Arkania Synchet Shyracks F 24 45 38 80 40 47 100 C BB 965 8 77157 55184 Proficient with Blaster, Proficient with Grapple
Nalo-Tamizander Waleth-Sharu Gran male from Dantooine Tirsa Starhoppers F 24 47 52 90 61 53 100 B BB 149 5 64387 57227
Mylthea'veril Guz Rodian female from Dantooine Beemon Tontitrans F 24 46 43 81 43 52 100 C BB 74 4 96138 75580 Risk Averse, Strong
Brinkan Pepe Zabrak male from Coruscant Desler Mynocks F 25 52 48 85 50 61 100 B BB 603 7 100661 84756 Expert with Passing, Nimble, Short
Tiscak Deran Tel Near-Human female from Korriban Raynor Coppis F 26 43 49 90 46 57 100 C BB 143 4 117654 53141 Daring
Fave Mall Duros female from Celanon Coruschal Asharl Panthers F 27 45 56 87 54 60 100 B BB 554 7 64227 49733 Chokes in Clutch, Tall
Allandria Prammi'norveel Sullustan female from Tatooine Gurian Zalaacas F 16 46 45 90 56 49 85 D B 260 8 18363 18363 Good with Grapple, Proficient with Catching, Proficient with Passing, Somewhat Frail
Ponda Fwa Iskalonian female from Bandomeer Czerka Sand Bats F 16 56 14 61 31 44 100 D B 112 4 70114 62482 Guardian, Proficient with Staff
Ree Se Rinou Braitano Zabrak male from Lorista Amzab Pulsars F 16 54 53 64 38 60 77 D B 218 7 10746 10746 Proficient with Catching, Somewhat Injury Prone
Fonada Neir Rodian female from Tatooine Gurian Zalaacas F 17 39 49 79 54 67 65 D B 254 8 11949 11949 Risk Averse
Mart Hinter Thorin Elom male from Elom Beemon Tontitrans F 19 54 47 69 46 45 100 D B 49 2 124279 102935
Teraexeden Fol Trandoshan male from Genarius Meirm Terentatek F 19 51 59 97 43 61 100 D B 745 8 149806 76750 Very Strong
Khalid'si Tabbe Vassic Vozda Twi'lek male from Manaan Meirm Terentatek F 19 54 44 85 48 52 100 D B 942 7 83038 61433 Nimble, Risk Averse
Bejo Thul-Thuele Human male from Mantessa Synchet Shyracks F 21 37 21 72 48 61 100 D B 146 5 92485 74049 Muscular
Dalus Frax Morne Frozian male (no homeworld) Czerka Sand Bats F 22 41 20 63 55 54 100 C B 970 8 56073 46062
Ballin Cahey-Mashayekhi Human male from Coruscant Corellia Sand Panthers F 23 43 45 91 28 58 100 C B 140 5 140072 82081
Falto Brodi Robalt Svivreni female from Thonner Orlean Wraids F 23 52 23 94 45 63 100 A B 178 5 141608 74005 Short
Sirlahn Ambar Krimsan Givin male from Yag'Dhul Exotac Gizka F 23 60 41 90 52 61 100 A B 98 4 122822 64792 Chokes in Clutch, Somewhat Injury Prone
Fath Klivian-Shal Near-Human female from Kidron Coruschal Asharl Panthers F 23 53 30 75 60 49 100 C B 191 6 83853 62272
Aleema Nod Trandoshan female from Dosha Coruschal Asharl Panthers F 23 44 44 79 35 42 100 D B 117 5 96366 68363 Brilliant with Catching, Very Strong
Geric Skar Naru Human male from Ch'hodos Raynor Coppis F 23 51 40 75 54 44 100 C B 718 8 98566 76830 Accurate
Fane Linn Human female from Alderaan Beemon Tontitrans F 24 49 44 81 22 45 100 C B 12 2 90384 64352 Adjusts, Very Daring
Uthar'del Mog Gotal male from Centares ArmaTek Corsairs F 24 55 52 95 65 61 100 C B 772 8 148057 81934 Unfeeling
Pudo Mdimu Sullustan male from Betha II Czerka Sand Bats F 24 44 22 62 38 55 100 D B 297 6 76822 66947
Klork'kis Kuldi Whiphid male from Neftali Exotac Gizka F 25 44 36 89 23 61 100 D B 301 6 148861 80410 Chokes in Clutch, Plodding, Risk Averse, Strong
Colclazure Darv Human female from Coruscant Desler Mynocks F 26 43 55 96 46 58 100 A B 3 3 59583 50890 Clutch, Expert with Staff, Very Injury Prone
Triko'na'sai Floto'orini Nikto male from Coruscant Tirsa Starhoppers F 26 54 46 78 55 62 100 B B 486 7 67813 59484 Risk Taker, Strong
Dresk Haas Human female from Mantooine Corellia Sand Panthers F 27 68 41 86 44 55 100 B B 230 6 89150 55662 Very Injury Prone
Caske Byrg Nikto female from Coruscant Tirsa Starhoppers F 28 57 44 85 47 71 100 B B 124 5 60371 52895 Expert with Staff, Short, Strong
Aaph Mok Zabrak male from Coruscant Tirsa Starhoppers F 30 53 49 87 49 58 100 AAA B 79 4 59622 50800 Chokes in Clutch, Proficient with Staff
Quammo Wookiee male from Generis Coruscant Senators F 39 52 39 92 59 57 100 D B 167 5 139199 84177 Risk Averse, Tall, Very Hearty, Very Strong
Cligot Darc Human female from Coruscant Orlean Wraids F 17 36 51 64 54 43 100 D CC 109 4 69700 61008 Proficient with Staff
Jabesq Ambar Corso Shistavanen male from Pii Drooga Duneclaws F 18 51 35 72 16 47 100 D CC 175 5 78394 69238 Proficient with Blaster
Aaph Nesloor Juall Jenwald Twi'lek male from Lamaredd Coruschal Asharl Panthers F 18 46 41 79 18 44 100 D CC 702 7 59849 51422
Arac Awwe Near-Human male from Coruscant Orlean Wraids F 19 62 53 71 36 43 100 C CC 0 0 92565 82829
Ariq Boon Human male from Coruscant ChemFlex Tuk'ata F 22 44 29 76 20 43 100 C CC 99 5 75081 66142 Expert with Catching
Venlyss Leen Kel Dor male from Tatooine Drooga Duneclaws F 22 34 50 67 50 60 100 B CC 201 6 70188 59853 Very Accurate
Walda Ni Grau Human female from Coruscant Coruscant Senators F 23 43 41 82 55 47 100 C CC 22 3 83694 45869 Ungainly
Noab Jawa male from Tatooine Tonena Dewbacks F 24 53 22 91 42 62 100 D CC 247 6 140043 83734 Brilliant with Passing, Short
Nasdra Myle Chan Frozian male from Froz Synchet Shyracks F 24 34 57 68 43 59 100 B CC 152 5 77403 67926 Muscular, Proficient with Passing
Craasadi Dise Human female from Coruscant Corellia Sand Panthers F 26 53 53 85 49 52 100 B CC 503 6 97357 50706
Armen Jenton-Amon Human male from Coruscant Desler Mynocks F 26 55 59 100 53 56 100 B CC 16 2 54845 48019 Proficient with Staff, Weak
Doman Glok Human female from Otunia Drooga Duneclaws F 26 53 24 69 59 45 100 C CC 242 6 66811 57518 Nimble
Deela Drii Niclari Near-Human female from Sirpar Drooga Duneclaws F 27 47 48 86 59 62 100 A CC 1259 9 102057 62209 Very Delicate
Barseth Gane Human male from Miser Coruschal Asharl Panthers F 27 42 47 75 43 66 100 B CC 533 7 77816 70144 Precise, Proficient with Blaster, Risk Averse, Tall
Triko'unigard Baron Sludir male from Coruscant Tirsa Starhoppers F 32 57 58 89 49 61 100 C CC 21 2 70750 58100 Durable, Nimble, Proficient with Passing
Prestor Wookiee male from Coruscant ChemFlex Tuk'ata F 33 42 60 69 31 48 100 E CC 578 7 64265 57826 Tall, Very Strong
Aalia Vee'scapr Rodian female from Naos Novinyet Ghests F 17 46 35 83 55 66 100 D C 161 5 103459 69557
Liskran Oll Moggonite male from Arorlia TasCorp Cannoks F 17 62 53 88 66 53 100 E C 131 5 94383 48457 Proficient with Catching, Short
Alsten Kyle Odan Human male from Caamas ArmaTek Corsairs F 17 52 59 92 49 63 100 D C 233 6 142569 91438 Very Risky
Andria Orfa Rodian female from Abregado-Rae Sienar Dragonets F 21 55 32 95 52 63 100 D C 188 6 110681 48855
Aemont Mio Near-Human male from Qetix IV Sienar Dragonets F 21 54 41 92 19 70 100 D C 132 4 150018 79474
Civ P'Vidkum Human female from Aquaris Meirm Terentatek F 23 61 54 95 35 71 100 D C 597 6 142893 66459 Strays from Combat
Caree Dyrra Proga-Konur Human male from Coruscant Coruscant Senators F 23 41 46 81 46 42 100 B C 933 7 71524 35256 Very Hearty
Aloova Doiae-Tame Human female from Askaj ArmaTek Corsairs F 23 51 27 94 61 71 100 C C 1079 8 125414 65286 Naturally Focused
Taikotelai Cahey Duros female from Kwevron Meirm Terentatek F 24 51 23 93 33 62 100 B C 918 7 88040 32171 Somewhat Feeble
Venadar Elara Eros Zabrak female from Issor Czerka Sand Bats F 24 74 38 72 25 43 100 D C 5 2 52644 43668 Muscular
Reela Zindra Jan Human female from Coruscant Corellia Sand Panthers F 25 56 24 89 32 58 100 D C 158 5 93835 49435 Somewhat Clumsy
Ayessa Nist Gotal female from Coruscant ChemFlex Tuk'ata F 26 46 51 75 41 54 100 C C 165 6 82142 46052
Ovkhevam Derra Kel Dor male from Dorin Novinyet Ghests F 26 55 42 90 30 71 100 B C 210 6 122982 57185
Meck'branff Llom Nikto male from Coruscant Tirsa Starhoppers F 30 58 62 100 43 61 100 A C 228 5 58992 48882 Durable, Proficient with Catching
Aima'pala Ikon Twi'lek female from Ovise Exotac Gizka F 18 66 53 89 18 58 100 D DD 681 7 87583 46656
Sidias'nars Jawa male from Raxus Prime Tonena Dewbacks F 21 47 43 90 55 51 100 D DD 2 2 109328 44890 Proficient with Grapple, Short
Alpiett Gama Trandoshan male from Trandosha ArmaTek Corsairs F 24 66 55 91 25 61 100 D DD 215 6 102846 55867 Somewhat Injury Prone, Very Strong
Nict Kei Di Near-Human male from Sarvchi Novinyet Ghests F 27 53 26 93 46 61 100 B DD 249 6 107089 58044
Pucumir Mant Muur Barabel male from Korriban Sienar Dragonets F 17 49 63 89 15 52 100 D D 67 3 80034 39055 Guardian
An'galinda Airhart-Chasdy Human female from Tatooine Czerka Sand Bats F 27 41 25 80 55 45 98 AA D 986 8 58416 26869 Daring, Very Acrobatic

 Draft Eligible Players - Veterans
Name Biography Team P Age C E F S B Health Peak Rec Prospect Ovr Fame Ego XP XP Avail Traits
Moyan Pag Geonosian male from Geonosis Tonena Dewbacks F 28 51 60 89 26 56 100 B - 49 3 89725 52091 Proficient with Passing, Very Daring
Valka Min Ska Zabrak male from Iridonia TasCorp Cannoks F 28 51 71 94 28 61 100 A - 168 5 92174 42856 Very Accurate
Dai Fordyce Kessler Twi'lek female from Teyr ChemFlex Tuk'ata F 32 51 34 76 67 51 100 C - 40 3 32691 26313 Proficient with Staff, Very Ungainly
Ntthan Jymbud Otro-Ten Human male from Pii I Spadda Sandtuskers F 34 62 44 75 57 49 100 C - 133 4 36133 19624 Feeble, Somewhat Injury Prone
Firris-Jahn Shield Etison Issori male from Issor Spadda Sandtuskers F 36 50 45 80 42 56 100 C - 281 7 34161 12944
Evir-Cassander Uln Trandoshan male from Coruscant Coruscant Senators F 38 51 49 89 37 62 100 F - 309 6 55635 25129 Very Strong
Dorlar Ree Snivvian male from Tatooine Corellia Sand Panthers F 42 58 44 90 63 81 100 F - 169 0 53835 13134

Thanks to all guilds and websites catering to RP within Star Wars: The Old Republic