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Bkoba Hutta Bareesh Bareesh Kath Hounds (Nar Shaddaa Series A) 112 130 Bapkaha Pacahla Bohw, Nar Shaddaa 5 30 225 244 -19 15.6 288 181 107 3.6 13 1 Ardustagg 19, 23011 Wingmaws 4, Kath Hounds 8 Y
Bahana Czerka Czerka Nexu (Nar Shaddaa Series A) 107 96 Bapkaha Puahesa, Nar Shaddaa 4 30 210 260 -50 15.7 294 176 118 3.9 8 4 Dojundo 23, 23012 Lightning 7, Nexu 10 Y Y
Hay Jodahetka Aratech Nighthunters (Nar Shaddaa Series A) 97 143 Piohkoi Kanbitkhea K'wanna'ta, Nar Shaddaa 3 30 246 236 10 16.1 289 193 96 3.2 9 7 Zochaeb 54, 23008 Firaxa 11, Nighthunters 5 Y Y
Cohkaha Gahauua Coronet Krayt Dragons (Nar Shaddaa Series A) 67 119 Bapkaha Gahauua, Nar Shaddaa 4 30 237 149 88 12.9 257 129 128 4.3 9 6 Zochaeb 43, 23012 Rancors 4, Krayt Dragons 8 Y Y
Cohpa Kossak Lhosan Womp Weasels (Nar Shaddaa Series A) 104 106 Piohkoi Ko Hentota, Nar Shaddaa 4 30 217 244 -27 15.4 281 180 101 3.4 13 7 Dojundo 5, 23012 Nexu 10, Womp Weasels 8 Y Y
Bkoba Kiukasa Branada's Secret Rancors (Nar Shaddaa Series A) 94 84 Bohw Lumpa Koumhaptece Yaheyanka, Nar Shaddaa 5 30 239 191 48 14.3 259 171 88 2.9 7 6 Boonta 61, 23011 Nighthunters 7, Rancors 9 Y
Bahana Volkov Volkov Hyperdrives (Nar Shaddaa Series A) 88 99 Bapkaha Duro, Nar Shaddaa 3 30 239 193 46 14.4 269 163 106 3.5 9 8 Churabba 20, 23012 Wingmaws 8, Hyperdrives 6 Y Y
Hacmi Hutta Bakuush Marlin Assets Firaxa (Nar Shaddaa Series A) 78 139 Jiguuna, Nal Hutta 1 30 222 201 21 14.1 260 163 97 3.2 11 5 Ardustagg 6, 23009 Krayt Dragons 11, Firaxa 4 Y Y Y
Bkoba Hyrotii Hyrotii Nova (Nar Shaddaa Series A) 90 92 Piohkoi Kanbitkhea Dopa'ta, Nar Shaddaa 5 30 196 253 -57 15.0 285 164 121 4.0 8 9 Dojundo 63, 23012 Nexu 8, Nova 5 Y Y Y Y Y
Cohkaha New Vertica Merr-Sonn Lightning (Nar Shaddaa Series A) 169 110 New Vertica, Nar Shaddaa 4 30 274 315 -41 19.6 359 230 129 4.3 15 11 Blotus 59, 23012 Nexu 6, Lightning 12 Y
Bootana Bilbousa SoroSuub Kybucks (Nar Shaddaa Series A) 123 96 Bilbousa, Nal Hutta 3 30 259 260 -1 17.3 310 209 101 3.4 18 2 Zochaeb 39, 23010 Womp Weasels 7, Kybucks 8 Y Y
Bahana IASpec IASpec Orokeets (Nar Shaddaa Series A) 72 142 Gebroila, Nal Hutta 4 30 216 179 37 13.2 240 155 85 2.8 12 11 Churabba 8, 23012 Womp Weasels 5, Orokeets 10 Y
Port Sabaok Fight Pits Ord Sabaok Scouts (Core World Huttball) 60 83 Port Sabaok, Ord Sabaok 5 21 134 143 -9 13.2 173 104 69 3.3 0 0 Y Y
Cohkaha Amzab Amzab Pulsars (Tatooine Prime) 133 125 Mos Taike, Tatooine 3 9 37 107 -70 16.0 107 37 70 7.8 0 1 Budhila 18, 23012 Dewbacks 16, Pulsars 1 Y
Cohpa ArmaTek ArmaTek Corsairs (Nar Shaddaa Series B) 132 69 Jinnal, Nar Shaddaa 1 18 163 147 16 17.2 186 124 62 3.4 1 0 Ardustagg 27, 23012 Tontitrans 10, Corsairs 9 Y Y
Hacmi Bmahh Beemon Beemon Tontitrans (Nar Shaddaa Series B) 66 63 Duapa Sae Mon koboba, Nar Shaddaa 3 18 129 103 26 12.9 139 93 46 2.6 0 2 Ardustagg 51, 23012 Ghests 7, Tontitrans 8 Y Y Y
Tirsa Pavilion Tirsa Starhoppers (Coruscant First Echelon) 144 103 17th Financial District, Coruscant 3 25 127 289 -162 16.6 298 118 180 7.2 0 1 Dojundo 12, 23012 Mynocks 11, Starhoppers 5 Y Y Y
5th Estate Gardens ChemFlex Tuk'ata (Coruscant First Echelon) 142 61 5th Estate District, Coruscant 4 25 260 158 102 16.7 285 133 152 6.1 0 2 Kossak 24, 23012 Wraids 11, Tuk'ata 5 Y
Cohkaha Tal Kad Tal Kad Shanjaru (Nar Shaddaa Series A) 127 117 Bilbousa, Nal Hutta 2 30 249 243 6 16.4 286 206 80 2.7 3 0 Boonta 64, 23011 Kybucks 8, Shanjaru 10 Y Y Y
Corellia Colosseum Corellia Sand Panthers (Coruscant First Echelon) 114 58 Corellian 2nd District, Coruscant 5 25 266 161 105 17.1 290 137 153 6.1 2 3 Blotus 9, 23012 Starhoppers 1, Sand Panthers 13 Y Y
Phemiss Citadel New Plympto Rikknits (Core World Huttball) 123 81 Phemiss, New Plympto 4 21 180 158 22 16.1 211 127 84 4.0 0 1 Budhila 47, 23011 Scyks 9, Rikknits 9 Y Y
Bahana Coruschal Coruschal Asharl Panthers (Nar Shaddaa Series B) 69 107 Mevag Bimhaneha, Nar Shaddaa 4 18 108 119 -11 12.6 143 84 59 3.3 0 0 Y
Desler Stadium Desler Mynocks (Coruscant First Echelon) 62 144 Desler Commercial District, Coruscant 4 25 84 271 -187 14.2 284 71 213 8.5 0 2 Zochaeb 14, 23012 Sand Panthers 14, Mynocks 2 Y
Cohkaha Drooga Drooga Duneclaws (Tatooine Prime) 89 97 Mos Ila, Tatooine 5 10 84 56 28 14.0 95 45 50 5.0 1 0 Blotus 46, 23011 Dewbacks 4, Duneclaws 6 Y Y
Hacmi Bmahh Exotac Exotac Gizka (Nar Shaddaa Series B) 128 72 Mevag Veaua, Nal Koska 4 18 177 155 22 18.4 200 132 68 3.8 1 4 Blotus 18, 23012 Terentatek 9, Gizka 12 Y
Coral Asiss Casino Pantolomin Halfbacks (Core World Huttball) 134 85 Coral Asiss Casino, Pantolomin 3 21 181 162 19 16.3 202 141 61 2.9 0 0 Y Y
Cohpa Gurian Gurian Zalaacas (Tatooine Prime) 73 93 Mos Anek, Tatooine 1 9 30 98 -68 14.2 103 25 78 8.7 0 1 Boonta 8, 23012 Sand Bats 12, Zalaacas 2 Y Y
Zann Plaza Anaxes Scyks (Core World Huttball) 136 118 Pols Anaxes, Anaxes 4 21 215 165 50 18.1 235 145 90 4.3 0 0 Y Y
JK Stadium Atrisia Blades (Core World Huttball) 109 108 Jar'Kai, Atrisia 3 21 150 156 -6 14.6 186 120 66 3.1 0 2 Dojundo 59, 23012 Tacema 8, Blades 4 Y Y
Cohpa Meirm Meirm Terentatek (Nar Shaddaa Series B) 123 104 Wahkepox'a, Nal Hutta 5 18 167 143 24 17.2 188 122 66 3.7 1 0 Blotus 9, 23012 Ghests 7, Terentatek 13 Y
Cohkaha Novinyet Novinyet Ghests (Nar Shaddaa Series B) 117 129 Jecoawohca, Nal Koska 3 18 150 135 15 15.8 160 125 35 1.9 0 0 Y
Orlean Gardens Orlean Wraids (Coruscant First Echelon) 150 65 3rd Financial District, Coruscant 4 25 310 155 155 18.6 313 152 161 6.4 1 1 Ardustagg 37, 23012 Sand Panthers 8, Wraids 12 Y Y
Cohpa Raynor Raynor Coppis (Nar Shaddaa Series B) 129 138 Chaca Dikea, Nar Shaddaa 3 18 145 155 -10 16.7 184 116 68 3.8 1 0 Ardustagg 43, 23012 Dragonets 12, Coppis 4 Y Y
Rendili Courts Rendili StarDrives (Core World Huttball) 108 69 Dmask, Rendili 1 21 173 158 15 15.8 201 130 71 3.4 0 0 Y
Bkoba Sienar Sienar Dragonets (Nar Shaddaa Series B) 85 99 Kanbitkhea Piohkoi Sienar, Nar Shaddaa 5 18 137 110 27 13.7 151 96 55 3.1 2 1 Kossak 51, 23012 Coppis 7, Dragonets 10 Y Y
Xenvaer Civic Auditorium Alsakan Farlus Hawks (Core World Huttball) 107 93 Xenvaer, Alsakan 3 21 161 156 5 15.1 186 131 55 2.6 0 0 Y
Hacmi Bmahh Synchet Synchet Shyracks (Nar Shaddaa Series B) 93 96 Bauh Bleanla, Nar Shaddaa 1 18 122 143 -21 14.7 167 98 69 3.8 0 0 Y Y Y Y
Bahana TasCorp TasCorp Cannoks (Nar Shaddaa Series B) 136 107 Jipta Uemaee Piohkoi, Nar Shaddaa 5 18 169 154 15 17.9 189 134 55 3.1 0 1 Zochaeb 49, 23011 Terentatek 15, Cannoks 6 Y Y Y
Cohpa Tonena Tonena Dewbacks (Tatooine Prime) 114 126 Mos Eisley, Tatooine 3 7 76 33 43 15.6 76 33 43 6.1 0 0 Y Y Y
Ranadaast Arena Duro Tacema (Core World Huttball) 60 128 Ranadaast, Duro 4 21 136 128 8 12.6 163 101 62 3.0 1 0 Budhila 62, 23011 Scyks 5, Tacema 5 Y Y
K&M Industries Arena K&M Industries Nerf Herders (Nar Shaddaa Series A) 108 99 Waueoo Nagozonka Piohkoi, Nar Shaddaa 5 30 260 202 58 15.4 277 185 92 3.1 0 1 Blotus 35, 23012 Wingmaws 6, Nerf Herders 7 Y Y
Cohpa Baktar Baktar Kinrath (Nar Shaddaa Series A) 114 126 Pacahla Bapkaha 86, Nar Shaddaa 3 30 258 207 51 15.5 284 181 103 3.4 2 0 Blotus 50, 23012 Nexu 7, Kinrath 12 Y Y Y
The Palace Coruscant Senators (Coruscant First Echelon) 112 72 Senate District, Coruscant 5 25 279 124 155 16.1 289 114 175 7.0 4 1 Zochaeb 34, 23012 Starhoppers 3, Senators 13 Y Y
Cohkaha Czerka Czerka Sand Bats (Tatooine Prime) 103 91 Mos Espa, Tatooine 4 10 100 63 37 16.3 103 60 43 4.3 3 0 Budhila 44, 23011 Sand Bats 9, Dewbacks 6 Y Y
Hacmi Bmahh Spadda Spadda Sandtuskers (Tatooine Prime) 102 81 Mos Gamos, Tatooine 3 9 75 56 19 14.6 83 48 35 3.9 0 0 Y Y Y Y
Bahana see Guttu 100 100 Dheue Wenonle Ganba, Nar Shaddaa 3 0 0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Thanks to all guilds and websites catering to RP within Star Wars: The Old Republic