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 Contracted Players
Name Biography Team P Age C E F S B Health Peak Rec Prospect Ovr Fame Ego XP XP Avail Traits
Bhu Blihrad-Bron Near-Human male from Tatooine Tonena Dewbacks C 26 67 32 57 54 41 100 78 C B 77 88 4 124062 111741 Accurate, Risk Averse, Uncoordinated
A'b'zan Chiss male from Cioral Beemon Tontitrans C 21 94 42 53 51 55 100 B A 31 1 98412 77347 Master with Catching, Proficient with Blaster, Proficient with Passing, Short, Very Delicate
Abran Wookiee male from Anaxes Anaxes Scyks F 138 52 44 94 56 66 100 AAA B 139 5 101168 101168 Tall, Very Strong
Abric Wookiee male from Duro Duro Tacema C 101 81 56 56 48 39 100 B B 681 7 67600 66193 Tall, Very Strong
Adana Human male from Comra Coruschal Asharl Panthers E 28 42 85 56 56 61 100 B CC 683 7 57955 38594 Protective, Very Ungainly
Adaz'rik'si Chiss male from Sposia New Plympto Rikknits F 23 64 59 99 55 48 100 B BB 420 7 67126 67126 Very Agile
Allende Trandoshan male from Pinett Duro Tacema F 26 51 53 99 44 80 100 C A 71 4 104060 65944 Short, Very Strong
Alroy Wookiee male from Vizcarra Raynor Coppis C 165 84 49 48 44 54 100 A CC 814 7 52701 40051 Injury Prone, Proficient with Catching, Tall, Very Strong
Andalla Human female from Onderon Drooga Duneclaws F 24 40 37 80 55 52 100 C A 335 3 48111 19676 Agile, Lesatho, Quick Thinker, Short
Annance Sith male from Ch'hodos Amzab Pulsars C 15 76 51 52 47 61 93 D A 72 4 15186 15186 Clumsy, Very Tough
Astin Wookiee male from Pantolomin Pantolomin Halfbacks F 152 59 50 65 51 55 100 AAA B 1332 10 50655 50655 Durable, Proficient with Staff, Tall, Very Strong
Atoko Wookiee male from Coruscant Novinyet Ghests E 33 43 101 51 53 81 100 D BB 199 6 135633 93710 Durable, Master with Staff, Tall, Very Strong
Avril Human male from New Plympto New Plympto Rikknits C 31 90 53 60 58 48 100 D - 836 7 25293 25293 Expert with Passing, Proficient with Blaster
Barthis Human male from Coruscant Desler Mynocks S 25 45 47 47 88 61 100 B BB 225 6 88411 80029 Precise, Risk Averse
Baylan Near-Human male from Tarnab Volkov Hyperdrives C 24 98 51 74 53 63 100 C C 403 5 143995 81210 Proficient with Staff
Brefest Near-Human male from Issor Spadda Sandtuskers C 23 60 41 28 29 62 100 C B 161 5 91628 81441 Proficient with Blaster
Craline'halbret Trandoshan male from Trandosha Hyrotii Nova S 30 49 50 45 97 57 100 A - 111 5 87781 39047 Clutch Player, Very Strong
D'gim'shak Twi'lek male from Naos III Synchet Shyracks S 27 52 40 46 98 58 100 AA CC 575 7 67493 53104 Chokes in Clutch, Guardian, Intelligent, Very Focused
Eg'fraccabroden Squib male from Korad IASpec Orokeets S 21 31 63 60 139 87 100 D B 761 6 224287 18719 Accurate
Eis'ban'tok Chiss male from Naporar Ord Sabaok Scouts C 24 76 54 53 53 79 100 A B 142 5 102136 100730 Chokes in Clutch, Proficient with Staff
Fehlaaur Wookiee male from Socorro IASpec Orokeets E 33 54 131 49 32 86 100 E A 431 4 266753 18696 Tall, Ungainly, Very Strong
Flinor'kathikis Jawa male from Skip 5 Spadda Sandtuskers C 20 90 56 42 42 56 100 D CC 562 7 130986 80572 Short, Very Strong
Gaerieldous Wookiee female from New Plympto New Plympto Rikknits E 39 50 81 57 55 57 100 D A 578 7 88144 85063 Chokes in Clutch, Tall, Very Strong
Ganis Ithorian male from Lan Barell Marlin Assets Firaxa C 26 110 57 67 57 60 100 D C 163 5 152198 16987 Focused, Proficient with Catching, Proficient with Passing, Titan
Gnosos Wookiee male from Pitann Tonena Dewbacks E 31 29 70 38 44 48 100 E CC 220 6 83321 68489 Proficient with Passing, Tall, Very Strong
Grotrugga Near-Human female from Coruscant Orlean Wraids E 26 37 78 26 31 47 100 B C 731 7 57028 27058 Strong
Izabet Human female from Gargon Drooga Duneclaws E 30 43 80 43 35 81 100 B A 393 5 62938 20090 Focused, Lesatho, Mandalorian, Unafraid
J'sheryc Gran female from Rendili Rendili StarDrives F 31 59 57 96 58 44 100 B - 2 1 35234 34309 Agile, Clutch
Jamillia Weequay female from Sriluur Baktar Kinrath E 30 31 101 50 41 74 100 B - 311 5 100829 29976 Somewhat Injury Prone, Strong
Kalei'ink'mal Chiss male from Rhigar Aratech Nighthunters E 24 22 89 42 42 72 100 AA CC 46 3 83814 49361 Proficient with Passing
Kerner'ral'kas Chiss male from Cioral Coronet Krayt Dragons E 22 43 110 41 50 81 100 B B 446 7 169093 68174
Kodilashowe Wookiee male from Alaris Prime Baktar Kinrath F 51 53 56 107 72 81 100 C C 561 7 170540 27507 Tall, Very Strong
Kudossiosk Squib male from Betha II Volkov Hyperdrives E 34 32 91 43 51 79 100 E - 143 3 80898 20665 Adaptable
Lo'vislor Givin male from Coruscant Coruscant Senators C 20 87 45 42 42 61 100 C C 234 4 139382 67126 Graceless, Proficient with Blaster
Lol'xoquon Nikto male from Tatooine Gurian Zalaacas E 16 39 81 40 42 59 90 E A 33 3 18613 18613 Clutch, Daring, Proficient with Passing
Mosko Houk male from Lijuter Corellia Sand Panthers E 23 56 110 57 57 71 100 C CC 216 6 164875 14041 Extremely Strong, Guardian
Murk Gand male from Gand Beemon Tontitrans E 16 22 73 32 37 51 100 D B 577 7 96743 63126 Acrobatic, Hearty
Noab Jawa male from Tatooine Tonena Dewbacks F 24 53 22 91 42 62 100 D CC 247 6 140043 83734 Brilliant with Passing, Short
Nosstryck'ollobo Twi'lek male from Tol Ado Branada's Secret Rancors S 23 28 80 80 80 80 100 D BB 137 5 165773 47939
Pardath Cathar female (no homeworld) Tal Kad Shanjaru F 23 58 59 95 59 62 100 C A 408 5 58790 26107 Baisdruith, Savvy, Top Receiver, Unnaturally Agile
Prestor Wookiee male from Coruscant ChemFlex Tuk'ata F 33 42 60 69 31 48 100 E CC 578 7 64265 57826 Tall, Very Strong
Quammo Wookiee male from Generis Coruscant Senators F 39 52 39 92 59 57 100 D B 167 5 139199 84177 Risk Averse, Tall, Very Hearty, Very Strong
Ral-Ce-Sanik Cerean male from Cerea SoroSuub Kybucks E 27 33 96 43 58 68 100 B A 99 4 113866 66987
Reeft Wookiee male from Ord Trasi Meirm Terentatek S 41 50 44 61 102 61 100 D CC 112 3 162603 94633 Tall, Very Strong
Sai'urr'narek Chiss male (no homeworld) Raynor Coppis E 25 50 68 50 45 66 100 B CC 623 7 51991 43917 Agile, Strong
Shalbril Wookiee male from Geonosis Meirm Terentatek C 48 95 54 55 49 62 100 D C 168 5 141419 74190 Tall, Very Strong
Shalera Wookiee female from Naboo Baktar Kinrath C 31 112 56 62 50 73 100 E C 293 6 137684 35281 Tall, Very Strong
Sidias'nars Jawa male from Raxus Prime Tonena Dewbacks F 21 47 43 90 55 51 100 D DD 2 2 109328 44890 Proficient with Grapple, Short
Spaethpeckhum Wookiee male from Taris ArmaTek Corsairs E 36 36 82 45 47 51 100 D AAA 194 6 151251 124276 Risk Taker, Tall, Very Strong
Spid Wookiee male from Toola ChemFlex Tuk'ata C 30 58 44 44 30 51 100 E C 118 5 69160 61170 Adjusts, Proficient with Passing, Tall, Very Strong
Tivec Jawa male from Otunia Drooga Duneclaws S 39 41 54 71 92 62 100 E - 114 4 58446 24884 Daring, Short
Viriczethros Wookiee male from Brentaal Marlin Assets Firaxa F 32 57 57 110 58 69 100 D B 507 6 154463 16357 Hearty, Tall, Very Strong
Zeryx Human female from Onderon Drooga Duneclaws S 23 48 40 63 81 43 100 C AA 472 7 50486 20092 Lesatho, Proficient with Blaster, Protective, Tall
Frorral Nyrat Aalun-Rollan Near-Human male from Tatooine Czerka Sand Bats S 21 20 47 38 71 35 100 D A 571 7 107690 85602 Brilliant with Passing, Proficient with Staff
Annikin Aasa Human male from Anaxes Anaxes Scyks E 25 46 67 54 53 44 100 B BB 1143 8 55984 55984 Protective, Very Strong
Ka'mont'sem Aath Nikto male from Coruscant Desler Mynocks F 22 54 57 91 45 61 100 C A 239 6 95375 80470 Tall
Adorn Ada Mirialan male from Mirial Alsakan Farlus Hawks S 20 57 59 61 92 81 100 D B 242 6 130262 102483 Often Avoids Combat, Risk Taker, Tall
Ira'deschto Aden Sullustan male from Coruscant Tirsa Starhoppers E 31 60 87 54 59 57 100 D - 13 3 57477 50336 Strays from Combat
Anraeth Adri Human male from Drall Marlin Assets Firaxa S 24 71 72 75 111 79 100 B B 625 7 191647 11957
Arili Afit'smoot Duros female from Tatooine Tonena Dewbacks E 29 51 93 71 27 65 60 B - 242 6 113606 49088
Aeshi Afu Trandoshan female from Dosha Sienar Dragonets S 19 45 48 58 85 61 100 D A 45 3 150101 130284 Proficient with Staff, Very Strong
Ahsoka Afu Human female from Lahsbane Meirm Terentatek F 21 29 50 92 32 63 100 D CC 1026 8 113260 72017 Chokes in Clutch, Daring
Affric Agai-Qul Human male from Yarnil Hyrotii Nova E 25 38 91 40 23 66 100 A CC 10 3 83843 45123
Dyemmha Aerith Agar Near-Human female from Filordis Coronet Krayt Dragons F 25 63 61 108 92 71 100 A B 335 5 152835 48227 Risk Averse
Tron Willum Agri Human male from Hargeeva Meirm Terentatek S 17 35 28 56 81 51 100 C C 145 5 101073 64374 Tall
Anstaal Ahid Human male from Coruscant Coruscant Senators E 21 63 74 51 45 47 100 C CC 126 5 64530 55000 Accurate, Proficient with Catching
Lohn Ain Nimbanel male from Vaynai Hyrotii Nova E 24 61 101 56 46 71 100 C B 62 4 172310 89105 Expert with Staff
An'galinda Airhart-Chasdy Human female from Tatooine Czerka Sand Bats F 27 41 25 80 55 45 98 AA D 986 8 58416 26869 Daring, Very Acrobatic
Affric Algwinn Azzameen Nimbanel male from Alsakan Alsakan Farlus Hawks F 26 49 54 79 45 55 100 B B 315 6 65862 64341 Clutch, Proficient with Grapple, Proficient with Staff, Very Agile
Antar Alin Human male from Ladarra Spadda Sandtuskers S 20 44 24 42 71 48 100 C C 55 3 55972 46763 Brilliant with Passing
Beylyssa Alin Human female from Nim Drovis Coronet Krayt Dragons E 25 61 105 52 28 78 100 D B 686 8 149860 47933
Ryssk Alin Trandoshan male from Dathomir Coruschal Asharl Panthers C 21 75 34 34 43 41 100 D BB 779 8 107002 81109 Very Strong
Bana Alvak-Hutrick Human female from Garos IV Atrisia Blades E 27 58 86 58 52 62 100 AAA B 782 7 74379 72573 Nimble, Proficient with Blaster, Strays from Combat, Very Delicate
Iri Ttul Amar Zabrak male from Pantolomin Pantolomin Halfbacks C 22 95 53 49 41 57 100 C BB 532 7 110391 109250 Injury Prone, Proficient with Staff
Dugo Amgris'zehow Chadra-Fan male from Ord Mantell Marlin Assets Firaxa S 25 64 64 64 110 71 100 B CC 453 4 155117 12130 Clutch Player, Proficient with Staff, Protective, Short
Grisserno Ana Rodian male from Gelgelar Amzab Pulsars C 17 62 46 40 46 44 100 D A 68 4 14998 14998 Clutch, Proficient with Staff, Risk Taker
Dafi Anang Quermian female from Ploo II Tal Kad Shanjaru C 25 104 52 55 82 71 100 A BB 75 3 122525 7962 Tall
Ssorku Anen Trandoshan male from Ord Mantell Branada's Secret Rancors E 22 58 89 20 40 70 100 D CC 286 7 88272 43285 Nimble, Very Strong
Antur Anno Human male from Alsakan Alsakan Farlus Hawks E 24 56 91 50 46 51 100 B B 111 4 104642 104642 Proficient with Staff, Short
Exov Ohvan Argait Near-Human male from Mutanda Baktar Kinrath E 28 26 100 42 27 77 100 B B 321 6 105680 27452 Acrobatic
Aleq Argo Duros male from Duro Duro Tacema C 22 123 53 55 52 54 100 D AA 160 5 193786 75401 Tall
Erran Arka Klatooinan male from Pii Czerka Sand Bats C 24 88 46 67 62 53 100 B C 119 4 93421 38711 Accurate
Da'adnama'cha Arkos Re Twi'lek female from Telos Alsakan Farlus Hawks C 29 102 65 66 56 79 100 AAA B 237 6 99523 82853 Agile, Marksman with Blaster, Proficient with Staff, Strays from Combat
Aubro Arrel Nikto male from Sarafur ArmaTek Corsairs F 18 48 54 87 43 57 100 D AA 853 7 111431 89836 Adaptable, Proficient with Passing, Tall
Nogget Artis Near-Human male from Ralltiir Lhosan Womp Weasels F 29 70 68 113 27 62 100 AA CC 35 3 120493 19327
Meeva Artom Near-Human female from Tatooine Gurian Zalaacas S 15 49 42 51 92 76 76 D B 43 3 18313 18313 Feeble
Tolan Un Aryss Kel Dor male from Coruscant Corellia Sand Panthers E 28 43 81 59 26 53 100 AA C 907 7 76724 37732 Strong
Brack Ashgad-Flynn Human male from Karoliston Raynor Coppis C 27 90 53 49 47 46 100 AAA CC 202 5 64539 49285 Precise, Risk Averse, Risk Taker
Noren Assid-Sulli Human male from Alderaan Corellia Sand Panthers C 18 55 55 43 47 38 100 D B 608 8 76161 67259 Somewhat Injury Prone
Aphus Asto Human male from Darlyn Boda Beemon Tontitrans S 29 33 47 42 76 42 100 A CC 145 5 74806 60700 Expert with Passing, Short
Sha Tre Tannath Asto Human female from Chrona Meirm Terentatek E 18 46 83 44 52 51 100 D B 279 6 117662 91217 Chokes in Clutch, Very Delicate
Huorne Davessi At-Ke Human female from Phindar Synchet Shyracks S 16 53 25 47 85 50 100 D B 693 8 125000 102438 Feeble, Proficient with Catching
Apwar Atar Human male from Janguine Beemon Tontitrans E 23 49 75 37 21 51 100 D B 1 2 101655 72545 Acrobatic
Va'keena Ateltaan Near-Human female from Chad Exotac Gizka S 17 43 44 51 100 67 100 E CC 522 6 146415 70506
Mazie Jysella Awson Togorian female from New Plympto New Plympto Rikknits S 33 46 57 57 75 55 100 D - 141 5 30708 30708 Injury Prone, Very Focused
Arac Awwe Near-Human male from Coruscant Orlean Wraids F 19 62 53 71 36 43 100 C CC 0 0 92565 82829
Borna Baem Nikto female from Thaere Privo Coruschal Asharl Panthers S 23 47 41 46 87 56 100 C B 204 5 115508 94581 Precise, Proficient with Passing, Risk Averse
Croym Jor Baem Human male from Naos Branada's Secret Rancors C 27 84 68 67 25 77 100 AA C 616 9 95732 15538 Expert with Catching, Proficient with Staff, Team Leader
Gama Bagy Near-Human female (no homeworld) K&M Industries Nerf Herders E 18 46 108 74 63 83 100 D BB 26 1 159647 16361
Balluzikik-Sulan Bahr Selkath male from Manaan Desler Mynocks C 28 81 53 49 66 38 100 A B 76 4 49408 43380 Proficient with Grapple
Dillian-Ith Baht Klatooinan male from Klatooine Branada's Secret Rancors F 39 40 40 93 50 95 100 F - 453 2 65589 5157
Allisha Bain Trandoshan male from Anaxes Anaxes Scyks E 26 48 79 47 59 50 100 C B 19 3 80559 80559 Legendary
Rirak Krin Banai Human male from Gorm GSI Wingmaws E 18 66 121 40 38 74 100 C B 199 6 161017 35705 Accurate, Expert with Passing
Sembric'ith Nall Banai Trandoshan male from Trandosha Tal Kad Shanjaru C 30 102 80 32 28 66 100 C C 18 2 138258 53758 Proficient with Staff, Very Strong
Aram Bane Human male from Cantras Gola Marlin Assets Firaxa S 16 52 16 51 87 42 100 D D 277 7 36553 8948 Protective
Dena Prender Brotingo Baran Rellarin male from Rellnas Minor Czerka Nexu F 31 48 36 89 35 63 100 C - 35 3 50776 19756 Powerful, Tall
Bab Baric Mandalorian male from Flashpoint Atrisia Blades E 29 39 55 37 36 75 100 B CC 166 5 87851 81222 Adjusts
Brin'tole Baric Ithorian male from Coruscant Tal Kad Shanjaru S 24 34 27 45 102 64 100 B A 163 6 143219 44956 Expert with Grapple
Aurine Baric'juun Sullustan female from Tatooine Gurian Zalaacas S 16 45 40 43 70 53 100 D AAA 124 5 29297 29297 Proficient with Staff, Very Injury Prone
Proc'eri Barizaan'flavian'mau Bothan female (unknown homeworld) Lhosan Womp Weasels C 20 119 59 81 92 71 100 C B 148 4 192533 38616 Proficient with Grapple
Brennis Barje Barabel male from Barab I K&M Industries Nerf Herders E 20 27 113 59 35 102 100 C A 428 6 288683 25747 Risk Averse
Triko'unigard Baron Sludir male from Coruscant Tirsa Starhoppers F 32 57 58 89 49 61 100 C CC 21 2 70750 58100 Durable, Nimble, Proficient with Passing
Ob Bdu Baragwin male from Denuhi VIII Novinyet Ghests E 18 35 104 42 19 77 100 D B 163 5 190695 90653 Delicate, Plodding, Proficient with Grapple
Arb Beck Mirialan male from Mirial Raynor Coppis S 23 41 46 51 99 57 100 B A 135 5 139161 118074 Clutch, Extremely Durable
Noor Beedo Barabel male from Tatooine Gurian Zalaacas C 17 94 43 39 57 51 92 D A 73 4 17944 17944 Durable
Ragan Samiam Bel Duros male from Ossus Coruscant Senators C 25 93 57 43 55 61 100 C B 356 6 152146 97889 Injury Prone
Balass Berdok-Veed Human male from Skip 1 Novinyet Ghests C 22 95 39 56 38 52 100 D C 1228 9 91058 48184
Aneashjang Bernar Mortull Trandoshan male from Dosha Beemon Tontitrans C 34 71 52 49 48 41 100 A B 222 6 77075 64047 Chokes in Clutch, Focused, Godlike, Somewhat Injury Prone, Strays from Combat, Ungainly
Brisha Besa Human female from Ithull ChemFlex Tuk'ata S 17 32 33 44 91 52 100 D B 252 6 144549 77517 Proficient with Catching, Short
Jan'jah'gonoga Besa Twi'lek male from Kaal Ord Sabaok Scouts F 23 58 51 83 56 57 100 B A 155 5 103427 101859 Chokes in Clutch, Proficient with Passing, Proficient with Staff
Adarian Besh Twi'lek male from Issor Tonena Dewbacks S 22 36 28 57 71 52 100 D CC 139 5 90004 80929 Focused
Adrenas Beth Zabrak male from Corellia Hyrotii Nova E 26 40 110 47 48 81 100 B B 78 3 125209 27077 Proficient with Staff
Mat'lysal'lynorri Betos'rooker Nikto female from Asmeru ArmaTek Corsairs E 17 51 81 44 53 52 100 D AA 363 6 112970 90838 Short
Alcina Bin Human female from Coruscant Coruscant Senators E 26 24 83 59 63 61 100 A C 201 5 108222 64727 Proficient with Blaster, Very Ineffectual
Kardem-Gebs Bindoo'pollock Herglic male from Lamuir IV K&M Industries Nerf Herders E 35 53 87 53 33 81 100 E - 17 2 49356 7343 Adjusts, Short, Very Strong
Raslan Samnt Binx Near-Human male from Kerilt Novinyet Ghests S 17 44 41 71 105 71 100 D B 147 4 211117 86860
Aesho Birt Gotal male from Tuulab Lhosan Womp Weasels F 19 51 51 92 60 61 100 D C 140 4 100120 64194 Proficient with Grapple
Cardo'tez Birt Trandoshan male from Rendili Rendili StarDrives E 22 44 86 38 40 70 100 D A 7 2 118526 112575 Very Strong
Ysadria Kal Bitters-Tulla Human male from Wukkar Tonena Dewbacks C 26 83 58 57 53 51 100 A B 49 3 92400 47640 Proficient with Blaster, Very Strong
Alyk Bnar Rodian male from Tatooine Aratech Nighthunters S 29 51 41 62 100 67 100 B C 354 6 145216 80871 Clutch Player, Expert with Grapple, Nimble
Adum Kral Bok Yinchorri male from Yinchorr Meirm Terentatek E 20 54 90 44 23 71 100 D C 248 5 129359 74301
Plee Pau Bolpa Twi'lek male from Ryloon Branada's Secret Rancors E 25 83 62 60 29 75 100 AAA CC 23 3 81863 30791 Brilliant with Catching
Arin Boom Human male from Coruscant Desler Mynocks E 27 58 86 53 55 50 100 AAA CC 592 7 52391 52391 Daring, Focused, Strays from Combat
Ariq Boon Human male from Coruscant ChemFlex Tuk'ata F 22 44 29 76 20 43 100 C CC 99 5 75081 66142 Expert with Catching
Rilba Boon Etti female from Etti IV Exotac Gizka E 19 51 75 41 46 61 100 D A 150 5 118675 99732 Injury Prone
Geor'n'harhan Borf Nikto male from Coruscant Amzab Pulsars F 17 46 40 66 46 50 100 D BB 118 6 21152 21152 Proficient with Passing
Acantha Braitano-Mecheaux Near-Human female from Glee Anselm Marlin Assets Firaxa S 28 69 70 71 111 66 100 AA A 757 8 173820 15552 Protective
Morr Teelir Bross Duros male from Kuat Meirm Terentatek E 22 41 97 42 22 71 100 D CC 337 6 136576 62787 Naturally Accurate, Protective
Simyl Givens Brun Near-Human male from Recopia Czerka Nexu E 30 54 100 43 42 78 100 C - 209 5 135509 67127 Adjusts, Brute, Very Injury Prone
Kahlee Brutt Hapan female from Alsakan Alsakan Farlus Hawks F 30 55 55 93 47 55 100 B BB 538 7 100356 98898 Very Ungainly
Kareban'venusia'la Bu Nikto female from Pantolomin Pantolomin Halfbacks S 28 47 57 61 89 67 100 A BB 1124 8 82683 82683 Proficient with Passing, Strong, Very Ungainly
Aleck Buc Near-Human female from Csilla Baktar Kinrath C 43 85 55 47 61 82 100 F - 272 7 37027 1856
Drofo Neuvalis Buele Trandoshan male from Issor Czerka Sand Bats E 20 71 78 27 45 44 100 D CC 45 3 80536 71768 Very Strong
Airten Bullwin-Fotzekotze Human male from Q'Maere Amzab Pulsars F 16 55 53 73 46 47 72 D A 17 3 72376 72376 Adjusts, Daring, Durable, Guardian, Tall
Tarrence Sarne Burloo-Demoal Human male from Coruscant Orlean Wraids F 22 40 49 58 49 33 100 D A 284 6 106616 97869 Very Daring
Ahlan Burs Zabrak male from Dantooine Atrisia Blades F 29 53 40 64 27 67 100 B B 339 6 85531 78441 Adjusts
Caske Byrg Nikto female from Coruscant Tirsa Starhoppers F 28 57 44 85 47 71 100 B B 124 5 60371 52895 Expert with Staff, Short, Strong
Taylu Byrg Trandoshan male from Nar Shaddaa Sienar Dragonets F 19 57 50 86 45 61 100 D A 338 8 124897 106093 Intelligent, Short, Very Agile, Very Strong
Muehling'sai C'kian Cathar female from Nar Shaddaa Marlin Assets Firaxa C 20 110 64 73 70 75 100 D CC 137 9 167303 8439 Very Accurate
Taikotelai Cahey Duros female from Kwevron Meirm Terentatek F 24 51 23 93 33 62 100 B C 918 7 88040 32171 Somewhat Feeble
Ballin Cahey-Mashayekhi Human male from Coruscant Corellia Sand Panthers F 23 43 45 91 28 58 100 C B 140 5 140072 82081
Drolen Calin Nimbanel male from Kip Novinyet Ghests C 16 97 47 47 47 61 0 D C 1288 7 86925 27935
Sha Calkin Darillian Gamorrean female from Emmer Meirm Terentatek E 11 53 86 56 51 71 100 D AA 89 4 125459 84434
Catta-Fan Pace Callum Trandoshan male from Dosha Volkov Hyperdrives C 34 94 46 46 45 68 100 B CC 102 4 99915 47979 Very Strong
Sprax Canas Falleen male from Falleen Branada's Secret Rancors E 30 54 125 51 28 90 100 B B 952 8 192291 19475
Armen Cano Human male from Omwat ArmaTek Corsairs C 24 95 46 46 46 74 100 C CC 263 6 166894 95256 Brute, Hearty
Vreego Nyl Captisan Neimoidian male from Deko Neimoidia Bareesh Kath Hounds F 39 55 81 92 45 72 100 E - 247 4 64027 19034 Delicate
Forma'falk Car'stoolee Sullustan male from Bespin Amzab Pulsars C 16 83 53 48 44 46 90 E A 84 5 21704 21704 Clutch, Expert with Staff, Risk Averse, Tall
Squedge Cari Ishi Tib male from Nar Shaddaa Atrisia Blades E 20 51 73 52 47 64 100 C A 131 5 119270 119270 Chokes in Clutch
Bwa Tine Carn Human male from Exarga Synchet Shyracks C 25 79 47 44 42 61 100 D AA 720 8 105100 87214 Short
Elibet Casti Ugnaught female from Rendili Rendili StarDrives F 29 48 55 79 51 44 100 B B 868 7 61098 60173 Intelligent, Precise, Short
Arnoll Ceen Human male from Celwis Lhosan Womp Weasels C 26 96 54 46 46 62 100 B CC 449 6 107895 51280 Risk Averse, Very Strong
Arnothian Celz Human male from Quermia Coruschal Asharl Panthers E 29 49 83 39 41 57 100 C - 199 6 65214 57212 Ungainly, Very Durable
Paytro Cerrano Human male from Corellia Czerka Nexu C 24 100 66 70 80 64 100 AAA B 789 3 78920 20902 Agile, Expert Passer, Expert Receiver, Kell
Scerra Chak Nalroni female from Coruscant Orlean Wraids S 20 28 55 69 78 41 100 C C 138 5 67864 58712
Nasdra Myle Chan Frozian male from Froz Synchet Shyracks F 24 34 57 68 43 59 100 B CC 152 5 77403 67926 Muscular, Proficient with Passing
Noimm'shaak Chan Nikto female from Lok ChemFlex Tuk'ata E 19 41 96 46 45 81 100 D A 55 3 138430 93942 Chokes in Clutch, Risk Taker
Arratan Chaz Human male from Karsten IASpec Orokeets E 29 28 123 50 47 86 100 B CC 206 5 169772 16317 Accurate, Expert with Grapple, Very Delicate
Aliniaca Chi Human female from Centurious SoroSuub Kybucks C 29 88 66 41 40 68 100 C C 266 5 91094 63441 Proficient with Grapple
Malak'andria Chi Nikto female from Coruscant Desler Mynocks C 26 94 61 51 48 69 100 A B 355 6 73697 65324 Intelligent, Proficient with Blaster, Strong
Val Torr Chi Human male from Ando Raynor Coppis E 31 41 90 54 41 56 100 C - 163 5 44171 31976 Adaptable, Durable, Short
Ament Sidias Chin Human male from Coruscant Orlean Wraids C 22 69 43 53 31 52 100 D B 3 2 83882 74737
Lik Chonk Snivvian male from Cadomai Novinyet Ghests E 21 34 88 38 37 61 100 D B 100 4 103465 66036 Proficient with Passing
Oo'nykl Chuovvick'yewett Human male from Tatooine Spadda Sandtuskers C 23 83 55 35 32 40 100 D C 165 5 83666 74586
Alder Hodrren Chusker Human male from Coruscant SoroSuub Kybucks C 25 100 51 57 47 65 100 C CC 234 6 176745 100103 Injury Prone
Allya Clatto-Treboh Near-Human female from Arda-2 Merr-Sonn Lightning F 29 54 60 99 45 71 100 C - 1024 8 109238 41714 Proficient with Catching
Bar'lin'shal Naruueld Clessigan Twi'lek male from Najiba Beemon Tontitrans S 25 35 63 57 79 51 100 C B 1064 8 87352 64659
Alole Cleyhamnet Near-Human female from Kashir Marlin Assets Firaxa F 16 61 46 100 61 34 100 E C 286 7 89853 10645 Strong
Archlonus Codi Nikto male from Kintan Sienar Dragonets C 19 99 50 49 53 66 100 D A 233 6 106168 77926
Artemes Codi Near-Human male from Genarius Alsakan Farlus Hawks E 25 43 82 49 43 49 100 A A 84 4 99231 98079 Proficient with Staff, Short
Diap'supi Codi Twi'lek female from Coruscant Coruscant Senators S 20 34 55 33 71 42 100 D B 192 5 98289 88497 Proficient with Staff
Loli Vodo Codi Human female from Coruscant ChemFlex Tuk'ata C 22 71 51 43 55 36 100 C B 57 4 89411 79816 Nimble
Rea Fyf Codru Selonian male from Seftek Coronet Krayt Dragons E 34 47 102 41 55 74 100 C - 637 9 84137 11637
Adni Con'kogote Duros female from Duro Bareesh Kath Hounds C 27 98 54 60 62 69 100 B B 135 5 155234 61096 Protective, Somewhat Feeble, Very Daring
Kaith'rait'singular Cona Vodran male from Vodran Coruschal Asharl Panthers C 17 61 35 36 39 41 100 D CC 24 3 101685 77686
Tait Coor Mandalorian male from Dxun Synchet Shyracks E 22 48 85 30 68 52 100 B B 960 7 78518 40323 Proficient with Catching
Dobra Raad Coral Frozian male from Froz Baktar Kinrath S 36 41 50 48 104 82 100 C - 327 4 102935 14501 Proficient with Blaster, Proficient with Grapple
Yee Corek Falleen female from Taris Hyrotii Nova C 30 92 43 57 43 62 100 C - 82 3 77027 30053 Brute
Charis Corr Nikto female from Thaere Privo Raynor Coppis C 26 95 44 45 43 68 100 D B 124 4 107374 61423 Good with Grapple, Tall, Very Focused
Ausar Corra Jenet male from Coruscant Coruscant Senators C 26 74 31 41 30 41 100 C B 319 6 78546 42829 Accurate, Very Nimble
Jabesq Ambar Corso Shistavanen male from Pii Drooga Duneclaws F 18 51 35 72 16 47 100 D CC 175 5 78394 69238 Proficient with Blaster
Cheriss Coth Human female from Cadomai Novinyet Ghests S 28 40 63 52 99 54 100 A C 129 5 126575 68740 Strays from Combat, Tall, Very Nimble
Braxas Coth-Bimmin Human male from Tatooine Czerka Sand Bats C 30 92 67 55 46 51 95 B C 119 4 97895 43243 Proficient with Blaster
Shaina Te Cov-Fiev Human female from Maya Kovel Branada's Secret Rancors C 22 114 21 54 52 90 100 C A 227 4 192406 23040
Artemes Crab Sith male from Rhelg TasCorp Cannoks C 18 102 51 51 51 71 100 D A 337 6 158622 79307 Proficient with Blaster
Cindar Crace Near-Human male from Concord Dawn Marlin Assets Firaxa F 18 78 71 99 20 53 100 D B 735 5 119793 18521 Kell, Proficient with Passing, Proficient with Staff
Dustangle Cranna'te Duros male from Varonat K&M Industries Nerf Herders F 34 49 70 83 32 65 100 C - 96 5 29956 6477
Cheva Crel Human female from Sharb Duro Tacema C 27 60 37 25 41 76 100 C CC 55 4 59389 51944
Yo'warshack Crisk Duros male from Coruscant GSI Wingmaws C 36 86 51 59 48 62 100 F - 787 7 31701 9920 Very Daring
Fon'lokk'nour Crom Nikto male from Atrisia Atrisia Blades S 32 57 52 65 95 59 100 D - 113 5 46832 45808 Expert with Staff, Intelligent
Ashaad Cruz Near-Human male from Coruscant Orlean Wraids E 18 47 53 45 16 46 100 D B 129 5 78019 69096
Acros Cuf Zabrak male from Cularin Aratech Nighthunters F 25 57 40 98 27 71 100 C C 137 5 164064 83414 Guardian
Tombat Cuis Nimbanel male from Nimban TasCorp Cannoks C 27 96 70 53 47 61 100 B B 1121 8 127883 60032 Brute, Proficient with Passing
Darovitjian Zentis Cundertol Trandoshan male from Ord Mantell IASpec Orokeets C 24 128 50 55 51 71 100 D B 317 6 192157 621 Proficient with Grapple, Very Strong
Cryalira Cyrs Human female from Coruscant Desler Mynocks S 23 52 53 56 100 65 100 C A 187 5 111152 88028 Clutch, Guardian
Jace D'eynin Human male from Nubia Tal Kad Shanjaru C 22 114 34 67 50 66 100 D A 225 1 116946 44 Bloodthirsty, Grapple Master, Karv, Natural Passer
Jax D'eynin Human male from Nubia Coronet Krayt Dragons C 28 130 78 53 54 76 100 AA B 486 5 159325 132 Big Stick, Brutal Deluxe, Karv, Tall
Braganti D'krysusten Zabrak male from Tatooine Gurian Zalaacas C 17 81 43 56 48 53 97 D AA 68 5 14020 14020 Agile, Strong
Klorian D'shdeclaw Cathar male from Alderaan K&M Industries Nerf Herders C 25 121 72 91 61 75 100 B B 571 5 161667 2820 Expert Receiver, Muscular, Phylok, Unnaturally Agile, Versatile
Nrissa D'vyr Zeltron female from Zeltros K&M Industries Nerf Herders C 25 109 69 95 59 81 100 B B 462 7 156294 2317 Alasha, Homicidal, Nimble, Sex Goddess
Transhiva'lenna Goa Da Trandoshan female from Quockra-4 Synchet Shyracks F 21 52 33 79 52 53 100 D BB 17 3 118369 82241 Very Strong
Chihdo Da'kore Devaronian male from Andasala Tonena Dewbacks F 23 50 45 124 23 73 100 C CC 150 4 166262 321 Adjusts
Aabatar Da-Triald Near-Human male from Dorin TasCorp Cannoks E 17 39 90 40 54 61 100 D CC 860 9 133128 65474 Brute, Protective
Cerisa Keb Dafid Human female from Galand Lhosan Womp Weasels E 21 19 110 66 59 67 100 C CC 5 3 110004 22235 Protective
Ona Dajus Rodian female from Pembric II GSI Wingmaws E 28 26 97 62 43 71 100 B B 121 4 125152 62446
Zanthe No Dak Human female from Jerrilek Bareesh Kath Hounds E 38 55 89 45 36 87 100 F - 150 2 65286 11927 Strong
Atha Dane Human male from Coruscant Coruscant Senators C 21 58 43 25 48 40 100 D B 120 5 96265 86418 Proficient with Catching
Airen Merrick Dangel Raef Human male from Dac Raynor Coppis F 23 46 50 64 35 48 100 B A 726 9 71954 66003 Expert with Catching, Risk Taker, Somewhat Clumsy, Very Strong
Shran'solkin Dani'hing Gotal male from M'haeli Tonena Dewbacks E 38 64 103 58 53 83 100 E - 371 7 93201 9672 Proficient with Grapple
Amem Danl Sullustan male from Coruscant Tirsa Starhoppers S 27 54 53 53 92 64 100 B B 250 6 69180 61169 Daring, Precise, Weak
Beels Danod Kuati male from Kuat Synchet Shyracks F 18 49 37 78 34 71 100 D DD 648 7 77263 42774 Suicidal
Cligot Darc Human female from Coruscant Orlean Wraids F 17 36 51 64 54 43 100 D CC 109 4 69700 61008 Proficient with Staff
Colandra Dart Human female from Isis Synchet Shyracks C 24 80 36 41 56 41 100 D A 60 3 125299 90030 Short
Colclazure Darv Human female from Coruscant Desler Mynocks F 26 43 55 96 46 58 100 A B 3 3 59583 50890 Clutch, Expert with Staff, Very Injury Prone
Mingo Birhan Das Iktotchi male from Coruscant Coruscant Senators F 20 34 47 61 20 49 100 D BB 16 3 83934 75050 Risk Averse
Arsitta Daws Zabrak male from Corellia Raynor Coppis E 31 45 70 56 48 61 100 C - 149 5 28843 25375 Durable
Ovkhevam Derra Kel Dor male from Dorin Novinyet Ghests F 26 55 42 90 30 71 100 B C 210 6 122982 57185
Averen Desh Human male from Shusugaunt Beemon Tontitrans C 30 91 51 50 60 77 100 B A 271 6 104432 86601 Proficient with Passing, Tall
Nict Kei Di Near-Human male from Sarvchi Novinyet Ghests F 27 53 26 93 46 61 100 B DD 249 6 107089 58044
Warto'wexlann Dice Sullustan male from New Plympto New Plympto Rikknits C 29 93 60 47 52 53 100 B B 9 2 68730 67378 Durable, Feeble, Short
K'mir'th Dil Twi'lek male from Alvorine Czerka Nexu F 31 55 36 91 54 83 100 C - 229 5 91322 41963
Frija Dimodan Tol Twi'lek female from New Plympto New Plympto Rikknits F 34 50 48 79 48 47 100 E - 820 7 19053 19053 Somewhat Feeble
Abron Din Trandoshan male from Pinett Sienar Dragonets E 32 46 93 43 49 71 100 C - 189 4 89300 39590 Daring, Very Strong
Vondri Dinoa Chevin female (unknown homeworld) Baktar Kinrath E 28 40 100 55 56 74 100 C A 150 5 107903 35585
Craasadi Dise Human female from Coruscant Corellia Sand Panthers F 26 53 53 85 49 52 100 B CC 503 6 97357 50706
Harthusa Dise Givin female from Yag'Dhul Czerka Nexu E 25 67 88 27 44 71 100 B CC 212 6 84427 46436
Krussk Dith Trandoshan male from Tatooine Spadda Sandtuskers E 25 44 78 59 51 77 100 C B 481 6 28475 16471 K’raal, Very Strong
Astarii Djalla-Ra Gran male from Kintan Novinyet Ghests C 18 88 42 42 45 64 100 D AAA 17 2 127237 93631
Aga Dlhe-Silthen Human male from Coruscant Sienar Dragonets C 20 81 50 45 48 52 100 D B 144 5 89255 68147 Agile, Proficient with Passing, Short
Gjeel Do Theelin male from New Bornalex GSI Wingmaws E 31 39 93 56 41 68 100 C - 137 4 107149 57306
Crela Dodd Human female from Lazerian IV Coronet Krayt Dragons S 34 51 82 67 110 65 100 E - 884 9 112490 25642
Avlis Dodt Human male from Coruscant Desler Mynocks S 22 44 48 58 102 71 100 C A 126 5 135506 67803 Proficient with Passing, Proficient with Staff
Aloova Doiae-Tame Human female from Askaj ArmaTek Corsairs F 23 51 27 94 61 71 100 C C 1079 8 125414 65286 Naturally Focused
Arber Doim Duros male from Duro Duro Tacema E 28 47 90 59 59 60 100 AA B 146 5 72690 66074 Chokes in Clutch, Strong
Crislyn Doim Human female from Belsavis Marlin Assets Firaxa F 17 70 71 111 70 81 100 D AA 125 5 223657 24201
Heeth Baree Dolas Near-Human female from Garqi ArmaTek Corsairs E 17 49 102 41 69 73 100 E B 167 5 156405 83440
Avke'nova Dominia'trevval Nikto female from Coruscant Corellia Sand Panthers E 22 44 85 57 32 60 100 C CC 579 7 144833 79331 Proficient with Grapple
Mnemos'feaven Dontin'reglis Rodian male from Varonat Tal Kad Shanjaru E 28 70 95 26 59 61 100 AA - 468 8 85903 34186
Yraskie Doom Trandoshan female from Trandosha Baktar Kinrath F 20 56 58 115 51 76 100 D C 165 5 145892 24848 Very Strong
Vis-Dindra Crosear Dornelles Human male from Babali Hyrotii Nova F 30 61 66 84 43 68 100 B - 199 6 53233 26063 Proficient with Catching
Azarin Doru Human male from Coruscant Tirsa Starhoppers C 28 105 48 53 56 61 0 AA B 0 4 40546 32589 Naturally Accurate, Short
Artur Dosla-Kassal Human male from New Plympto New Plympto Rikknits F 26 81 57 91 56 65 100 AA B 90 4 107978 81193 Very Agile
Bearus Genda Shim Doum Human male from Aridus Bareesh Kath Hounds E 25 51 98 41 59 79 100 C C 112 2 163544 90566
Cuco Doum Human female from Endor New Plympto Rikknits F 33 46 31 63 54 91 100 D - 97 2 37240 20032 Risk Averse
Jahan'dr'aklaio Dowwn'dorat Bothan male from Vaynai GSI Wingmaws F 29 52 60 89 70 61 100 AA C 761 8 87217 47727 Clutch Player
Kras-Sor Dra Trandoshan male from Anaxes Anaxes Scyks S 33 53 57 55 107 54 100 C CC 20 1 96770 68691 Selfless, Very Strong
Diona Drakkar-Tentrata Human female from Druckenwell Alsakan Farlus Hawks E 18 46 62 41 16 69 100 D CC 55 4 104530 94739 Proficient with Grapple
Octavia Glimmer Drane-Viba Human female from Montitia Raynor Coppis S 28 59 49 64 80 44 100 AAA BB 44 2 80359 61987
Cyra Dree Human female from Lamaredd Merr-Sonn Lightning E 32 49 99 64 30 76 100 C - 167 3 127329 45782 Very Strong
Sovi'l'sienn'soth Lom Dreis Twi'lek female from Ralme IV Atrisia Blades E 22 20 66 41 62 72 100 D C 488 7 84070 58849
Dabri Drii Human female from Sposia New Plympto Rikknits S 26 29 50 54 64 78 100 B B 139 5 81721 75415
Aia Dru Gotal male from Antar 5 Amzab Pulsars S 15 54 40 61 69 74 96 D BB 128 4 14127 14127 Proficient with Catching, Short, Very Injury Prone
Dara Du-Larado Human female from Kolatill Meirm Terentatek S 16 42 47 57 100 71 100 D C 214 5 138423 66168
Gebbu'grelk'vueral Duaba'raftican Bith male from Clak'Dor VII Coronet Krayt Dragons E 24 47 110 46 32 84 100 C B 211 5 182858 57027 Brute, Focused
Trask Fresiq Dulo Near-Human male from Bandomeer Czerka Nexu E 21 19 89 49 20 75 100 D B 128 4 133835 76721
Aztin Duna Hapan male from Gallinore Coronet Krayt Dragons C 23 112 100 65 61 73 100 AA CC 613 7 171923 44596 Clutch Player, Deadly Accurate, Sharpshooter, Tall, Tiali
Henk Dunk-Heathe Alderaanian male from Prefsbelt IV Baktar Kinrath C 35 85 44 47 52 71 100 C - 237 6 37452 8444
Notha Durab Svivreni female from Issor Czerka Sand Bats E 22 20 71 52 62 45 100 D CC 710 7 74632 64817 Protective
Carbinol Duranedyshkava Near-Human female from Sullust Aratech Nighthunters C 23 123 66 75 67 79 100 AA A 356 4 187409 42416 Strays from Combat
Salla'nuray Morningstar Corrino Durkin Twi'lek female from Ryloon ChemFlex Tuk'ata F 25 61 48 93 44 63 100 D A 298 6 175963 95596 Adjusts
Relal Rirak Brendlheim Durron Daan male from Melida/Daan ArmaTek Corsairs S 23 42 41 61 105 67 100 B B 285 6 177784 84741 Ungainly
Gilsaria Dwaeer-Prok Near-Human female from Shimia Orlean Wraids C 23 89 42 44 66 61 100 C C 99 3 161862 107544 Clutch Player, Injury Prone
Zo Dym Mon Calamari male from Socorro Rendili StarDrives E 27 52 67 45 25 75 100 B C 334 6 52507 45555 Very Acrobatic
Kalut Ee Human male from Fyodos Merr-Sonn Lightning F 41 58 51 95 46 75 100 F - 332 6 68210 14154 Strays from Combat
Zeph Ejaazz Iskalonian male from Aquaris IASpec Orokeets S 20 42 18 42 119 63 100 C CC 0 1 132373 19175 Brute
Chur Noor Elder Rybet male from Coruscant Corellia Sand Panthers S 30 59 41 41 77 45 100 C - 250 5 46819 21804 Chokes in Clutch, Proficient with Catching, Proficient with Passing
Madoom Ele Rodian male from Coruscant Corellia Sand Panthers C 23 66 58 31 30 51 100 C B 219 6 90796 80981
Danu Elee Human female from Dathomir Alsakan Farlus Hawks C 19 94 48 51 48 53 100 D AAA 81 4 125237 99957 Proficient with Staff, Tall
Gubo Errol Elee Near-Human male from Yavin 13 Bareesh Kath Hounds E 28 45 107 64 26 92 100 B CC 297 5 143253 37188 Incredibly Agile
Bretton Em' Phonstom Zabrak male from Dantooine Duro Tacema E 23 57 109 61 57 63 100 C BB 0 2 109696 62073 Risk Averse, Strong
Amaiza Enz Human female from Coruscant ChemFlex Tuk'ata E 20 38 68 40 19 49 100 D CC 656 7 64094 54328
Mannee Erinnen'laut Rodian male from Naboo Ord Sabaok Scouts S 25 46 48 52 67 55 100 A AA 160 5 87955 86866 Chokes in Clutch, Feeble, Proficient with Grapple, Uncoordinated
Ceecee Jonra Ern Human female from Ota Spadda Sandtuskers C 30 87 52 28 35 71 100 A C 35 3 81447 29807 Extremely Durable
Aladaire Erne Rodian male from Vohai Beemon Tontitrans E 30 53 91 48 48 61 100 C B 183 5 97423 53917 Durable, Proficient with Blaster, Tall
Baldikarr Eros Mirialan male from Alsakan Alsakan Farlus Hawks S 24 41 46 53 96 55 100 B B 179 5 112271 110015 Chokes in Clutch, Uncoordinated
Jek Constanten Eros Near-Human female from Celanon Ord Sabaok Scouts S 30 51 50 44 90 57 100 D - 9 2 73776 71796 Agile, Clutch, Intelligent, Somewhat Frail, Strong
Rhia Paltonae Eros Human female from Neree Lhosan Womp Weasels E 40 41 94 66 42 90 100 F - 376 7 78096 16386 Proficient with Passing, Risk Averse
Venadar Elara Eros Zabrak female from Issor Czerka Sand Bats F 24 74 38 72 25 43 100 D C 5 2 52644 43668 Muscular
Mort'vor'onstruk Errat Bothan male from Dathomir ArmaTek Corsairs F 19 35 36 55 35 62 100 C B 264 6 111874 98764 Muscular
Andyr Esca Twi'lek male from Stoga Meirm Terentatek F 17 46 54 92 50 61 100 D AAA 97 4 99179 71827
Co'sona Esca Gotal female from Coruscant Coruscant Senators S 23 54 38 50 81 51 100 B DD 1207 9 86105 47368
Darion Esca Human female from Port Haven Beemon Tontitrans S 19 44 38 42 85 63 100 C A 550 7 116510 90485 Chokes in Clutch, Daring, Risk Averse
Roda Et Rellarin female from Rellnas Czerka Nexu F 33 58 59 69 31 71 100 D - 146 5 44640 37240 Powerful, Protective, Tall, Very Accurate
Brookish Etima Towron Twi'lek male from Rendili Rendili StarDrives E 30 61 104 61 55 58 100 AAA CC 126 5 94914 93289 Short, Somewhat Clumsy
Firris-Jahn Shield Etison Issori male from Issor Spadda Sandtuskers F 36 50 45 80 42 56 100 C - 281 7 34161 12944
Corana Evas Rodian female from Pantolomin Pantolomin Halfbacks F 23 65 61 98 61 61 100 C BB 476 7 141293 75830 Focused, Short, Very Delicate
Ahnjai Evazan-Nellis Human male from Coruscant Tirsa Starhoppers E 25 44 85 55 47 51 100 B AA 594 7 66135 58517 Proficient with Grapple
Redlio Evon Lorrdian female from Lorrd Duro Tacema F 35 64 61 94 63 78 100 D - 203 6 35464 19434
Aduro Fah Duros male from Saloch Drooga Duneclaws E 22 48 87 55 54 61 100 C BB 97 4 113789 92179 Durable, Tall, Very Delicate
Ame Fah Human female from Coruscant Corellia Sand Panthers E 22 47 71 27 36 42 100 B B 123 4 78254 67721
Biko Fahey Zabrak male from Anobis Tal Kad Shanjaru S 35 53 52 44 94 40 100 C - 90 4 34789 13303 Expert with Passing
Shardra Darby Fahey-Aa Human female from Atraken Lhosan Womp Weasels C 33 92 46 46 47 71 100 D - 302 6 73225 30667
Boiny Faile Kerestian male from Karoliston Exotac Gizka C 19 88 61 44 44 71 100 D CC 176 5 120151 77619 Very Delicate
Kilburn-Pano Fal Near-Human male from Duro Duro Tacema C 27 98 45 58 53 71 100 AAA CC 813 9 73205 43798 Agile, Proficient with Passing, Risk Averse
Snarh Barriss Falconi-Ro Alderaanian male from Alderaan TasCorp Cannoks E 19 55 78 24 37 59 100 D B 43 3 87265 38574 Adjusts, Proficient with Catching
Lin-Quarle Fall Trandoshan male from Galantos Bareesh Kath Hounds F 24 60 23 99 45 71 100 C C 653 7 115824 58584 Master with Catching, Very Strong
Vicria Betsi Falon Svivreni female from Bandomeer Meirm Terentatek E 17 29 97 39 48 61 100 D B 179 5 144602 70629 Acrobatic
Ryvaz-Fereva Far-Holgor Near-Human male from Galaan Hyrotii Nova F 19 66 59 110 58 72 100 D A 320 6 122443 57040 Durable
Arrik Argos Fas Near-Human male from Polmanar Exotac Gizka S 23 41 35 66 104 61 100 C BB 166 3 235982 138834 Expert with Catching
Davessi Fawn Human female from Randon Czerka Nexu S 25 63 52 52 95 61 100 B C 191 5 117414 69745 Proficient with Blaster, Tall
Davessi Fawn Human female from Alsakan Alsakan Farlus Hawks S 26 56 57 54 73 58 100 A B 632 7 70220 70220 Daring, Good with Grapple, Very Feeble
Benoni Fayar-Mec Near-Human male from Korriban Baktar Kinrath S 30 41 43 51 136 67 100 B A 558 5 235873 42362 Brute
Mugshub Risi Feara Frozian female from Coruscant Tirsa Starhoppers C 28 80 46 52 53 61 100 A B 7 3 54942 46160 Chokes in Clutch, Expert with Catching
Aalia Feb Human female from Sarafur Amzab Pulsars F 18 48 44 74 44 50 100 D AA 151 6 12507 12507 Clutch, Intelligent, Proficient with Blaster, Proficient with Catching, Selfless, Tall
Cir Lan Fee Human male from Algara VI Coruschal Asharl Panthers S 18 63 43 63 80 42 100 D B 12 3 101954 75572 Marksman with Blaster
Fenig Fee Talid female from Ando Prime Sienar Dragonets S 18 53 53 48 95 69 100 D AAA 209 6 136781 103795 Adjusts, Chokes in Clutch
Esala-Talper Fel Gran male from Hok ArmaTek Corsairs S 23 56 58 45 94 53 100 D C 125 4 106622 58794 Adjusts, Proficient with Passing
Heas'tannath Femi Whiphid male from Gambolla Sienar Dragonets C 27 78 41 50 40 51 100 D A 297 7 102354 81254 Plodding, Strong
Adic Fen Trandoshan male from Lamaredd Meirm Terentatek S 29 59 35 54 98 56 100 D CC 123 4 140678 73589 Proficient with Staff, Very Strong
Larens Harmon Iniro Fentetta Barabel male from Reuss VIII Coronet Krayt Dragons C 30 99 51 54 51 72 100 C - 485 6 86736 20609
Alistay Rol Feps Rellarin male from Rellnas Synchet Shyracks S 21 54 34 51 71 51 100 D BB 78 4 109107 83964 Powerful, Tall
Deara Fess Near-Human female from Chrona K&M Industries Nerf Herders E 31 32 78 51 70 78 100 C - 24 3 34667 4592 Proficient with Catching, Proficient with Grapple, Protective
Paemos Figg Rodian male from Svivren Meirm Terentatek S 19 47 75 62 104 61 0 C B 80 2 141114 47260 Adjusts, Uncoordinated
Jorga Nu Figg'mantid Human female from Teyr Orlean Wraids S 16 24 65 51 70 51 100 D C 153 5 60173 51665 Focused, Proficient with Passing, Risky
Mirip Lock Qalu Firil Mirialan male from Pii I Tonena Dewbacks C 24 111 44 68 56 56 82 A BB 52 3 115174 12813
Tan Niobe Flax Human female from Shatuun Hyrotii Nova C 33 90 63 62 52 73 100 E - 617 7 57144 18247
Aelruino Flax-Lessor Near-Human male from Korad Sienar Dragonets F 21 50 51 89 46 62 100 D A 34 3 178462 115714 Proficient with Grapple
Shren'urlor Flin Trandoshan male from Pinett Tirsa Starhoppers S 29 40 59 37 75 56 100 A A 125 5 39934 17144 Very Hearty, Very Strong
Triko'na'sai Floto'orini Nikto male from Coruscant Tirsa Starhoppers F 26 54 46 78 55 62 100 B B 486 7 67813 59484 Risk Taker, Strong
Frelka Flugg Human female from Almas Synchet Shyracks C 16 82 53 39 47 61 100 D CC 751 9 94996 72124 Very Powerful
Teraexeden Fol Trandoshan male from Genarius Meirm Terentatek F 19 51 59 97 43 61 100 D B 745 8 149806 76750 Very Strong
Um'tetrum Folen'erne Rodian male from Gelgelar SoroSuub Kybucks F 27 51 26 69 49 67 100 AAA C 303 6 50257 43818 Hearty
Kiatha Maneh Knesos Fonkin Selonian male from Coruscant Orlean Wraids E 35 33 85 41 59 61 100 D - 254 6 54134 26351 Protective, Somewhat Injury Prone
Del'm'awa Gly Jax Fordyce Twi'lek female from Shesharile 5 Lhosan Womp Weasels E 20 18 106 61 52 64 100 D C 139 5 89696 25490
Bownan Falesh Forr Near-Human male from Devato Sienar Dragonets E 20 56 96 42 38 69 0 C CC 86 5 111320 44143
Jan'nodobo Fouc Nikto male from Lok Desler Mynocks C 18 84 60 56 44 55 100 D AA 241 6 109399 92180 Proficient with Passing, Tall, Ungainly
Grakkata Frac Nimbanel female from Coruscant TasCorp Cannoks C 20 94 51 56 49 52 100 C A 195 6 130736 98029 Frequent Risk Taker, Proficient with Catching, Proficient with Passing, Very Strong
Mosko-Prikler Frac Talz male from Issor Czerka Sand Bats E 19 42 67 35 53 52 100 D CC 59 4 83632 74408 Proficient with Catching
Bahm Frey Nikto male from Atrisia Atrisia Blades F 32 61 50 87 56 71 100 D - 1154 9 28432 28432 Clutch, Short
Arago Frix Twi'lek male from Alsakan Alsakan Farlus Hawks C 31 97 59 50 55 60 100 B B 29 2 85491 83750 Durable, Proficient with Staff, Risk Averse, Short, Ungainly
Damaya Fury Rodian female from Atrisia Atrisia Blades C 25 73 55 51 50 58 100 C A 253 6 107854 106229 Injury Prone, Nimble, Proficient with Grapple, Risk Averse
Ponda Fwa Iskalonian female from Bandomeer Czerka Sand Bats F 16 56 14 61 31 44 100 D B 112 4 70114 62482 Guardian, Proficient with Staff
Darez Ga Duros male from Jenenma Raynor Coppis F 29 52 45 81 47 50 100 B A 221 6 79826 65759 Intelligent, Risk Averse, Short
Treidum Nii Gal Human female from Atrisia Atrisia Blades C 25 82 54 50 48 61 100 AA A 200 5 121657 114736 Chokes in Clutch, Protective, Short, Very Focused
Kameis'harvos Galt Trandoshan male from Galantos Coruschal Asharl Panthers C 26 75 41 46 52 45 100 D BB 84 4 87610 74547 Very Strong
Alpiett Gama Trandoshan male from Trandosha ArmaTek Corsairs F 24 66 55 91 25 61 100 D DD 215 6 102846 55867 Somewhat Injury Prone, Very Strong
Desiraye Gand Human female from Apatros Marlin Assets Firaxa E 23 50 110 58 50 80 100 C B 56 3 187485 19385 Very Daring
Barleos Gane Sith male from Ch'hodos Beemon Tontitrans E 28 45 81 62 34 54 100 A CC 68 3 64823 55903 Expert with Blaster, Short, Very Focused, Very Injury Prone
Barseth Gane Human male from Miser Coruschal Asharl Panthers F 27 42 47 75 43 66 100 B CC 533 7 77816 70144 Precise, Proficient with Blaster, Risk Averse, Tall
Devidia Gant Human female from Rendili Rendili StarDrives S 29 42 56 50 91 51 100 B CC 1142 8 71311 70061 Daring, Usually Avoids Combat, Very Ungainly
Memcha'sei'shri Gar'orunitia Twi'lek female from Cularin Baktar Kinrath C 29 107 53 46 51 67 100 C - 48 3 91698 15205 Risk Averse
Dice Gast Near-Human female from Trevi IV Merr-Sonn Lightning E 30 51 98 57 28 97 100 C - 592 7 112134 22933 Accurate
Guire Gean-Ti Human female from Pantolomin Pantolomin Halfbacks F 29 53 49 95 61 52 100 C - 188 5 70580 70580 Expert with Blaster
Dessiva Geen Gotal female from Alsakan Alsakan Farlus Hawks S 27 55 53 58 85 64 100 AA B 176 4 94990 93226 Frequent Risk Taker, Intelligent, Strong, Ungainly
Allor Gef male from Anaxes Anaxes Scyks F 25 42 51 84 54 49 100 C A 892 7 61580 61580 Chokes in Clutch, Intelligent, Proficient with Grapple
Dargen Pargo Gef Human male from Sarafur Ord Sabaok Scouts F 28 31 50 58 42 69 100 B CC 417 6 63215 57293
Gilly Olba Gella Arkanian female from Coruscant Orlean Wraids C 20 71 47 32 37 48 100 D CC 13 3 89164 79146
Lorfo Brunwin Gep Nimbanel male from Kip TasCorp Cannoks C 21 96 61 51 63 63 100 C DD 288 6 117691 62548 Adaptable
Nallok'vi Gep Nikto female from Kintan ArmaTek Corsairs S 17 41 39 68 104 58 100 D C 210 5 144412 61482
Ackrahbala-Sema-Na Ghem-Wynest Gran female from New Plympto New Plympto Rikknits C 23 72 59 41 52 59 100 D B 52 3 93058 93058
Andra Werribee Ghul Trandoshan female from Lamaredd Merr-Sonn Lightning F 26 56 62 84 26 51 100 D CC 630 7 83927 56720 Very Strong
Vandolae Morana Brandl Giba Human female from Obroa-skai Bareesh Kath Hounds E 20 24 95 41 55 75 100 D D 127 5 118672 56638 Expert with Staff
Alyk Giel Trandoshan male from Lamaredd Marlin Assets Firaxa E 32 60 111 60 59 87 100 D B 353 6 210914 31442 Proficient with Blaster, Proficient with Staff, Very Strong
Almir Giiett On Trandoshan male from Dathomir Novinyet Ghests E 20 57 89 51 51 61 100 D BB 615 8 99773 75451 Daring, Proficient with Catching, Proficient with Passing, Short, Somewhat Injury Prone, Very Strong
Kudos Gilla Skrilling male from New Plympto Branada's Secret Rancors F 18 51 49 94 37 75 100 D B 303 6 175563 89758 Expert with Grapple
Dnalla Gjon Nikto female from Coruscant Desler Mynocks E 28 55 87 52 56 52 100 AA B 121 5 70328 61769 Injury Prone, Proficient with Passing, Risk Taker, Tall
Keever Keeth Skutu Glidrick Zabrak male from Talus Exotac Gizka E 24 22 88 47 55 61 100 B D 107 4 54722 30654 Proficient with Catching
Doman Glok Human female from Otunia Drooga Duneclaws F 26 53 24 69 59 45 100 C CC 242 6 66811 57518 Nimble
Bavris Goir Human male from Glottal Merr-Sonn Lightning S 35 38 38 50 85 62 100 C - 329 6 26373 11706
Colandra-Hontho Gomou'kronn Klatooinan male from Pii Drooga Duneclaws C 29 90 69 42 65 56 100 B B 652 8 103657 54646
Baydo Goss Human male from Rattatak Rendili StarDrives E 21 50 90 54 57 65 100 D AA 188 6 119641 97769 Proficient with Passing
Ark Yakaro Gosular Trandoshan male from Coruscant ChemFlex Tuk'ata S 21 41 34 61 100 71 100 D DD 210 5 154364 74866 Proficient with Grapple, Very Strong
Opo Goyl Rodian male from Coruscant Aratech Nighthunters S 26 41 35 55 100 61 100 B B 555 6 173802 97512
Ador Graeberlosron Near-Human male from Taris Exotac Gizka S 26 49 52 65 95 58 100 C C 213 6 127441 75881 Delicate, Very Daring
Saell'jin'vin Grau Nikto female from Tatooine Gurian Zalaacas S 14 34 42 47 90 47 85 E AAA 160 6 17926 17926 Proficient with Catching, Ungainly, Weak
Walda Ni Grau Human female from Coruscant Coruscant Senators F 23 43 41 82 55 47 100 C CC 22 3 83694 45869 Ungainly
Motamba Griek Near-Human male from Pantolomin Pantolomin Halfbacks E 25 56 90 45 45 59 100 C A 735 8 62865 62865 Chokes in Clutch, Risk Averse, Very Strong
Dyvus Grinzur Rattataki male from Rattatak Hyrotii Nova F 21 68 45 117 54 89 100 C AAA 403 5 83384 3018 Clutch, Devin, Expert with Catching, Protective, Strong
Kathdar Grok Gotal male from Antar Coronet Krayt Dragons F 26 71 66 116 59 79 100 B B 449 2 111164 157 Excellent Passer, Karv, Superb Grappling, “Hideous”, “Near Insane”, “Smells like Space- Goat”
Treetor Fust Grunger Rodian male from Gamorr Merr-Sonn Lightning S 25 51 33 63 99 64 100 B CC 208 5 122253 69582 Delicate
Adri Gul Trandoshan female from Bespin Meirm Terentatek S 21 24 46 37 79 77 100 D CC 131 4 103947 69139 Chokes in Clutch, Injury Prone, Very Strong
Amise Alinda Gul Human male from Issor Tonena Dewbacks C 17 81 36 47 35 46 100 D C 565 7 107357 67100 Daring
Bedamyr Guld Human male from Saloch 2 Anaxes Scyks F 31 39 41 59 48 76 100 C - 257 6 35820 29509 Proficient with Staff
Dralla Gumb Human female from Hoth Spadda Sandtuskers S 24 45 24 45 61 58 100 B A 794 7 111657 102459 Feeble, Somewhat Injury Prone
Var Hurlo Dunn Gumb Human female from Coruscant Coruscant Senators S 19 31 21 46 63 49 100 D B 93 4 99582 90278 Unstoppable
Barosa Guul Zabrak male from Anaxes Anaxes Scyks F 25 43 48 72 50 51 100 AAA A 1005 8 73356 72106 Chokes in Clutch, Very Agile, Very Delicate
Mylthea'veril Guz Rodian female from Dantooine Beemon Tontitrans F 24 46 43 81 43 52 100 C BB 74 4 96138 75580 Risk Averse, Strong
Drea Gxin Human female from Drongar Bareesh Kath Hounds S 30 34 57 55 94 58 100 C - 66 3 85693 43162 Muscular
Dresk Haas Human female from Mantooine Corellia Sand Panthers F 27 68 41 86 44 55 100 B B 230 6 89150 55662 Very Injury Prone
Laerron Hack Wroonian male from Andara Aratech Nighthunters C 32 89 40 49 40 64 100 D - 57 4 112071 69294 Muscular, Risk Averse
Delt Hack'kae'pudundruh Nagai male from Kinooine Meirm Terentatek C 22 94 46 63 46 61 100 D CC 101 2 140839 66360 Feeble
Baftu Hai Eldin Human male from Atrisia Atrisia Blades E 29 51 91 49 51 56 100 AA B 122 4 64339 64339 Expert with Catching
Meg Ko Hai-Trel Near-Human male from Fiddanl K&M Industries Nerf Herders S 39 37 42 58 95 59 100 E - 196 5 41352 4920 Nimble
Verls'tanis Hak Sullustan male from Coruscant ChemFlex Tuk'ata S 18 45 45 52 72 40 100 D CC 21 3 77480 67824 Master with Staff
Siolu D'ja Halb Human female from Varonat Pantolomin Halfbacks C 24 57 25 26 44 75 100 C C 83 4 103921 96189
Ensil Wyrren Halos-Meccamitta Human male from Orto Desler Mynocks C 18 91 53 53 47 61 100 D A 201 5 112298 89441 Proficient with Blaster, Proficient with Passing, Protective
Kuuda Cho Harak Kel Dor male from Dorin Volkov Hyperdrives F 30 54 64 91 28 61 100 B - 475 6 78182 41712 Proficient with Grapple
Seegree Whist Harper Mon Calamari male from Vaynai Coronet Krayt Dragons S 21 64 62 71 110 71 100 D BB 260 3 219235 85754 Expert with Catching
Slerog Hasew Trandoshan male (no homeworld) Beemon Tontitrans F 24 54 56 108 34 83 100 D BB 153 5 182290 34117 Very Strong
Phow Hass Human male from Rogue Moon Aratech Nighthunters S 21 41 51 42 71 62 100 B C 73 4 54130 44109
Irini Ika Havel'na Duros female from Duro Duro Tacema S 29 52 42 56 63 63 100 AA CC 154 4 86142 85181 Tall
Jordo'slish Havero'rygelli Duros male from Duro Duro Tacema S 21 52 51 54 98 48 100 D A 393 7 107326 83814 Clumsy, Proficient with Grapple, Short
Ducha Herr Human female from Guiteica Synchet Shyracks C 24 100 48 50 48 59 100 C B 1007 8 103965 61319 Chokes in Clutch, Durable, Expert with Passing, Proficient with Blaster
Bels Hett Human male from Dantooine TasCorp Cannoks F 24 65 34 101 27 71 100 C BB 91 4 185459 90501 Protective
Dunc Hett Human female from Ovise Merr-Sonn Lightning E 31 29 95 55 41 74 100 B B 5 3 109851 64758 Proficient with Catching, Short
Padyn Ante Hett Near-Human male (no homeworld) Volkov Hyperdrives E 18 42 74 48 60 58 100 D CC 0 1 100418 90599 Hearty
Elrod Saato Hevix Chev male from Vinsoth Coruscant Senators C 29 83 48 33 49 46 100 A B 273 6 49141 42403
Aleson Hidaharak Devaronian male from Devaron K&M Industries Nerf Herders S 20 62 42 82 106 81 100 D C 433 7 178152 22571 Expert with Staff, Very Focused
Tsui Th' Hifron Etti male from Etti IV K&M Industries Nerf Herders E 26 24 102 57 41 78 100 AA B 157 5 103155 9533 Protective
Har-Dyne Hing Sith male from New Plympto New Plympto Rikknits E 27 50 95 61 43 61 100 AA B 26 3 77833 77833 Expert with Catching, Proficient with Passing, Very Precise
Duria Hise Human female from Rendili Rendili StarDrives C 26 77 61 53 47 61 100 AAA CC 114 5 74677 66030 Adaptable, Cowardly, Precise
Argaloh Hja Askajian male from Askaj Exotac Gizka C 17 98 67 45 45 55 100 D C 762 8 114975 52300 Delicate, Proficient with Catching, Tall
Chankar Hokan Frozian female from Froz Synchet Shyracks E 24 50 86 51 49 52 100 B A 252 5 95740 80964 Expert with Staff, Protective, Ungainly, Very Precise
Aelon Hol Trandoshan male from Bespin TasCorp Cannoks C 19 96 43 44 55 55 100 E B 154 5 156527 81355 Very Risky, Very Strong
Benald Hood Human male from Vodran Ord Sabaok Scouts F 19 49 47 78 47 51 100 D A 28 3 99288 97806 Clutch, Tall, Ungainly
Dinger'shendar Hoth Gotal male from Engebo V Exotac Gizka C 22 100 50 51 49 65 100 D CC 88 4 170529 79414
Ung'matto Hotne Mon Calamari male from Lamaredd Branada's Secret Rancors F 22 51 41 100 31 80 100 B C 146 5 121759 16589
Thimus Caaill Hrul Mirialan male from Mirial Lhosan Womp Weasels S 26 39 26 62 73 52 100 C CC 1004 8 58873 49179
D'niado Hu Gotal male from Antar 4 Aratech Nighthunters E 16 51 99 41 59 78 100 D C 1004 7 118300 47712 Protective, Very Delicate
Baker Hul-Reumar Human male (unknown homeworld) Amzab Pulsars E 16 55 92 51 52 51 64 D BB 70 5 12991 12991 Proficient with Passing
Cassius Darael Hundi Kel Dor male from Dorin Beemon Tontitrans C 17 70 43 41 41 41 100 D B 1062 8 96969 74117 Protective
Tessek Bles Hus'ru'gra'yo Bith male from Gamorr Tal Kad Shanjaru F 24 68 54 104 29 72 100 B A 127 4 156944 42580 Very Daring, Very Tough
Arnoll I'Lasek Human male from Mrisst Tirsa Starhoppers S 25 56 23 44 69 42 100 D B 199 6 45637 26575 Delicate, Proficient with Blaster, Risk Averse
Candabrine Ianghe-Gorsceu Near-Human female from Morado GSI Wingmaws S 30 56 37 62 98 65 100 A CC 412 6 126289 69666 Proficient with Catching, Very Injury Prone
Zeelo Iinan Trandoshan male from Ralltiir Anaxes Scyks E 26 29 58 44 24 71 100 C CC 286 6 109777 102218 Very Acrobatic, Very Strong
Adray Ikon Klatooinan female from Shawti ChemFlex Tuk'ata E 18 53 93 47 48 61 100 D AA 146 5 139415 94654 Daring, Proficient with Catching, Very Weak
Aima'pala Ikon Twi'lek female from Ovise Exotac Gizka F 18 66 53 89 18 58 100 D DD 681 7 87583 46656
Ebeda Ikon Human female from Ord Trasi IASpec Orokeets F 24 54 32 102 48 85 100 B C 319 7 83696 6641 Hearty
Banner Ikova'brathis Nikto male from Anaxes Anaxes Scyks F 24 61 51 87 51 63 100 B BB 852 9 101074 69622 Guardian, Proficient with Grapple, Proficient with Passing
Am Ila Human male from Catlia Meirm Terentatek C 21 95 61 51 47 61 100 C B 262 6 146683 86963 Adjusts, Strays from Combat, Very Accurate
Sia Ta Ila Human female from Lafra TasCorp Cannoks S 22 56 41 54 99 61 100 D CC 180 5 173367 101378 Daring
Eckle Ilen Human female from Sevarcos Spadda Sandtuskers F 17 56 57 83 50 61 75 D AA 861 7 132181 105555 Short, Somewhat Injury Prone, Strong
Pondo Iman Chadra-Fan male from Ord Mantell Duro Tacema F 29 48 51 63 27 74 100 B C 40 3 49197 45536 Short
Zonder'anstaal Iniro Pho Ph'eahian male from Tatooine Tonena Dewbacks E 23 21 64 43 52 61 100 C CC 125 5 70851 61205 Expert with Catching
Rabin Innk Trandoshan male from Lamaredd Drooga Duneclaws S 23 54 25 43 66 53 100 C CC 157 5 74770 64337 Proficient with Staff, Very Strong
Rysto Irm Duros male from Saloch Lhosan Womp Weasels S 25 35 56 61 100 61 100 C CC 297 5 155716 82330 Focused
Rakra Irrv Selonian female from Bacrana Coronet Krayt Dragons E 24 38 106 41 42 76 100 B B 559 6 119342 32576 Adaptable
Dom Hera Iryt Near-Human female (unknown homeworld) Exotac Gizka F 28 53 26 91 72 61 100 B A 188 5 174061 113190 Chokes in Clutch
Junelle Ishedur'merkon Bith male from Escarte Volkov Hyperdrives C 21 98 49 53 54 64 100 D C 550 7 141839 74296 Expert with Passing, Proficient with Grapple
Amel Isp Human male from New Plympto New Plympto Rikknits E 29 54 71 56 58 46 100 B BB 975 10 61917 61917
Bentilais Iteu Human male from Cirrus Spadda Sandtuskers E 32 30 86 56 36 58 100 E - 304 5 84614 38863 Expert with Passing
Edrasi Iteu Near-Human female from Kiffu ArmaTek Corsairs S 22 45 33 59 95 61 100 D B 10 2 152278 82486 Ungainly
Tippet Jace ZeHethbra male from Pii Drooga Duneclaws C 27 64 51 34 57 50 100 B B 93 4 91373 80995 Injury Prone, Very Accurate
Wes Reshig Jace Duros male from Duro Duro Tacema F 27 48 49 90 58 56 100 B B 942 7 54825 54825 Chokes in Clutch, Expert with Passing, Guardian, Intelligent, Master with Catching
Egalla Jago Human female from Pii V Atrisia Blades C 35 72 65 56 62 82 100 E - 826 7 25902 25902 Proficient with Passing, Strong, Ungainly
Jannpyr Ekam Jai Zabrak male from Nar Shaddaa Novinyet Ghests C 19 93 36 49 43 42 100 D B 44 4 125265 81497 Acrobatic, Proficient with Passing, Tough, Very Delicate
Aeon Jamos-Fay Human male from Vandelhelm Branada's Secret Rancors C 39 80 37 66 53 71 100 F - 115 5 31544 9864
Reela Zindra Jan Human female from Coruscant Corellia Sand Panthers F 25 56 24 89 32 58 100 D C 158 5 93835 49435 Somewhat Clumsy
Ruu'shalo Jari Ithorian male from Lan Barell Tal Kad Shanjaru F 18 19 60 103 55 74 100 D C 801 7 109829 40710 Expert with Grapple
Dr'nariss Jarik Human male from Tifnyl Lhosan Womp Weasels E 37 40 84 55 47 88 100 D - 210 6 73488 23185 Proficient with Blaster
Ceok Sinan Javeb Lannik male from Lannik Bareesh Kath Hounds S 25 53 43 55 102 75 100 B CC 664 7 150805 73496 Adaptable, Proficient with Blaster, Very Strong
Ammar Jax Mirialan male from Atrisia Atrisia Blades F 20 51 51 89 51 76 100 D A 262 6 146934 113820 Durable, Expert with Blaster
Arthen Kazic Jax Human male from Zuliria GSI Wingmaws E 30 32 100 68 32 71 100 B B 264 5 157946 94585 Proficient with Catching, Strays from Combat
Gyran Jax Near-Human male from Hijarna TasCorp Cannoks E 23 65 95 68 21 66 100 C C 261 6 125557 68259
Namarhe Kaaei Jax-Jorlen Human female from Aargau IASpec Orokeets F 26 51 55 113 33 76 100 B C 313 7 101866 6566
Aramb Sha Jcir Miralukan female from Alpheridies TasCorp Cannoks S 19 38 49 54 95 78 100 D C 111 4 130973 65866
Bardan Jeea Trandoshan male from Trandosha Duro Tacema E 27 64 123 67 63 86 100 C AAA 639 4 93207 5980 Godlike, Imoshi, Proficient with Passing
Bergless Jeen Human male from Rendili Rendili StarDrives C 20 107 48 45 89 34 100 D B 335 6 138189 46497 Proficient with Staff, Weak
Eirta Jeen Human female from Coruscant Baktar Kinrath C 19 115 51 65 85 71 100 D C 150 5 159475 27797
Arlunia'amaiza Jek'nane Gotal female from Antar 4 Novinyet Ghests C 18 76 41 45 52 43 100 D A 1032 8 106187 87986 Short
Armen Jenton-Amon Human male from Coruscant Desler Mynocks F 26 55 59 100 53 56 100 B CC 16 2 54845 48019 Proficient with Staff, Weak
Aaph Nesloor Juall Jenwald Twi'lek male from Lamaredd Coruschal Asharl Panthers F 18 46 41 79 18 44 100 D CC 702 7 59849 51422
Aimi Jev Human female from Qetix IV Synchet Shyracks C 21 86 56 44 43 61 100 D BB 99 4 96747 72961 Adaptable, Expert with Catching, Ungainly
Chester Ji Rodian male from Coruscant Desler Mynocks F 25 47 54 74 50 51 100 AA A 62 3 73321 67679 Proficient with Grapple
Elara Jion Near-Human female from Almania SoroSuub Kybucks C 36 91 56 54 58 65 100 F - 338 6 66324 40033 Proficient with Blaster, Strong, Very Acrobatic
Quan'tap Jocle Rodian male from Coruscant Desler Mynocks C 26 103 55 61 100 66 100 A A 116 5 146564 42616 Daring, Precise, Very Agile
Simm'bavee Jocle Devaronian female from Malrev Sienar Dragonets C 28 89 42 64 48 56 100 B C 13 1 84622 34002 Expert with Catching, Proficient with Staff, Very Hearty
Berm Jode Human male from Gastrula TasCorp Cannoks F 19 60 44 131 49 72 100 D A 165 6 221682 41342 Expert with Staff, Precise, Proficient with Catching, Very Strong
Bernon Jonn Near-Human male from Exocron Volkov Hyperdrives E 28 28 90 38 55 81 0 B - 354 4 59702 16100 Brilliant with Passing
Korshnak Jor Falleen male from Taris Lhosan Womp Weasels C 24 121 49 73 51 68 100 C B 313 5 166387 20584 Strong
Ilena'tarsus Jun Gotal male from Needan Orlean Wraids C 19 75 57 45 54 44 100 D C 32 3 56336 46857 Hearty, Proficient with Staff, Risky
Ceezva K'Tervo Human female from Caluula Volkov Hyperdrives F 26 55 65 88 24 61 100 B C 209 6 113611 66929 Proficient with Grapple, Very Tough
Fussel Heron Ka Zabrak male from Dathomir Raynor Coppis C 24 86 46 53 42 43 100 B A 179 5 110331 65467
Sosten Egal Ka Geelan male from Needan IASpec Orokeets F 21 68 43 120 19 65 100 C B 251 4 149888 20564 Proficient with Catching, Risk Averse, Very Daring
Urr'con Ka Falleen male from Coruscant Corellia Sand Panthers C 23 84 35 35 35 51 100 D CC 91 4 110727 64520 Very Accurate
Camelle'daala Kaar Rodian female from Cularin Raynor Coppis S 32 57 47 49 84 50 100 C CC 88 4 74302 61513 Proficient with Staff
Geay Kaarz'kraken Rodian male from Naboo SoroSuub Kybucks E 31 43 109 52 46 86 100 D - 244 4 149309 34442 Focused, Strong
Aeon Kaezeb'lankost Duros male from Onderon GSI Wingmaws F 22 55 30 95 61 74 100 B C 811 7 94758 37676 Strong
Alic Kai Trandoshan male from Dathomir Alsakan Farlus Hawks E 31 57 79 62 61 75 100 A B 490 7 88133 88133 Durable, Guardian, Ungainly, Very Strong
Carma Nista Kai Human female from Adriana Sienar Dragonets C 17 87 41 37 36 51 100 D C 199 5 100404 55334 Short, Very Acrobatic
Hran Kedler Kain Human male from Coruscant Desler Mynocks E 31 49 88 60 54 72 0 A CC 856 6 27930 7971 Expert with Catching, Short, Strays from Combat
Bavris Kallea Shar Trandoshan male from Ord Mantell Anaxes Scyks C 26 97 49 51 49 66 100 C A 219 5 126435 120074 Adjusts, Proficient with Blaster, Proficient with Passing, Short, Very Precise, Very Strong
Twik Torr Kam Human male from Katarr Ord Sabaok Scouts E 25 58 82 41 51 60 100 A A 0 1 76756 75015 Extremely Durable, Proficient with Blaster, Proficient with Grapple
Arnoll Kampl Human male from Drewwa IASpec Orokeets S 23 47 21 38 130 60 100 D A 201 5 203913 33504
Arcuse Kanu Gotal male from Coruscant Exotac Gizka C 18 90 43 43 43 68 100 D DD 68 3 94483 47463 Delicate
Anarine Karmek-Dyshkava Human male from Moer Rendili StarDrives E 28 57 86 51 62 72 100 B - 217 6 66539 64733 Very Injury Prone
Grannell Azanti Mosa Karr Quermian female from Endregaad Czerka Nexu C 24 90 34 43 55 83 0 D D 428 6 84323 38003 Tall
Threx Karsh Human male from Lur GSI Wingmaws S 28 66 38 51 87 71 100 A - 781 8 70882 33414 Proficient with Blaster
Slizzik Kas Neimoidian male from Apatros Exotac Gizka E 24 22 93 39 39 62 100 C C 143 4 97631 52914
Araneya Kase Zabrak female from Dathomir Volkov Hyperdrives F 24 62 47 99 41 71 100 B CC 1179 9 128030 55576 Clutch Player, Proficient with Grapple
Ikrit Durm Kasik Nimbanel male from Datar SoroSuub Kybucks C 33 86 41 77 67 64 100 D - 858 9 51795 31318
Ellisa Kass Human female from Bandonia Branada's Secret Rancors S 28 65 51 27 90 74 100 B C 32 3 76546 34553 Very Agile, Very Delicate
Jahren-Tuz Kass Klatooinan male from Shawti Volkov Hyperdrives F 25 57 24 95 56 67 100 AA A 22 3 122029 68397 Proficient with Blaster, Proficient with Catching
Tescia Katt Duros female from Tatooine Tonena Dewbacks S 25 51 41 51 99 61 100 C B 85 3 167371 80514 Proficient with Staff
Lorac Sehnor Kayle Sith male from Korriban IASpec Orokeets S 26 33 27 58 114 64 100 AAA CC 453 8 109114 19279
Arn Ke Iktotchi male from Ahakista Coronet Krayt Dragons C 23 104 49 49 48 85 100 C CC 305 5 159014 58060
Antidar Ke-Seylas Near-Human male from Olanji Sienar Dragonets F 18 51 44 99 44 62 100 D A 407 8 90969 62993 Chokes in Clutch, Durable
Anavus Kee Sith male from Ord Sabaok Ord Sabaok Scouts C 24 92 56 52 55 42 100 D B 152 5 106361 105520 Durable, Short
Precht'arkvis Kee Gotal male from Coruscant Orlean Wraids S 22 41 66 55 97 54 100 D B 1303 9 161109 80046
Kukul Keeg Sei Quarren female from Azbrian Tirsa Starhoppers C 18 96 46 44 48 66 100 D AA 124 5 102124 76736
Samoc Marma Keelo Nimbanel female from Coruscant Aratech Nighthunters F 43 55 51 100 82 72 96 F - 260 4 49584 9695
Syrtik Keer Arkanian male from Arkania Novinyet Ghests S 23 51 31 51 94 53 100 D C 68 3 106714 56035 Accurate, Injury Prone
Kik-Sem-Aven Keill Gran male from Esfandia Novinyet Ghests C 19 100 51 51 53 65 100 C CC 632 7 195984 111514 Risk Averse
Aaran Kej Human male from Draenell's Point Volkov Hyperdrives S 23 41 69 51 98 61 100 B C 125 4 92442 43045 Very Daring
Villar Sosakar Mattino Kek Drall male from Talus Coruscant Senators E 25 31 69 32 23 61 100 B CC 192 6 79789 69134 Very Risky
Aleema Kem Human female from Ooo-sek Merr-Sonn Lightning E 31 30 92 44 32 72 100 D - 921 7 55350 19490 Acrobatic, Adjusts
Bendlar Ciiidar Kennison Near-Human male from Pachi Coruschal Asharl Panthers C 18 104 51 61 51 71 100 D CC 151 4 138446 54126 Hearty, Very Focused
Abano Labooda Venithon Kersos Twi'lek male from Coruscant ChemFlex Tuk'ata C 26 68 57 31 53 54 100 C C 151 5 61859 52503 Adjusts
Dai Fordyce Kessler Twi'lek female from Teyr ChemFlex Tuk'ata F 32 51 34 76 67 51 100 C - 40 3 32691 26313 Proficient with Staff, Very Ungainly
Nrross Doni Khel Issori female from Issor Baktar Kinrath E 30 43 103 55 50 85 100 B B 129 4 140883 26334 Adjusts
Sharka-Ek Khzam Gran male from Malastare Volkov Hyperdrives S 31 48 46 46 94 52 100 B - 239 6 91395 51154
Hutar Khzam-Carinth Near-Human male from Sardoran Aratech Nighthunters S 36 55 64 61 88 67 100 D - 287 7 42529 13123 Accurate, Injury Prone
Labot Char Kiela-Wes Human male from Chekut Aratech Nighthunters C 25 107 44 51 64 61 100 B C 137 5 103954 28846
Bakken Kiffu Ithorian male from Heffrin Czerka Sand Bats C 19 54 53 48 42 37 100 D B 52 4 81671 72283
Dotswa Kimer'haas Duros female from Tatooine Gurian Zalaacas F 16 53 47 74 45 69 91 D BB 227 7 18383 18383 Short
Marn Kiner Rodian male from Tatooine SoroSuub Kybucks S 23 52 52 52 106 61 100 C CC 187 3 163750 95534 Tall
Bnugor King Venan male from Vena IASpec Orokeets E 23 61 119 63 54 74 100 C A 130 5 172828 14907 Very Acrobatic
Braco Shalapan Kla Mon Calamari male from Bespin SoroSuub Kybucks S 24 61 22 62 95 59 100 C B 842 7 117188 69464 Adjusts, Very Injury Prone
Detta Klakk'vees Near-Human female from Monor II Czerka Sand Bats S 22 40 57 56 100 61 96 D B 784 7 140739 72920 Daring, Very Focused
Bimmiel Klev Human male from Desevro Marlin Assets Firaxa E 29 46 105 57 56 76 100 A CC 516 6 119469 12739 Guardian, Muscular, Proficient with Passing
Ensa Klev Human female from Alsakan Corellia Sand Panthers E 29 27 89 45 33 71 100 B BB 212 6 120769 85066
Fath Klivian-Shal Near-Human female from Kidron Coruschal Asharl Panthers F 23 53 30 75 60 49 100 C B 191 6 83853 62272
Briera'ecile Losa Knox Gamorrean female from Dodz Drooga Duneclaws C 21 76 41 38 38 52 100 C D 14 0 48709 28067 Expert with Catching
Scuppa Denlace Koat Human male from Pii IV Czerka Sand Bats C 22 90 49 41 41 43 100 D BB 195 5 150800 86805 Adjusts, Clutch Player
Praleena Ala Kodash Human female from Deylerax Merr-Sonn Lightning E 26 49 109 48 65 104 100 B C 151 3 189970 36654 Chronic Illness, Guardian
Aubro Kohal Arkanian male from Taris TasCorp Cannoks E 24 34 90 38 54 71 100 C C 385 6 135409 75255
Dibra Komo Twi'lek female from Tatooine Czerka Sand Bats E 23 34 63 48 47 55 100 C CC 28 3 75304 66343
Raik Melvirre Ne Komo Human female from Csilla Merr-Sonn Lightning C 28 100 47 57 46 64 100 B B 46 3 129362 56403 Adjusts
Al'liesen Konytrvit Swokes Swokes female from Makem Te Tal Kad Shanjaru S 29 52 69 54 122 68 100 AA A 434 4 131535 12695 Disturbed, Enormous, Imoshi, Plodding, Spiked Tail, Thick Skinned
Birket Kord Human male (unknown homeworld) Exotac Gizka E 21 36 74 34 19 67 100 D CC 77 4 86339 64109
Guth Kord Snivvian male from Tatooine Czerka Sand Bats S 27 31 41 51 93 67 100 B C 125 5 115158 57227 Proficient with Grapple
Birok Korl Human male from Ojom Marlin Assets Firaxa C 30 105 57 52 53 80 100 C C 107 5 95650 8432
Keshani'chrysalla Kota Trandoshan female from Coruscant Novinyet Ghests E 22 51 93 47 54 69 100 D AAA 189 5 136242 101458 Expert with Grapple, Risk Averse, Tall, Very Strong
Davrith Kotep Human male from Mandalore Atrisia Blades F 30 66 65 96 66 70 0 B B 38 8 13272 6197 Davrith, Frequent Risk Taker, Proficient with Grapple, Proficient with Staff, Very Strong
Onoron Kra Duros male from Jenenma Coruschal Asharl Panthers C 30 87 54 42 44 51 100 C - 87 4 68496 51451 Intelligent, Protective, Very Strong
Esarra Krax Near-Human female from Naboo ArmaTek Corsairs E 23 21 94 34 44 68 100 C CC 140 5 131962 77090 Brute
Esarra Krax Human female from Colla IV Anaxes Scyks C 25 89 61 53 63 61 100 AA AA 1391 10 77541 75741 Clutch, Proficient with Catching, Somewhat Frail, Weak
Arod Krev Rodian male from Redcap Amzab Pulsars F 14 45 54 106 55 50 79 D AAA 204 7 22306 22306 Precise, Very Ungainly
Mellora Soka Krev Human female from Brentaal Beemon Tontitrans E 29 51 86 46 43 71 100 AA A 252 6 98329 73171 Protective, Strong, Unfeeling
Sirlahn Ambar Krimsan Givin male from Yag'Dhul Exotac Gizka F 23 60 41 90 52 61 100 A B 98 4 122822 64792 Chokes in Clutch, Somewhat Injury Prone
Bewil Krul Zabrak male from Pantolomin Pantolomin Halfbacks E 25 51 107 52 46 70 100 A BB 198 6 107209 78235 Very Agile, Very Strong
Essaj Kuat Near-Human female from Pinett Volkov Hyperdrives S 23 53 41 71 102 71 100 AA B 410 3 172581 93347
Klork'kis Kuldi Whiphid male from Neftali Exotac Gizka F 25 44 36 89 23 61 100 D B 301 6 148861 80410 Chokes in Clutch, Plodding, Risk Averse, Strong
Abric Kun Human male from Nar Shaddaa GSI Wingmaws C 36 89 48 46 61 78 100 C - 615 3 66321 24202 Clutch Player
Rycar Kun Whiphid male from Narg Rendili StarDrives C 24 61 37 26 48 61 100 D B 136 5 126427 118804 Plodding, Proficient with Passing, Strong
Angor Kun-Tovall Human male from Brigia Synchet Shyracks C 20 84 54 43 42 53 100 D B 145 4 115938 76360 Incredibly Powerful
Alisande Kur Human female from Coruscant Coruscant Senators E 22 30 73 67 71 41 100 C B 837 7 56935 47095 Expert with Grapple, Expert with Staff, Proficient with Passing
Jeseaj Planore Kur Zabrak male from Pantolomin Pantolomin Halfbacks S 29 58 47 51 71 63 100 AAA CC 17 2 75399 74174 Agile, Injury Prone
Arkan Kurp Zabrak male from Talus Novinyet Ghests S 23 41 31 47 94 67 100 B D 307 6 90562 45137 Muscular
Arkeld Kusp Zabrak male from Telos Novinyet Ghests C 22 93 68 52 46 61 100 D CC 71 3 139805 77791 Proficient with Grapple, Very Nimble
Etain Kwai Human female from Atrisia Atrisia Blades C 26 92 50 54 56 53 100 B B 309 6 86230 75566 Feeble, Guardian, Ungainly
Hendar'sai Kwai Gotal male from Coruscant Orlean Wraids E 20 42 81 50 46 61 100 D AAA 707 7 98948 75284 Proficient with Staff, Risk Averse, Ungainly
Bezzem Kwis Zabrak male from Telos Rendili StarDrives E 27 63 105 55 50 76 100 AA B 709 8 86005 69050 Very Frail
Bho Kyss Gotal male from Coruscant Desler Mynocks C 29 88 51 57 53 71 100 B B 141 4 52739 43517 Chokes in Clutch, Intelligent, Proficient with Blaster, Strong
F'ettal Kyss'droon Human female from Annoo Alsakan Farlus Hawks C 30 103 56 61 54 61 100 C - 198 6 93609 86658 Expert with Grapple, Tall
Lynorri'xarcce Kyte Near-Human female from Nar Shaddaa Tirsa Starhoppers S 20 37 28 45 51 31 100 D A 40 3 86389 76215 Accurate
Syl'xarcce Kyte Near-Human female from Nar Shaddaa Tirsa Starhoppers S 20 37 28 45 54 25 100 D A 19 3 93146 83223
And Diawae L'dow Arkanian male from Thule Lhosan Womp Weasels C 26 112 51 51 51 73 100 B DD 172 5 125747 15580 Expert with Staff, Somewhat Frail
Ala Icus Lado Human male from Jenenma Merr-Sonn Lightning F 30 56 28 99 32 65 100 C C 15 3 91293 31356 Proficient with Catching
Syndil Wena Lado Near-Human female from Chiron Orlean Wraids E 23 22 92 41 63 68 100 C B 561 7 153729 88932
Alitra Lai Near-Human female from Coruscant Orlean Wraids S 19 24 24 31 63 51 100 D BB 336 6 125404 117158 Very Acrobatic
Keal Lamar Human male from Ryloon Bareesh Kath Hounds F 16 43 45 72 59 44 100 D C 99 5 71965 61813 Expert with Staff
Ex Lank Near-Human female from Jerrilek ChemFlex Tuk'ata S 21 26 63 43 73 54 100 B C 145 5 75801 66169 Adjusts, Brute, Short
Bab Lanox'kingal'cantryl Bith male from Narg Baktar Kinrath C 32 104 41 41 42 71 100 E - 99 5 89148 16109
Barra Lasena Jun Human male from Sposia Amzab Pulsars S 15 42 38 40 79 39 57 D AAA 135 7 21441 21441 Intelligent, Tall
Tolsk Un Latt Reigat male from Pii IV Spadda Sandtuskers E 29 62 84 62 51 55 95 B CC 23 2 106686 56651 Guardian, Somewhat Injury Prone
Hinji Telik Laut Human female from Devaron Atrisia Blades C 20 67 36 37 55 64 100 D C 575 8 75678 65573
Fajiri Leed Near-Human female from Dur Sabon Novinyet Ghests F 18 58 56 90 45 61 100 D A 181 5 105971 87495 Clutch, Proficient with Passing, Short
Venlyss Leen Kel Dor male from Tatooine Drooga Duneclaws F 22 34 50 67 50 60 100 B CC 201 6 70188 59853 Very Accurate
Zonder Wint Lefken Selonian male from Seftek TasCorp Cannoks F 18 58 46 109 68 66 100 D A 230 6 190213 47265 Risk Averse
Vun'dracos Orllincus Leth Ithorian male from Coruscant ChemFlex Tuk'ata E 21 23 67 47 49 42 100 D B 75 3 64039 54155 Very Strong
Nyyv Leven Houk male from Coruscant Czerka Nexu S 39 41 74 51 93 62 100 E - 92 1 115538 39409 Extremely Strong, Strays from Combat, Very Daring
Acun Ley Human male from Harpori Hyrotii Nova E 26 45 85 53 24 72 100 B C 1079 8 59023 27201 Masochistic
Troren'da'yu Ley Nikto female from Alsakan Alsakan Farlus Hawks E 28 55 93 47 55 59 100 A B 111 5 68251 66569 Clutch, Proficient with Catching, Proficient with Grapple
Shamasi Zarien Li Human male from Tatooine Gurian Zalaacas C 16 83 57 41 48 75 91 D B 80 4 20304 20304 Cowardly, Proficient with Catching
Fane Linn Human female from Alderaan Beemon Tontitrans F 24 49 44 81 22 45 100 C B 12 2 90384 64352 Adjusts, Very Daring
Adair Lis Human male from Erep Rendili StarDrives C 30 91 51 51 51 72 100 C - 120 4 60161 45147 Chokes in Clutch, Protective, Short
Allaya Lis Human female from Sriluur Czerka Nexu S 32 51 47 40 95 72 100 C - 877 9 87821 41931 Unnaturally Accurate
Euritarina Essaj Llalik Bayts Svivreni female from Anaxes Anaxes Scyks S 24 52 53 57 112 61 100 A AA 194 5 184543 77928 Expert with Passing, Proficient with Staff, Strong
Cyra Llewff-Vel Human female from Tatooine Gurian Zalaacas C 17 95 56 54 58 86 54 D AAA 102 5 83653 83653 Durable, Proficient with Staff, Somewhat Feeble
Meck'branff Llom Nikto male from Coruscant Tirsa Starhoppers F 30 58 62 100 43 61 100 A C 228 5 58992 48882 Durable, Proficient with Catching
Fath Logg Near-Human female from Plooriod IV Merr-Sonn Lightning S 31 43 72 65 100 71 100 B CC 162 5 149409 76178
Chom'ragab Loh'ie Sullustan male from Vandelhelm Volkov Hyperdrives C 32 89 44 54 77 53 100 B CC 610 7 82779 42483 Daring, Very Ungainly
Maranai'orn On Lohgun Trandoshan male from Coruscant Hyrotii Nova C 33 117 47 67 47 71 100 D - 289 5 149183 26254 Proficient with Grapple, Very Strong
Gavrilonnis Lohn Vodran male from Pii IV K&M Industries Nerf Herders C 28 107 81 56 26 81 100 B A 154 5 159896 11022
Faya Lond Human female from Rafa V Amzab Pulsars F 16 37 51 82 54 60 49 D A 75 4 14101 14101 Uncoordinated
Vanster Long Weequay male from Sriluur Coronet Krayt Dragons F 17 62 48 97 51 71 100 D A 491 8 172168 118094
Loli Obitoki Loqesh-Nace Near-Human female from Cioral Lhosan Womp Weasels S 25 43 44 69 100 77 100 C B 195 4 164122 82988 Proficient with Catching
Allexia Lor Human female from Polneye Merr-Sonn Lightning F 20 61 51 96 18 69 100 D DD 248 6 119796 67930 Daring, Proficient with Passing
Olan Nosh Lor Chevin male from Gamorr Alsakan Farlus Hawks C 27 76 29 57 43 75 100 B C 652 7 56262 34770 Proficient with Catching
Zeelo Lor Rodian male from Varonat Synchet Shyracks S 21 23 27 37 70 78 100 C C 551 7 76822 54659 Clutch Player
Phalaf Rerick Losa Zabrak male from Corellia Sienar Dragonets E 20 55 94 51 54 61 100 D BB 101 5 92677 66234 Protective
Boo Loto Near-Human male from Munto Codru Ord Sabaok Scouts S 27 55 60 54 101 61 100 B CC 640 7 99569 68916 Durable, Proficient with Blaster, Risk Taker
Ric Wenbruh Loto Human female from Socorro IASpec Orokeets C 17 120 48 46 40 60 100 D BB 613 7 182890 23156 Proficient with Staff, Strong
Adarian Lsu Near-Human male from Tatooine Czerka Sand Bats C 19 68 54 58 28 53 100 D C 200 6 82735 74204 Adjusts, Hearty, Risk Averse
Bargos Be Luka Near-Human male from Ammuud Coronet Krayt Dragons S 18 61 61 71 110 71 100 D B 69 2 244704 93263
Booldrum Luka Human male from Duro Duro Tacema S 21 50 47 47 71 41 100 C BB 1407 10 77791 74283 Short
Blleen Lund Doaba Zabrak male from Coruscant Desler Mynocks C 29 109 58 61 52 55 100 AA CC 219 6 65564 56697 Chokes in Clutch, Expert with Catching, Proficient with Staff, Very Injury Prone
Berin Luss Duros male from Duro Duro Tacema E 22 52 73 55 53 52 100 C A 5 3 130242 130242 Proficient with Blaster, Risk Taker, Weak
Booto Luss Near-Human male from Endor Bareesh Kath Hounds C 27 90 44 58 43 67 100 B C 461 6 96512 45862 Adjusts, Very Ungainly
Nevid Tarsus Lyn Human male from Aduba-3 Merr-Sonn Lightning S 32 32 45 48 86 69 100 D - 217 6 46985 20542 Clutch Player, Risk Averse
Perrive Dira Lyn Zabrak female from Iridonia Spadda Sandtuskers C 19 66 27 31 36 61 100 D CC 38 3 64047 54486 Tough
Alistay Lys Trandoshan female from Dosha Coruschal Asharl Panthers E 34 40 89 42 45 55 100 D - 43 3 23349 17833 Protective, Short, Very Strong
Brookish Tornelles Lys Human male (unknown homeworld) Coruscant Senators E 27 40 94 41 27 65 100 B B 129 4 132931 71631
Aki Lyu Trandoshan female from Dosha Lhosan Womp Weasels F 22 42 26 72 42 45 100 D B 173 5 84214 74595 Proficient with Catching, Proficient with Grapple, Very Strong
Kodir'yin'cha Lyu Nikto male from Ord Sabaok Ord Sabaok Scouts E 31 54 111 58 62 47 100 D - 315 6 43474 42416 Proficient with Passing
Inntak M'Farr Gran male from Dantooine Ord Sabaok Scouts E 25 23 67 42 54 69 100 B CC 16 3 87460 77201 Somewhat Injury Prone
Rannek'trevael Ma Lorrdian male from Lorrd Bareesh Kath Hounds C 40 96 66 45 87 71 100 E - 201 3 70166 1582 Tall
Marion Dobberty Maa Human male from Pallaxides Volkov Hyperdrives S 21 42 57 71 100 71 0 C B 175 6 167183 76502 Strays from Combat
Ashaad Maaook-Vasti Human male from Dahrtag Raynor Coppis C 22 73 50 49 31 41 100 D BB 755 9 116173 87827 Master with Staff
Allya Mai Sith female from Tatooine Gurian Zalaacas E 17 46 61 46 43 42 100 D BB 309 9 16298 16298 Agile, Somewhat Injury Prone
Tharan'mij Main'arrison Nikto male from Rendili Rendili StarDrives S 27 55 54 55 90 52 100 A B 254 6 86379 78722 Intelligent
Voos Makor Reigat male from Malthor Alsakan Farlus Hawks F 22 30 53 65 36 66 100 C C 190 6 90439 82401
Tech Mal Miralukan male from Alpheridies Aratech Nighthunters E 22 47 95 42 35 87 100 C CC 191 6 116100 61011 Adjusts, Muscular, Protective
Fave Mall Duros female from Celanon Coruschal Asharl Panthers F 27 45 56 87 54 60 100 B BB 554 7 64227 49733 Chokes in Clutch, Tall
Tolokai Mall Snivvian female from Tatooine Spadda Sandtuskers E 27 48 81 62 35 56 100 B C 140 5 97093 55550 Muscular
Elaramont Lan Mamam Xam Mirialan male from Mirial ArmaTek Corsairs S 19 50 48 56 101 58 100 D AA 115 5 130359 76064 Expert with Grapple, Proficient with Catching, Strong
Ahn Mamam'neomen Gotal male from Antar 4 ChemFlex Tuk'ata S 24 41 71 61 105 61 100 B B 94 3 121634 48514 Proficient with Catching
Borrath Mapa Near-Human male from Bespin Aratech Nighthunters C 35 83 62 37 41 72 100 C - 315 7 37332 12354 Chokes in Clutch
Sophra'verls Marh Trandoshan female from Ord Sabaok Ord Sabaok Scouts E 26 48 63 47 51 66 100 C B 245 6 111786 109895 Very Strong
Besum Marr Trandoshan male from Lamaredd Amzab Pulsars E 18 44 74 48 44 45 100 D BB 154 6 15860 15860 Somewhat Injury Prone, Tall, Very Strong
Shyrr Bystrhan Maru Human male from Pydyr Coronet Krayt Dragons F 17 71 45 110 41 81 100 D B 349 5 198056 60154 Expert with Grapple
Nizuc'thykele Urlu Masu Twi'lek male from Tatooine Spadda Sandtuskers S 20 44 52 62 73 42 100 D C 38 4 67894 59799 Accurate, Proficient with Grapple
Trel Arka Mat Kel Dor male from Coruscant ArmaTek Corsairs S 20 43 44 61 105 61 100 D AA 752 7 176227 88533 Adjusts, Durable, Frequent Risk Taker
Thurlow Kei Mays Human male from Orflon Raynor Coppis S 23 44 21 50 79 55 100 C BB 55 4 107891 77091 Protective
Pudo Mdimu Sullustan male from Betha II Czerka Sand Bats F 24 44 22 62 38 55 100 D B 297 6 76822 66947
Zim Mec Chev male from Vinsoth Marlin Assets Firaxa C 24 104 44 63 44 62 100 C D 49 3 91433 11471 Proficient with Passing
Bikkel Mer Gar Uronka Human female (no homeworld) Amzab Pulsars C 15 74 51 40 52 60 94 D A 165 6 16288 16288 Clutch, Proficient with Staff, Somewhat Feeble, Very Injury Prone
Berun Soniita Mesoth Human male from Uvena Prime SoroSuub Kybucks E 25 34 114 55 35 92 100 C CC 112 3 197434 67401 Risk Averse
Alyva Mez Human female from Kathol Hyrotii Nova F 28 61 39 99 26 71 100 B - 204 5 103968 43341 Risky
Maliswim Mi Near-Human male from Harpori Bareesh Kath Hounds S 33 56 65 80 112 82 100 B - 595 5 161553 24375
Karbo Ur' Midosea Arkanian male from Coruscant ChemFlex Tuk'ata E 25 23 73 59 41 51 100 D CC 160 5 96887 88565 Proficient with Grapple, Proficient with Passing
Dairnke Mig Near-Human male from Djurmo GSI Wingmaws F 24 55 68 92 30 71 100 D B 837 7 140892 70770 Acrobatic
Abal Kallea Mihal Human male from Tatooine Czerka Sand Bats E 22 27 63 20 28 59 100 D CC 1112 8 69512 60551
Bwa'belya'shy Minn Nikto male from Nar Shaddaa Ord Sabaok Scouts F 23 52 43 81 56 41 100 B A 195 5 101905 101905 Proficient with Catching, Proficient with Staff, Somewhat Injury Prone
Aemont Mio Near-Human male from Qetix IV Sienar Dragonets F 21 54 41 92 19 70 100 D C 132 4 150018 79474
T'jonox Pym Nevran Mish Human male (no homeworld) Volkov Hyperdrives C 25 92 46 46 45 71 100 D B 98 4 137085 85705 Risk Averse
Jukas Adni Mit Near-Human male from Nazzri Raynor Coppis S 22 38 35 53 89 52 100 C B 133 4 128595 89423 Delicate, Proficient with Catching, Very Nimble
Berra Mitsun-Dar Near-Human female from Nal Hutta IASpec Orokeets E 24 28 124 58 47 86 100 AAA C 77 1 132916 3054
Raoth Irolia Mitsun-Var Snivvian female from Tatooine Tonena Dewbacks E 27 51 85 36 50 59 100 B CC 919 7 129008 80342 Uncoordinated
Ame Miu Human female from Maya Kovel Bareesh Kath Hounds S 26 42 45 68 103 64 100 C CC 292 6 171504 81102 Chokes in Clutch, Incredibly Injury Prone
Edrasi Miu'remb Duros female from Atrisia Atrisia Blades S 31 46 56 53 73 50 100 C - 158 4 37627 37627 Agile, Focused, Strays from Combat
Meen Modl Pa'lowick male from Lowick Branada's Secret Rancors C 36 76 58 35 34 78 100 E - 186 5 29297 8558 Protective
Uthar'del Mog Gotal male from Centares ArmaTek Corsairs F 24 55 52 95 65 61 100 C B 772 8 148057 81934 Unfeeling
Vadon Getz Moh Daan male from Melida/Daan K&M Industries Nerf Herders E 26 50 90 31 56 81 100 B C 179 5 76159 15267 Proficient with Passing
Chirita Moiss-Jik Gran female from Dantooine GSI Wingmaws C 28 100 59 47 61 76 100 A BB 669 7 114198 43981 Proficient with Blaster
Bobo Mojo Herglic male from Tresidiss IASpec Orokeets E 23 60 112 81 1 91 100 C B 642 6 177271 13148 Benchpresses Hutts for Fun, Damn He BIG!, Ihlrath, Why is He in Clown Makeup?, “LOVE!! MOM!!”
Aaph Mok Zabrak male from Coruscant Tirsa Starhoppers F 30 53 49 87 49 58 100 AAA B 79 4 59622 50800 Chokes in Clutch, Proficient with Staff
Arligan Moll Duros male from Telos K&M Industries Nerf Herders F 19 71 81 109 17 91 100 C CC 445 7 221187 16545
Addath Hedron Moosea Zabrak male from Telos Czerka Nexu C 31 93 63 58 41 61 100 C - 49 3 64989 20686 Proficient with Staff, Uncoordinated
Obees Mora Issori male from Issor Drooga Duneclaws S 20 30 41 50 100 53 100 D CC 118 4 165933 75259 Acrobatic, Adjusts, Proficient with Staff
Dalus Frax Morne Frozian male (no homeworld) Czerka Sand Bats F 22 41 20 63 55 54 100 C B 970 8 56073 46062
Lor Ai Mors Near-Human male from Eirrauus Hyrotii Nova E 29 68 95 41 33 83 100 B - 925 7 86314 28140 Guardian
Floria Mossu'bekam Duros female from Kalok Anaxes Scyks S 23 57 58 58 100 91 100 C AA 211 5 151389 122824 Guardian, Short
Ffaseer Mowen Kubaz male from Betha II Tal Kad Shanjaru F 30 30 63 100 35 70 100 AAA BB 142 4 142362 78571 Somewhat Injury Prone
Mebara Munda Svivreni female from Thonner Tal Kad Shanjaru E 20 69 103 56 31 80 100 C A 231 6 166358 53303 Very Accurate, Very Ungainly
Berrida Mura-Suutrar Near-Human male from Obica Hyrotii Nova S 28 42 51 65 111 81 100 B - 289 6 130367 22791 Strong
Pucumir Mant Muur Barabel male from Korriban Sienar Dragonets F 17 49 63 89 15 52 100 D D 67 3 80034 39055 Guardian
Broof Muus Human male from Coruscant Corellia Sand Panthers C 26 71 33 34 63 51 100 B CC 98 4 71894 62080 Very Acrobatic
Rrabel Ra Na Aqualish female from Talus Bareesh Kath Hounds C 28 87 64 50 43 64 100 A - 783 8 76654 36790 Protective
Roth Vicya Naa-Dom Human female from Sundari SoroSuub Kybucks C 29 76 33 32 58 72 100 AAA C 994 7 60736 45340 Strong
Xirossk Vul Nadar Human male from Corellia IASpec Orokeets S 23 22 54 52 122 73 100 B C 324 4 143899 15699
Bortrek Naga Zabrak male from Rendili Rendili StarDrives F 33 55 54 92 49 76 100 E - 1056 7 69407 69407 Intelligent, Proficient with Blaster, Short
Castrella Naian'nailati Duros female from Tatooine Gurian Zalaacas F 18 43 55 80 42 43 100 D BB 119 5 10583 10583 Clutch, Often Avoids Combat
Sella'syayna Nakcohh'kritkeen Nikto female from Cularin New Plympto Rikknits E 20 40 81 53 45 53 100 C B 448 7 93588 91988 Adaptable, Chokes in Clutch, Daring, Nimble
Lanus'plumba Nakk Twi'lek male from Coruscant Ord Sabaok Scouts C 23 61 46 34 24 72 100 D B 210 6 126881 117573
Arraxx Nall Duros male from Belsavis Coruscant Senators S 25 53 69 54 98 61 100 C B 169 1 176922 100386 Proficient with Grapple, Risk Averse
Mar'julias Naltree'ryko Nikto male from Sarafur Sienar Dragonets C 19 93 45 45 45 57 100 D AA 104 4 131437 91358 Chokes in Clutch
Thurm Adaz Sadaar Nammon'skoff Human male from Coruscant Coruscant Senators C 23 72 33 33 58 54 100 D C 919 8 59474 50192 Adjusts, Protective
Aaida'ennyl Nane Rodian female from Svivren Pantolomin Halfbacks E 24 64 92 64 61 74 100 B AAA 150 5 117334 85974 Strong
Ooloos Allegra Nane Human female from Loth Exotac Gizka E 33 37 91 57 31 82 100 E - 56 3 88263 36702
Brawk Nard Near-Human male from Manaan Synchet Shyracks E 23 50 73 48 21 61 100 D B 192 5 98547 72623 Proficient with Blaster, Strays from Combat
Neesada Nard Zabrak female from Talus Baktar Kinrath E 18 41 104 54 61 87 100 C BB 86 4 184397 36230 Graceless
Livintius Nard Mac Zeltron male from Tatooine Gurian Zalaacas C 17 68 38 51 51 53 100 D A 100 5 12664 12664 Clutch, Frequent Risk Taker, Proficient with Staff, Weak
Acle Kimer Nardah Human female from Kadril Volkov Hyperdrives S 23 49 62 52 100 56 100 D C 221 4 143432 83525
Zen Narra Corellian male from Corellia Marlin Assets Firaxa C 21 77 49 45 42 30 100 D C 215 6 36033 9748 Proficient with Catching, Proficient with Grapple, Proficient with Staff
Geric Skar Naru Human male from Ch'hodos Raynor Coppis F 23 51 40 75 54 44 100 C B 718 8 98566 76830 Accurate
Tagta'kar Nass Bothan male from Pii I Drooga Duneclaws E 18 36 76 28 53 51 100 D CC 224 6 75427 65821
Beatonn Lanni Natas-Doil Near-Human female from Issor Drooga Duneclaws E 27 25 79 43 32 44 100 B CC 114 4 61668 52225
Everik-Yuka Nataz Nechel Weequay male from Annoo SoroSuub Kybucks E 31 29 87 56 71 71 100 B C 945 8 54357 30589
Braynar Neer Human male from Qiilura Beemon Tontitrans F 24 52 53 93 43 65 0 B A 3 4 63105 36573 Durable, Intelligent, Protective
Arslan Nega Duros male from Saloch SoroSuub Kybucks F 26 46 25 92 39 69 100 AA C 39 1 120063 77827
Fonada Neir Rodian female from Tatooine Gurian Zalaacas F 17 39 49 79 54 67 65 D B 254 8 11949 11949 Risk Averse
Brco Nels Human male from Di'tai'ni Volkov Hyperdrives F 25 57 47 95 50 62 100 B CC 646 7 110612 59997
Syal Neth Rodian female from Ord Sabaok Ord Sabaok Scouts C 25 63 45 50 47 55 100 B BB 245 6 81623 81623 Clutch, Short
Carn-Kkral-Fir Nevran-Shi Gran male from Kinyen Meirm Terentatek E 19 23 105 41 32 72 100 D CC 197 4 182773 94864
Frissk Neyrr Selonian male from Corellia Bareesh Kath Hounds C 29 97 48 78 47 62 100 C - 198 4 102969 45676 Proficient with Grapple
Adri Ni Human female from Sarvchi Pantolomin Halfbacks S 18 50 31 41 66 65 100 D C 166 5 102949 94975 Proficient with Blaster, Proficient with Staff
Deela Drii Niclari Near-Human female from Sirpar Drooga Duneclaws F 27 47 48 86 59 62 100 A CC 1259 9 102057 62209 Very Delicate
Ahlan Nie Rodian male from Coruscant Tirsa Starhoppers E 21 41 93 49 50 73 100 D AA 106 4 96744 84725 Durable, Proficient with Catching, Risk Averse
Harthis'hilas Nim Duros male from Tatooine Gurian Zalaacas E 17 57 77 59 61 85 0 D A 43 5 14551 14551 Adjusts, Expert with Staff, Tall
Allanar Nin Gotal male from Coruscant Orlean Wraids C 20 93 42 42 42 57 100 D BB 31 1 145335 82411
Voss'not Whitehat Ning Twi'lek male from Stoga New Plympto Rikknits C 19 59 49 39 36 64 100 C CC 114 4 83936 76166
Kerane Uilhalm Fonkin Ningo Hiromi male from Issor Drooga Duneclaws C 21 56 37 29 40 55 100 D B 0 3 73596 64349
Crimpler Ninx Human male from Bilbringi VII IASpec Orokeets C 23 120 65 48 42 69 100 D A 220 5 169009 18433 Adjusts
Graaqu Skeck Nion Duros male from Coruscant ChemFlex Tuk'ata C 22 86 44 58 44 52 100 A C 181 5 103754 58726 Risk Averse
Haskit Nir Firrerreo male from Coruscant Orlean Wraids C 19 75 41 56 43 48 100 C CC 0 1 62870 55238
Ayessa Nist Gotal female from Coruscant ChemFlex Tuk'ata F 26 46 51 75 41 54 100 C C 165 6 82142 46052
Bostuco Nist Nikto male from Kintan Desler Mynocks E 25 56 87 57 53 63 100 B A 139 5 81646 71015 Clutch, Often Avoids Combat, Very Delicate
Ghia Nist Human female from Sotipe Coronet Krayt Dragons E 37 51 109 56 56 91 100 D - 738 7 140340 24390 Clutch Player, Somewhat Injury Prone
Gilfrome Nixx Human female from Naos Corellia Sand Panthers F 21 51 52 93 52 65 100 C BB 112 4 128430 67645 Proficient with Grapple
N'shyrr'tu Nixx Nikto male from Tatooine Gurian Zalaacas E 17 48 58 47 51 53 100 D BB 215 8 15999 15999 Strong, Very Injury Prone
Aleema Nod Trandoshan female from Dosha Coruschal Asharl Panthers F 23 44 44 79 35 42 100 D B 117 5 96366 68363 Brilliant with Catching, Very Strong
Gilsaria Noko Human female from Demesel Ord Sabaok Scouts S 23 44 54 35 65 76 100 C C 606 7 85188 76078 Proficient with Grapple
Nrross Norim Iktotchi male from Pii Spadda Sandtuskers E 22 41 84 35 32 66 100 C C 100 4 95294 61534 Proficient with Passing
Orvos Veltzz Nova Human male from Pzob Tal Kad Shanjaru S 18 41 20 85 103 77 100 D CC 43 2 153780 55549 Proficient with Catching, Very Ungainly
Axvka Nuli Zabrak female from Csilla Branada's Secret Rancors E 22 36 81 54 63 70 100 A DD 1286 9 52620 21999 Risk Averse, Very Daring, Very Ungainly
Karaksk Nur Daan male from Melida/Daan K&M Industries Nerf Herders E 33 35 94 65 48 81 100 E - 220 5 85825 8088 Proficient with Blaster
Tala Dinvar Nurugen Herglic male from Baramorra Czerka Nexu E 45 52 83 52 47 82 100 F - 162 5 39614 7339 Very Strong
Kasck Nus Whiphid male from Narg Hyrotii Nova F 36 47 34 93 66 61 100 B C 171 5 86399 40471 Immobile, Strong, Very Daring
Vivant'miech Nuur Sullustan male from Coruscant Tirsa Starhoppers S 22 50 51 53 97 65 100 D A 761 7 80749 62951 Durable, Plodding, Proficient with Staff, Tall, Weak
Shuzz Veers Oa Ishi Tib male from Coruscant Corellia Sand Panthers S 22 43 35 52 95 52 100 B C 83 3 115062 54757 Very Agile
Alsten Kyle Odan Human male from Caamas ArmaTek Corsairs F 17 52 59 92 49 63 100 D C 233 6 142569 91438 Very Risky
Charek't'van Odarr Nikto male from Asmeru Merr-Sonn Lightning S 38 64 57 46 92 63 100 E - 161 5 46240 14556 Guardian
Pak'ka Mikel Aso Odarr Chev male from Nishr Coronet Krayt Dragons F 19 58 32 105 51 83 100 C B 68 3 155042 49914 Proficient with Passing
Grembae Odus Human female from Pantolomin Pantolomin Halfbacks F 26 49 45 85 54 50 100 B B 61 4 61831 60630 Adaptable, Daring
Anii Ohr Near-Human female from Tatooine Gurian Zalaacas F 17 55 54 103 61 71 82 D AAA 221 8 14202 14202 Proficient with Blaster
Odnamar Ulic Ok Khallos Snivvian male from Taris Anaxes Scyks E 20 41 84 43 44 67 100 D A 169 5 134428 132706 Proficient with Catching, Proficient with Grapple
Nejj Shanto Oka Human male from Yashuvhu Aratech Nighthunters C 23 75 61 41 43 51 100 D CC 107 4 71571 64305 Proficient with Staff
Andoan Olie Rodian male from Ord Mantell Sienar Dragonets C 19 97 61 61 46 61 100 D BB 132 5 155491 84260 Proficient with Staff
Aa'calk'pilot Oll Nikto male from Tatooine Gurian Zalaacas S 14 42 52 50 84 75 100 D AAA 116 6 21722 1809 Extremely Durable, Very Clumsy
Anistia Oll Human female from Deysum SoroSuub Kybucks E 28 86 94 35 58 71 100 B B 848 7 99105 47415 Very Daring
Liskran Oll Moggonite male from Arorlia TasCorp Cannoks F 17 62 53 88 66 53 100 E C 131 5 94383 48457 Proficient with Catching, Short
Grindol Omin Human female from Jodaka Synchet Shyracks C 24 77 53 54 42 42 100 B AA 1087 8 67311 51961 Proficient with Staff
Alexir One Trandoshan male from Trandosha Desler Mynocks S 18 25 53 47 72 51 100 D B 18 2 80507 62215 Very Strong
Elizie Lonni Onn Human female from Moer Czerka Nexu E 34 51 110 62 76 87 0 B - 224 4 116308 34707 Nimble
Ait Oon'ismaren Near-Human male from Hathrox Baktar Kinrath E 27 51 97 47 37 78 100 A C 255 6 97931 27329 Clutch Player, Risk Averse, Strong
Cradossk-Avan Oone Sith male from Khar Delba Aratech Nighthunters F 40 46 58 83 46 71 100 E - 448 8 37152 10246 Proficient with Catching, Unstoppable
Arvo Opatajji-Akura Near-Human male from Cularin Duro Tacema S 20 47 18 48 64 65 100 D CC 203 5 135582 127736
Loren Aari Opca Human female from Cularin Tal Kad Shanjaru C 30 107 59 62 29 81 100 C BB 314 7 154295 8889 Short
Irini Ic Orde Human female from Arkania Synchet Shyracks F 24 45 38 80 40 47 100 C BB 965 8 77157 55184 Proficient with Blaster, Proficient with Grapple
Arin Longknife Orden Zabrak male from Raxus Prime Exotac Gizka E 16 31 93 43 18 74 100 D CC 376 6 134324 85687
Bioto Miin Orden Human male from Soun IV SoroSuub Kybucks S 31 44 38 53 111 78 100 D - 323 6 154583 55163 Proficient with Catching, Ungainly
Andria Orfa Rodian female from Abregado-Rae Sienar Dragonets F 21 55 32 95 52 63 100 D C 188 6 110681 48855
Allia Ornil'orou Gotal female from Narg Rendili StarDrives F 18 34 35 63 16 66 100 D CC 151 5 105187 95458 Very Accurate
Vuldo Aletra Orto Duros female from Aquilae Lhosan Womp Weasels C 26 96 45 45 45 61 100 B C 191 5 121450 65842 Injury Prone
Kangrang Hoggon Osh Human male from Anaxes Anaxes Scyks C 27 82 53 41 47 65 100 B B 841 7 59748 58968 Proficient with Blaster, Proficient with Catching
Anki Ost Near-Human female from Chad Bareesh Kath Hounds C 30 109 75 50 49 66 100 C - 555 6 110536 18413 Daring, Very Acrobatic
Jis Tracton Otro Near-Human male from Drall Amzab Pulsars S 17 46 56 42 93 59 82 D A 38 3 22676 22676 Precise
Ntthan Jymbud Otro-Ten Human male from Pii I Spadda Sandtuskers F 34 62 44 75 57 49 100 C - 133 4 36133 19624 Feeble, Somewhat Injury Prone
Reiss Kassler Ouwray-Free Alderaanian male from Alderaan Corellia Sand Panthers E 25 41 95 44 23 65 100 C B 201 5 156836 94328 Delicate, Somewhat Injury Prone
Greni Owen Zabrak female from Dathomir Beemon Tontitrans C 25 85 41 43 41 56 100 A AAA 45 3 99966 78489 Expert with Catching, Injury Prone, Intelligent, Strong
Alto P'-Klakk Human female from Beheboth TasCorp Cannoks E 17 47 95 41 48 64 100 D AA 224 6 131902 97583 Chokes in Clutch
Civ P'Vidkum Human female from Aquaris Meirm Terentatek F 23 61 54 95 35 71 100 D C 597 6 142893 66459 Strays from Combat
Greeve Pace Duros female from Atrisia Atrisia Blades S 29 56 49 41 79 60 0 A CC 13 5 22629 22229 Durable, Proficient with Grapple
Ixnoltah Purgato Pace Houk male from Kabal Corellia Sand Panthers E 29 54 110 57 53 75 100 B C 141 3 160416 14365 Beyond Legendary
Tir'nima'narek Pace Twi'lek female from Ryloon Marlin Assets Firaxa C 25 112 67 74 66 88 100 AA B 826 6 208846 13080 Acrobatic
Moyan Pag Geonosian male from Geonosis Tonena Dewbacks F 28 51 60 89 26 56 100 B - 49 3 89725 52091 Proficient with Passing, Very Daring
Brektate Page Gran male from Coruscant Anaxes Scyks E 26 62 113 56 67 84 100 B B 919 7 76232 53899 Durable, Intelligent, Precise, Proficient with Passing, Tall
Annah Pai Near-Human female from Varn Marlin Assets Firaxa E 25 61 110 61 61 85 100 C C 99 4 161375 6191 Proficient with Catching, Proficient with Grapple
Taaand'tal'una Pai Verpine male from Ord Sabaok Ord Sabaok Scouts E 34 53 76 52 54 53 100 E - 178 5 23255 23255 Clutch, Uncoordinated
Bolbol Parl Kuati male from Kuat Sienar Dragonets S 17 35 27 50 88 74 100 D C 95 4 104312 57922 Master with Passing, Proficient with Staff, Somewhat Injury Prone
Trem Cerone Omis Patunkin Chev male from Vinsoth ArmaTek Corsairs C 21 94 44 63 63 64 100 D B 83 4 143116 68500
Ajaf Pau Near-Human male from Coruscant Anaxes Scyks C 18 72 32 52 48 62 100 D C 312 6 99682 92559 Strays from Combat
Kavel Omwat Paulsen-Fei Human male (unknown homeworld) Pantolomin Halfbacks F 26 38 36 57 24 69 100 C C 163 5 99755 90782
Elo Nyrkar Pax Daan male from Melida/Daan Czerka Nexu S 36 46 34 64 82 71 100 F - 855 9 45557 28129 Muscular
Ivhin'ess Paz Ithorian male from Rimbaux Four TasCorp Cannoks C 23 98 51 50 53 65 100 C C 11 1 117524 45546
Borga Pele Near-Human female from Azbrian Synchet Shyracks S 19 41 28 47 85 51 100 D B 754 8 98697 69595
Brinkan Pepe Zabrak male from Coruscant Desler Mynocks F 25 52 48 85 50 61 100 B BB 603 7 100661 84756 Expert with Passing, Nimble, Short
Gyr'idis Pepe Vodran male from Delassin VI Tal Kad Shanjaru E 28 26 100 40 66 75 100 AA C 57 3 120193 49605 Very Strong
Bothel Phet Trandoshan male from Dosha New Plympto Rikknits E 27 65 86 53 60 64 100 B A 243 6 114416 112610 Somewhat Injury Prone, Very Strong, Very Ungainly
Ghana Phineas'thimram Rodian female from Rodia ArmaTek Corsairs C 22 106 45 63 45 61 100 C B 767 8 150147 44091 Agile, Proficient with Passing, Risk Averse
Brella Piksoar'bomoor Duros female from Duro Duro Tacema C 27 99 53 56 55 61 100 B BB 1051 8 74996 47190 Precise
Bendlar Pinnix-Danva Human male from Togoria GSI Wingmaws F 25 71 31 95 36 71 100 D B 127 5 165477 79882 Graceless, Proficient with Grapple
Bufon Piru Human male from Cormit Amzab Pulsars C 17 98 62 62 59 55 35 D BB 155 6 15322 15322 Nimble, Proficient with Catching
Buhar Pojo Human male from Storthus Exotac Gizka C 17 89 48 54 54 61 100 D A 2 3 111132 79031 Chokes in Clutch, Durable, Intelligent, Often Avoids Combat, Risk Taker
Alam Pol Rodian male from Cularin Ord Sabaok Scouts C 24 92 57 49 51 57 100 C AA 688 7 105714 83548 Expert with Grapple, Very Tough
Axvka Pong Trandoshan female from Coruscant ChemFlex Tuk'ata E 37 35 79 47 48 52 100 C - 299 6 46324 13596 Chokes in Clutch, Nearly Insane, Proficient with Staff, Very Strong
Sarria'cassa'aa Poorf'gorsceu Nikto female from Atrisia Atrisia Blades E 27 62 75 66 53 41 100 A B 316 6 89310 89310 Tall
Sazaar Phoedris Poot Human male from Coruscant Aratech Nighthunters E 30 35 94 37 66 71 100 B BB 168 5 131528 79489 Expert with Blaster
Alysu Poyl Snivvian male from Tatooine Tal Kad Shanjaru E 18 53 101 68 21 81 100 D B 107 4 137379 50706 Adjusts, Proficient with Grapple
Allandria Prammi'norveel Sullustan female from Tatooine Gurian Zalaacas F 16 46 45 90 56 49 85 D B 260 8 18363 18363 Good with Grapple, Proficient with Catching, Proficient with Passing, Somewhat Frail
Hema Prax Near-Human female from Telos Tal Kad Shanjaru C 34 87 58 35 71 60 100 C - 173 6 34797 11339 Graceless
Belsed Pressor'corde Nikto male from Asmeru Amzab Pulsars E 17 54 85 55 39 52 57 D A 267 9 8066 8066 Incredibly Injury Prone, Risk Averse, Risk Taker, Short
Kathikis'vook Shilley Prisht Whiphid male from Pii IV Spadda Sandtuskers E 39 37 87 41 60 61 100 B CC 29 3 102772 68591 Adjusts, Guardian, Plodding, Strong
Caree Dyrra Proga-Konur Human male from Coruscant Coruscant Senators F 23 41 46 81 46 42 100 B C 933 7 71524 35256 Very Hearty
Hedra Proskov Human female from Alderaan SoroSuub Kybucks C 27 87 51 54 52 67 100 C A 498 6 60951 20024 Deadly Accuracy, Ex-soldier, Team Player, Tough
Cami Prototo Zabrak female from Iridonia Marlin Assets Firaxa E 23 70 116 43 48 84 100 D B 482 7 133722 2176 Durable, Imoshi, Masochist, Proficient with Grapple, Strong
Araneya Pyn-Jun Human female from Port Haven TasCorp Cannoks C 21 91 46 46 45 61 100 D CC 144 5 115264 59315 Very Hearty
Occo Thinker Qel Human male from Cioral Tal Kad Shanjaru F 31 61 61 85 40 64 100 C - 22 2 47540 19604
Anwis Torsh Qol Human male from Oseon 2795 Hyrotii Nova S 28 44 41 75 105 63 100 AA CC 298 6 151534 78071
Auros Quamar-Lucian Near-Human male from Kamori Czerka Nexu C 32 75 51 43 42 69 100 D - 992 8 25077 19516 Adjusts, Strong
Blithane Quix Twi'lek male from Drongar GSI Wingmaws C 28 84 41 41 58 73 100 B - 58 4 36407 6104 Expert with Staff
Grondo Radi Nalroni male from Celanon SoroSuub Kybucks S 26 58 41 51 99 76 0 C CC 11 4 79037 8143
Booto Rajana-Vanis Near-Human male from Trieron Rendili StarDrives F 31 67 71 120 66 51 100 D - 17 1 41412 29903 Durable, Very Agile
Wraw Ram Devaronian male from Charubah Tonena Dewbacks E 20 42 64 52 23 58 100 D CC 747 8 88626 78847
Ram Ranneth Ravis-Ran Near-Human male from Ch'hodos Merr-Sonn Lightning C 26 90 41 57 41 64 100 C C 313 6 91184 52221
Raglath-Billey Rawd Issori male from Issor Spadda Sandtuskers C 27 93 66 58 46 55 100 AA C 549 7 112807 53957 Graceless
Albee Ray Human male from Lorell Atrisia Blades E 28 64 94 62 54 69 100 B B 99 4 112589 106241 Clutch, Expert with Passing, Naturally Accurate, Proficient with Catching
Bwa Kana Ree Near-Human female from Krnay Merr-Sonn Lightning C 30 110 52 54 67 71 100 AA B 357 5 190590 84696
Dorlar Ree Shistavanen male from Coruscant GSI Wingmaws S 25 61 59 76 127 72 100 C B 111 3 273103 70442
Dorlar Ree Snivvian male from Tatooine Corellia Sand Panthers F 42 58 44 90 63 81 100 F - 169 0 53835 13134
Gruu'thak Rego Nikto male from Rendili Rendili StarDrives E 25 51 72 43 48 47 100 AA A 262 6 110286 109228
Davrax Reign Human male from Salliche IASpec Orokeets C 28 121 55 64 26 77 100 AA B 335 6 145126 3929 Endurance, Expert Receiver, Mentally Challenged
Aldalad Rej Human male from Ord Mantell Coruschal Asharl Panthers C 25 79 42 56 47 52 100 C B 73 5 98001 64902 Expert with Grapple
Bentha Renno-Gocle Near-Human male from Coruscant Coruscant Senators E 18 34 74 58 18 47 100 D CC 206 6 61990 53199
Arforrth-Tuzes-Nim Renz Cerean male (unknown homeworld) GSI Wingmaws F 31 71 54 88 29 61 100 C - 830 7 52086 24248 Graceless, Risk Averse
Nlek'russok Resk Nikto male from Thaere Privo Hyrotii Nova E 20 26 101 53 40 76 100 D C 87 4 114754 53337 Hearty, Proficient with Passing
Gela Retzloff-Zur Human female from Coruscant ChemFlex Tuk'ata C 23 79 66 42 48 41 100 C CC 109 4 73472 60009 Proficient with Passing
Bryyn Reyn Nikto male from Duro Duro Tacema C 34 98 57 57 57 57 100 E - 207 6 30828 28476 Adjusts, Proficient with Catching, Strong, Very Focused
Chellemi Rha-Chenati Near-Human female from Rendili Rendili StarDrives F 23 54 58 75 46 67 100 D A 68 4 150399 149030 Durable, Intelligent, Proficient with Staff
Aleten Rho Near-Human male (no homeworld) K&M Industries Nerf Herders F 17 52 45 101 40 74 100 D CC 143 4 126831 11292 Expert with Passing
Burdek Rho-Vishav Human male from Mussibir SoroSuub Kybucks E 33 43 96 61 31 71 100 E - 927 9 88411 45886 Master with Grapple
Forow-Ilanka Kae Riddick Talz male from Alzoc TasCorp Cannoks S 16 64 42 61 100 62 100 D C 141 4 139007 75360 Protective, Somewhat Injury Prone
Ree Se Rinou Braitano Zabrak male from Lorista Amzab Pulsars F 16 54 53 64 38 60 77 D B 218 7 10746 10746 Proficient with Catching, Somewhat Injury Prone
Aemont Riv Rodian male from Gamorr Bareesh Kath Hounds F 39 50 53 82 37 71 100 F - 307 7 24060 6997 Protective
Alexan Riv Human male from Corvis Minor 3 Beemon Tontitrans C 25 71 55 43 36 48 100 C BB 170 5 112023 87590 Protective
Ylenic Riv Kuati male from Kuat Beemon Tontitrans S 21 24 67 46 86 52 0 D B 369 4 55379 30212 Proficient with Grapple, Very Accurate
Aramil Ro-Olyeg Human male from Pii Drooga Duneclaws S 36 62 70 43 83 48 100 D - 5 2 40859 17471 Proficient with Blaster, Strong
Mar Wupera Ro-Targis Human female from Falleen Czerka Sand Bats E 21 32 73 55 25 48 74 C CC 675 8 78878 68769 Expert with Staff
Falto Brodi Robalt Svivreni female from Thonner Orlean Wraids F 23 52 23 94 45 63 100 A B 178 5 141608 74005 Short
Bik Quist Roi Human male from Telfrey Coruschal Asharl Panthers E 26 24 89 41 32 84 100 B C 162 5 88312 33829 Proficient with Passing, Very Acrobatic
Motta Rojo Svivreni female from Svivren Corellia Sand Panthers F 22 49 50 101 64 62 100 D D 316 7 77275 12425
Skiffer-Iinkins Rolo Issori male from Trulalis Drooga Duneclaws S 18 55 60 62 72 38 100 D C 813 7 50527 41222 Somewhat Feeble
Debrelle Mio Ronik Twi'lek female from Wroona Anaxes Scyks S 23 29 26 44 64 69 100 D CC 263 6 96404 88558 Proficient with Catching
Arago Gatheri Roose Zabrak female from Dathomir Aratech Nighthunters F 25 46 65 79 44 96 100 AAA C 631 7 117475 57523
Hamiz'irolia Rooshan'bador Bothan female from Coruscant Orlean Wraids E 23 55 95 66 47 63 100 B C 306 6 150407 81132 Acrobatic
Barleos Guo Rudd Near-Human male from Pii Tonena Dewbacks E 23 48 64 53 55 41 100 C B 26 3 64572 54380 Somewhat Injury Prone
Athleenia Rueb Nost Human female from New Plympto New Plympto Rikknits E 28 56 73 53 45 71 100 A B 74 4 62362 62362 Adjusts, Short, Very Strong
Bwa'iana'khalid Rujj Nikto male from Asmeru Czerka Sand Bats S 22 51 56 54 89 57 95 D BB 260 6 163292 135992 Expert with Staff, Intelligent, Proficient with Grapple
Grunda Rus-Sergar Human female from Coruscant Corellia Sand Panthers S 20 39 36 65 76 40 100 D C 164 6 77180 67959 Adjusts, Proficient with Catching
Borta S'-Monoceros Human male from Tatooine Gurian Zalaacas E 15 46 64 57 53 65 57 D A 3 3 17752 17752 Good with Grapple, Guardian, Somewhat Feeble, Tall
Rykana S'rvala Rattataki female from Rattatak Tal Kad Shanjaru E 26 25 99 59 38 85 100 B B 323 3 75102 5810 Esaria, Precise, Proficient with Grapple
Ame Sah'borin Nikto female from Nar Shaddaa Tonena Dewbacks E 18 46 87 46 49 61 100 D AAA 293 6 127609 89191 Always Avoids Combat, Proficient with Catching, Somewhat Feeble
Eneboros Carsa Dav Saiy Frozian male (unknown homeworld) Bareesh Kath Hounds E 35 33 87 37 65 81 100 E - 193 5 57555 25066
Danos'geothray Sal Sullustan male from New Plympto New Plympto Rikknits F 22 47 40 82 51 64 100 C B 137 5 129997 129997 Agile, Expert with Staff, Selfless
Irini'ak Sal Caamasi male from Kerilt Drooga Duneclaws S 16 21 46 48 61 67 100 E C 11 3 68884 59475 Adjusts
Alinda San Human male from Arthon Tonena Dewbacks S 19 63 30 43 75 38 100 D B 251 6 108575 100530 Very Accurate
Ash Sau Human female from Carida Marlin Assets Firaxa F 19 61 61 110 62 73 100 D C 521 8 136579 13306 Very Acrobatic
C'trufeys Savean Sonloam Twi'lek male from Coruscant Amzab Pulsars S 17 41 41 46 78 67 0 D B 50 6 8072 8072 Proficient with Grapple
Amel Sdandish-Llani Human male from Issor Spadda Sandtuskers S 27 53 59 51 93 57 100 B CC 62 3 113632 63145 Brilliant with Passing, Risk Averse
D'magon Sen Rodian male from Ylesia TasCorp Cannoks S 17 40 52 51 100 61 100 D BB 147 5 188070 96764 Strays from Combat
Totovia'galinda Setag'skidder Gotal female from Narg Raynor Coppis E 18 44 79 47 16 56 100 D B 1087 8 75017 53162
Ashla Sho Human female from Borgo Prime Raynor Coppis F 24 61 41 97 48 71 100 D A 604 7 165150 80693 Expert with Staff, Incredibly Agile, Proficient with Grapple, Very Delicate
Henk Sid Jenet male from Pavo Prime Tonena Dewbacks S 23 25 22 37 119 58 100 C C 31 1 127711 12311 Risk Averse
Crela'arok Sien Twi'lek female from Abregado-Rae Merr-Sonn Lightning C 26 85 49 43 41 69 100 B C 76 4 58947 27875 Very Accurate
Ashana Sil Sith female from Khar Shian Coruschal Asharl Panthers E 32 50 79 42 65 71 100 D - 828 7 62562 48197 Nimble, Strays from Combat
Dagga Sil-Iskraker Human female from Anaxes Anaxes Scyks E 33 59 81 59 57 49 100 B - 337 6 36371 36371 Very Delicate
Valka Min Ska Zabrak male from Iridonia TasCorp Cannoks F 28 51 71 94 28 61 100 A - 168 5 92174 42856 Very Accurate
Sallo'sander Skinto'ratua Gotal male from Coruscant Tirsa Starhoppers E 23 42 85 55 52 61 100 C A 218 6 110290 91769 Nimble, Proficient with Grapple, Very Injury Prone
Airen Skorr-Rece Human male from Esfandia New Plympto Rikknits C 32 107 65 74 65 61 100 B CC 199 6 73824 56580 Agile, Chokes in Clutch
Bownan Skynxnex-Cranna Human male from Kojash Volkov Hyperdrives S 20 35 33 51 100 56 100 D C 110 4 102046 46710
Igear'salje Hakens Slarm Falleen male from Drongar GSI Wingmaws E 28 31 105 51 51 75 100 B C 285 6 150604 64880 Daring
Wumdi Sninif'riske Sullustan female from Tilnes Branada's Secret Rancors F 26 81 45 95 48 85 100 C B 757 6 119881 17708 Very Acrobatic
Kar'irid'tree So Nikto female from Alsakan Alsakan Farlus Hawks F 27 58 44 85 46 50 100 A B 6 2 54728 53527
Del Feen Solk Kel Dor male from Dorin Coruschal Asharl Panthers S 20 44 43 43 86 42 100 D BB 229 6 132585 92572 Master with Grapple
Sligh-Nib-Sienn Sonn Cerean male from Coruscant Corellia Sand Panthers E 25 51 61 35 35 40 100 C B 153 5 80264 70987 Adaptable, Very Daring
Rikhal Spanish Human male from Aldraig IV IASpec Orokeets F 23 71 45 130 66 89 100 C B 954 11 177988 3739 Hated by Everyone, Imoshi, Very Mean
Ergihl'wagg Retinol Spathen Mon Calamari male from Ruisto GSI Wingmaws C 39 84 61 43 51 82 100 F - 144 4 43275 10755 Adjusts
Yndis Ane Tevv Sygti Togorian male from Narg Branada's Secret Rancors S 33 40 36 45 102 80 100 D - 673 3 99782 10936 Very Acrobatic
Alexi T'-Jiktar Human male from Tatooine Gurian Zalaacas S 15 50 44 39 64 43 100 E AA 84 4 19289 19289 Proficient with Passing, Tall, Very Injury Prone
Alok Taa Human male from Isis Czerka Nexu E 41 48 82 49 39 74 100 F - 615 10 29624 7768 Acrobatic, Proficient with Blaster
Jerru Taan Nimbanel male from Boztrok Lhosan Womp Weasels F 40 72 38 87 46 78 100 E - 349 7 62310 14492
Bry Taan-Devay Human male from Naos Lhosan Womp Weasels S 31 43 47 53 100 52 0 B C 45 4 108377 53824 Very Accurate
Khalid'si Tabbe Vassic Vozda Twi'lek male from Manaan Meirm Terentatek F 19 54 44 85 48 52 100 D B 942 7 83038 61433 Nimble, Risk Averse
Troy'we Talosh'brath Nikto male from Sarafur Ord Sabaok Scouts F 18 58 56 97 55 78 100 D AAA 130 5 150818 127263 Naturally Accurate, Proficient with Catching
Sena Shen Talus Kel Dor male from Dorin Exotac Gizka S 16 26 60 50 81 51 100 D B 0 3 124901 84649 Hearty
Dragite Golanda Tan Baragwin female from Denuhi VIII Volkov Hyperdrives E 31 41 80 30 51 92 100 C - 215 5 81089 43542 Plodding, Proficient with Grapple
Alkan Tan-Lungthyme Near-Human male from Najarka Tal Kad Shanjaru E 31 35 98 65 63 73 100 C C 57 3 92418 30730 Proficient with Grapple, Proficient with Staff
Veedo Tarkosa'fel Near-Human male from Issor Drooga Duneclaws C 20 72 45 30 29 48 100 C B 126 5 85972 77245 Strong, Tall
Aleten Tarlen-Faris Near-Human male from Loovria Raynor Coppis E 23 42 78 28 32 54 100 B B 153 5 82853 55813 Proficient with Catching, Somewhat Injury Prone
Aily Uli Tarsh Zabrak female from Raxus Prime Sienar Dragonets E 17 36 93 44 23 64 100 E C 60 3 102532 43740
Phontos Task Trandoshan male from Pinett Czerka Nexu F 33 31 49 74 44 66 100 B - 878 7 34277 27974 Expert with Catching, Very Strong
Selas Tate Human male from Selonia Pantolomin Halfbacks E 28 57 100 60 55 65 100 AA B 903 7 70399 68351 Focused, Strays from Combat
Atria Tee Human female from Coruscant Aratech Nighthunters S 24 60 24 53 98 61 100 B CC 190 5 107560 56445 Proficient with Staff
Stusjevsky Tee Vratix male from Thyferra Lhosan Womp Weasels E 29 27 86 48 38 64 100 B - 151 5 59826 34528 Hearty
Urman-Rastur Tee Near-Human male from Algar Amzab Pulsars E 16 45 94 45 41 59 88 D AA 54 3 17484 17484 Precise, Risk Taker, Very Injury Prone
Tiscak Deran Tel Near-Human female from Korriban Raynor Coppis F 26 43 49 90 46 57 100 C BB 143 4 117654 53141 Daring
Cheriss Tel-Darc Human female from Caamas Baktar Kinrath S 28 38 63 46 115 51 100 AAA B 31 3 119777 24821
Augwynne Tey Human female from Alsakan Alsakan Farlus Hawks E 33 56 94 51 51 62 100 B CC 1389 10 74624 67000 Chokes in Clutch, Uncoordinated
Fellion Bhindi Tey-Ekiam Human female from Piton Synchet Shyracks E 22 34 67 51 20 61 100 C CC 91 4 62112 51865 Strong
Vickers'heloan Thont'tavers Gotal male from Esfandia Hyrotii Nova F 24 53 36 94 46 74 100 B C 624 7 117513 54326 Strays from Combat
Mart Hinter Thorin Elom male from Elom Beemon Tontitrans F 19 54 47 69 46 45 100 D B 49 2 124279 102935
Fir Shenir Thranx-Squig Human male from Alliga Desler Mynocks C 30 73 37 76 63 40 100 C C 88 4 38572 30468
Veer Thul Lowen male from Low'n Aratech Nighthunters S 29 52 58 71 118 69 100 B CC 248 6 166178 41911 Expert with Catching, Guardian
Bejo Thul-Thuele Human male from Mantessa Synchet Shyracks F 21 37 21 72 48 61 100 D B 146 5 92485 74049 Muscular
Boren Thurmont-Mo Human male from Pii I Czerka Sand Bats S 22 46 20 37 73 45 100 D B 601 7 91084 81335 Expert with Blaster
Buula Toc Firrerreo female from Firrerre ArmaTek Corsairs C 18 97 45 45 45 65 100 D C 67 3 138825 68485 Protective, Very Nimble
Negna Tod Trandoshan female from Sarafur Coruschal Asharl Panthers E 31 29 81 36 54 51 100 C B 909 7 93477 65776 Very Strong
Adder Tok Trandoshan male from Pantolomin Pantolomin Halfbacks C 22 83 55 43 50 62 100 D BB 971 7 84185 84185 Guardian, Precise, Proficient with Grapple, Very Strong
Raihane'ingah Vilthar Tokai Ithorian male from Jerrilek New Plympto Rikknits F 28 31 35 65 26 68 100 B CC 245 6 76266 71234 Focused
Vale'khea Tong Duros female from Vaynai Baktar Kinrath C 25 109 44 54 50 81 100 AA C 765 8 115775 18440 Somewhat Injury Prone
Aklee Torel-Tr Human female from Agriworld-2079 IASpec Orokeets C 17 124 39 47 37 67 100 D A 126 3 217573 20437 Risk Averse
Kiottja Torr Human female from Sposia Czerka Nexu S 27 47 51 64 93 54 100 C C 251 6 79757 46233
Lol'atris Tos Twi'lek female from Coruscant Tirsa Starhoppers E 28 46 90 48 49 67 100 C - 165 4 33218 31238 Daring
Malani Finna Tos Ishi Tib female from Coruscant Novinyet Ghests C 17 100 46 46 46 71 100 E BB 250 6 182675 98812 Somewhat Feeble
Keil'noa Tramsig'mig Gotal male from Tuulab New Plympto Rikknits S 21 60 58 54 73 57 100 D A 542 7 121136 121136 Proficient with Passing, Very Tough
Pachwenko Tran Talz male from Alzoc Anaxes Scyks C 32 83 43 56 46 69 100 D - 909 8 40743 23096 Expert with Blaster, Proficient with Grapple, Proficient with Staff
Guun Tre Twi'lek male from Corellia Corellia Sand Panthers S 21 53 54 69 103 71 100 B B 342 6 176571 79216 Uncoordinated
Vypass'the Tre'et Gotal male from Coruscant K&M Industries Nerf Herders C 36 86 56 37 55 76 100 E - 343 6 34336 4290
Allexia Trevval Braitano Sith female from Korriban Exotac Gizka F 21 50 43 80 44 58 100 C AA 140 5 120805 95890 Chokes in Clutch, Intelligent, Short, Very Strong
Shalemni' Tria Chadra-Fan female from Chad K&M Industries Nerf Herders S 19 61 61 71 110 71 100 D B 647 4 199497 72986 Cute, Kara, Short, Vicious Ankle Biter
Rasca'ceousa Gurtt Ranguhl Trillidor Twi'lek female from Dorumaa Baktar Kinrath F 36 51 36 99 56 62 100 F - 408 6 55436 13149
Darnov Hanc Tser'marjos Human male from Hirsi Merr-Sonn Lightning E 31 29 88 42 57 81 100 D - 145 5 71830 25098
Aurine Tuc Nikto female from Rendili Rendili StarDrives C 28 76 53 63 45 70 100 A B 207 5 65928 65928 Expert with Staff, Injury Prone, Proficient with Catching, Proficient with Passing
Khromi Tucker Mirialan male from Mirial GSI Wingmaws S 26 69 31 64 124 67 100 B C 797 9 158021 12497 Hearty, Pretty Boy, Vapid
Aleha Tuk-Dil Gran male from Stend IV Ord Sabaok Scouts E 27 48 84 52 57 70 100 AA CC 74 4 80891 80891 Chokes in Clutch, Expert with Staff, Proficient with Passing, Somewhat Frail
Adni Ty Near-Human male from Tatooine Gurian Zalaacas C 14 75 39 47 48 47 64 D BB 119 5 20202 20202 Short
Aelruino Tye-Pastar Human male from Courkrus Volkov Hyperdrives E 22 60 71 28 33 62 100 C CC 121 4 64800 55824 Hearty
Jyn-Ke Ul' Pzallon Trandoshan female from Trandosha Coruschal Asharl Panthers S 31 40 45 47 86 56 100 A CC 338 6 76539 60244 Chokes in Clutch, Proficient with Blaster, Risk Averse, Very Strong
Kim-Kelisea-Ro Ul-Ani Gran female from Pantolomin Pantolomin Halfbacks S 18 47 48 47 73 62 100 D A 982 8 87583 86287 Protective
Jreeter'ryek Uli'iselen Duros male from Alsakan Alsakan Farlus Hawks F 29 54 52 75 54 45 100 A CC 17 3 57408 57408 Precise, Risk Averse, Ungainly
Evir-Cassander Uln Trandoshan male from Coruscant Coruscant Senators F 38 51 49 89 37 62 100 F - 309 6 55635 25129 Very Strong
Adem Umi Duros male from Alsakan Alsakan Farlus Hawks S 25 41 46 53 81 61 100 A BB 1224 9 61530 60854
Katarra Hass Ungo Rellarin male from Rellnas Minor Hyrotii Nova S 26 41 41 77 100 57 100 B C 228 6 163439 95270 Powerful, Tall
Voal Rislar Unlu Rellarin male from Coruscant Orlean Wraids E 22 58 72 59 20 46 100 D CC 69 4 73134 64023 Powerful, Strays from Combat, Tall
Ganet Uul Human male from Khuiumin SoroSuub Kybucks F 27 54 25 85 57 65 100 B CC 592 7 100469 70591 Proficient with Grapple, Proficient with Passing
Riboga Duval Uuln Kuati male from Kuat Rendili StarDrives S 21 34 25 42 68 67 100 C CC 836 7 83241 73943
Phulik'gaeton Uziel'sacul Gotal male from Belderone Ord Sabaok Scouts C 28 85 51 54 57 49 100 A BB 168 5 85555 84403 Master with Catching, Proficient with Blaster
Gimald Vaa Klatooinan male from Pii Spadda Sandtuskers S 24 67 42 56 99 61 100 AAA CC 71 3 128815 56657
Kaoln Nah Vae Near-Human male from Coruscant Raynor Coppis F 25 50 48 82 45 52 100 B A 5 2 92527 80126 Short
Aliea Vak Twi'lek female from Junction Meirm Terentatek C 17 95 51 42 56 64 100 D B 48 3 136311 81208 Proficient with Passing
Bern Val-Bealyard Near-Human male from Jomark TasCorp Cannoks F 18 43 41 81 47 57 100 D AA 81 4 108240 84122 Protective, Strong, Ungainly
Yem Vang Lannik male from Cortella Corellia Sand Panthers C 23 74 48 34 34 49 100 C C 932 8 67753 58273 Expert with Passing
Jahan'sai'di Vari Vodran female from Vodran New Plympto Rikknits E 27 46 59 25 41 78 100 AA C 21 3 59314 51563 Short
Dantareejericho Yorub Vartos Trandoshan male (no homeworld) Czerka Nexu E 34 39 75 47 44 83 100 D - 41 3 50942 31929 Very Focused, Very Strong
Gimlet'tinta Vash Sullustan female from Byblos Bareesh Kath Hounds S 24 41 33 55 100 65 100 B CC 145 4 116340 60596 Injury Prone, Risk Averse
Azzenaj Veb Near-Human female from Entralla Spadda Sandtuskers S 22 51 60 44 123 52 100 D AAA 43 3 194442 45732
Bafili Vee Near-Human female from Ord Cestus Czerka Nexu C 27 99 51 52 54 52 100 B DD 867 7 81271 38013 Very Accurate, Very Strong
Cass'ag Vee Duros male from Tralus Branada's Secret Rancors F 32 51 51 86 30 75 100 D - 99 4 49717 21328 Muscular
Aalia Vee'scapr Rodian female from Naos Novinyet Ghests F 17 46 35 83 55 66 100 D C 161 5 103459 69557
Slyder Dawc Veir Near-Human male from Ovise ChemFlex Tuk'ata F 18 61 37 99 35 71 100 D C 24 1 94700 30009
Maritan Veiyn Klatooinan male from Pii Tonena Dewbacks E 31 65 81 35 38 52 100 C - 435 7 49827 25416
Alysun Nilya Vek Human female from Asation K&M Industries Nerf Herders F 30 28 47 91 48 81 100 C - 3 0 63427 8572 Daring, Muscular, Proficient with Grapple
T'fy'ku Vengu'sareeta Nikto male from Nar Shaddaa Coruscant Senators S 21 41 45 60 106 52 100 D CC 119 4 229653 154057
Voelo'venadar Venhalgon'cairn Nikto male from Pantolomin Pantolomin Halfbacks C 30 101 49 54 54 72 100 C - 155 5 85951 63544 Durable, Risk Averse, Short
Tinte Venn Nagai male from Taris Raynor Coppis C 26 72 43 66 55 51 100 AAA B 15 2 68022 62069 Tough
Aldalad Ver Raisuun Zabrak male from Nar Shaddaa Tirsa Starhoppers F 18 50 39 100 54 52 100 D AAA 270 6 181513 161507 Chokes in Clutch, Proficient with Staff, Risk Averse, Strong, Very Agile, Very Injury Prone
Aarica Sandsee Veshiv Zabrak female from Dantooine Marlin Assets Firaxa E 24 36 107 60 36 77 100 B C 174 5 127912 7931 Very Accurate
Maritan Veyn Lowen male from Low'n Branada's Secret Rancors S 29 38 70 70 105 85 100 A C 1011 7 130806 16501
Ghazhak'sai Vhon Tarasin female from Cularin SoroSuub Kybucks F 24 56 31 95 56 71 100 D CC 620 7 141077 92970 Acrobatic
Taug Omon Viba Mirialan male from Mirial ArmaTek Corsairs S 16 41 45 56 102 61 100 D B 792 9 155073 72162 Proficient with Grapple
Breezer Vilrein-Nar Near-Human male from Socorro Pantolomin Halfbacks F 19 55 42 96 46 83 100 D AA 826 7 105045 86399 Adjusts, Proficient with Grapple, Tall
B'dandamont Vlahu'madoon Duros male from Duro Duro Tacema S 28 58 52 47 85 56 100 A BB 711 8 97637 90830 Proficient with Staff, Very Agile
Balazausa Vog Human female from Ragmar V Coruschal Asharl Panthers S 22 45 41 53 90 69 100 D A 830 7 99539 66448 Focused, Nimble, Somewhat Feeble
Ai'zho Arn Vos Human female from Riileb Coruschal Asharl Panthers E 22 34 77 53 60 52 100 C A 12 3 99853 71028 Clutch Player, Proficient with Grapple
Ka'mauit'am Vos'solborne Nikto male from Endregaad Synchet Shyracks E 25 44 89 52 48 53 100 AA B 16 3 79883 56580 Proficient with Staff, Strong, Tall, Very Injury Prone
Odnamar Voss Iskalonian male from Julsujod Lhosan Womp Weasels F 38 53 65 89 53 64 100 F - 196 5 47249 12700
Borga Celtru Vren Zeltron male from Zeltros Exotac Gizka C 23 99 48 48 47 71 100 B CC 307 6 180006 99244
Bana Vul Human female from Flashpoint Exotac Gizka C 18 99 53 44 44 61 100 D C 944 7 115851 58998 Somewhat Injury Prone
Astrediisner Vuull Callron Near-Human male from Obroa-skai Beemon Tontitrans E 21 41 84 48 40 61 100 D A 735 8 121062 87860 Clutch, Expert with Blaster, Somewhat Feeble
Rostat Vye Sullustan male from Svivren Pantolomin Halfbacks E 22 53 78 55 57 66 100 D AA 1005 8 92383 92383 Precise, Risk Taker, Very Ungainly
Nalo-Tamizander Waleth-Sharu Gran male from Dantooine Tirsa Starhoppers F 24 47 52 90 61 53 100 B BB 149 5 64387 57227
Andews Wen Human male from Axxila K&M Industries Nerf Herders S 20 81 32 38 109 81 100 D C 668 9 175381 23899 Very Strong
Mignay Dornyza Bocck Wessel Human female from Bosph Sienar Dragonets S 18 59 47 54 99 73 100 D CC 269 6 139241 69523
Mohrgan'velles'cair'densta Whitesun Neir Toreggen Twi'lek male from Garqi Desler Mynocks E 19 51 82 46 45 61 100 D AAA 257 6 122182 106619 Chokes in Clutch, Proficient with Grapple
Ausec Win Trandoshan male from Coruscant ChemFlex Tuk'ata C 23 72 33 37 51 51 100 D CC 227 6 65639 55510 Very Strong
Bahni Win Gran female from Hok Amzab Pulsars C 18 68 54 50 48 45 74 D A 11 2 15147 15147 Master with Grapple
Ira-Aesho Win Human male from Ando Merr-Sonn Lightning C 30 96 45 61 55 75 100 C - 640 7 81881 21693 Accurate, Guardian
Narr'perspik Wo Nikto male from Endregaad Amzab Pulsars S 17 47 46 47 70 60 53 D AA 235 7 20666 20666 Agile, Proficient with Passing, Proficient with Staff, Somewhat Injury Prone
Brco Wynnopin-Falensarano Near-Human male from Yavin 13 Beemon Tontitrans C 25 85 43 48 42 46 100 C BB 189 5 120755 84310 Somewhat Feeble, Tall, Uncoordinated
A'tare Xaj Human male from Bespin Spadda Sandtuskers F 23 53 47 97 60 61 91 B A 14 3 84604 69036 Expert with Catching, Strays from Combat, Tall
Jassar Xaj Human male from Ladarra Tonena Dewbacks S 22 38 23 45 71 61 100 D CC 0 1 64705 55736 Expert with Catching
Vurrulf Xaj'odo'floer Caamasi male from Caamas Raynor Coppis F 29 46 46 85 50 70 100 C - 210 6 60661 26343 Acrobatic
Ellylyn Xarran-Vuv Human female from Caluula Branada's Secret Rancors S 30 51 47 28 90 72 100 B CC 240 6 76833 34762 Protective
Wac Xern Kerestian male from Kerest Duro Tacema C 20 74 53 42 50 62 100 D A 554 7 107463 106131
Inea Xi Gran female from Coruscant Lhosan Womp Weasels C 31 93 52 48 66 78 100 D - 173 3 92952 43420 Expert with Passing, Ungainly
Yada Xi Svivreni female from Coruscant Tirsa Starhoppers C 26 90 51 53 47 51 100 AAA CC 127 5 72653 67218 Strong
Cormun Ruceba Xi-Kaar Near-Human male from Socorro Pantolomin Halfbacks E 23 27 69 43 21 74 100 D C 177 4 103428 84496 Acrobatic, Proficient with Staff, Protective
Auspa Xyn Duros female from Genarius Pantolomin Halfbacks E 22 48 81 54 57 72 100 D A 352 6 113803 113803 Injury Prone, Proficient with Catching
Heren-Lor-Lu Xyn Gran female from Hok Desler Mynocks F 20 59 60 86 60 71 100 D BB 1 2 95162 78465 Injury Prone, Protective
Adi Yad Rodian female from Tatooine IASpec Orokeets E 27 83 83 83 82 83 100 B B 220 3 138375 10681 Expert with Staff, Proficient with Passing, Protective
Darubang Jad Yakaro-Ceeel Alderaanian female from Alderaan Amzab Pulsars E 14 42 72 51 34 56 100 E AA 284 8 51342 51342 Guardian, Precise, Proficient with Catching, Proficient with Staff, Top Passer
Ravened Bruckman Yeb Human male from Arorlia Coronet Krayt Dragons S 18 41 41 54 106 82 100 D CC 224 4 126852 26650
Alli Daralla Yem Human female from Ohann Tirsa Starhoppers E 28 62 100 61 49 71 100 A B 152 5 58934 50733 Strays from Combat, Strong
Marrsel'ung Yemm Kubaz male from Garnib Meirm Terentatek C 31 67 47 59 71 39 100 B A 141 5 58881 50277 Proficient with Catching, Protective
Garoush Yerres Burs Rodian male from Anaxes Anaxes Scyks E 28 46 87 45 61 53 100 A B 129 5 76646 76646 Adjusts
Andur Ynr Near-Human male from Zeffliffl Aratech Nighthunters F 19 60 35 103 32 88 100 D C 249 5 160976 77164 Adjusts, Clutch Player
Andur Ynr Human male from Atrisia Atrisia Blades E 32 52 84 51 53 70 100 D - 272 6 36697 36697 Expert with Staff, Proficient with Blaster, Proficient with Catching, Uncoordinated
Deksi Ma' Ynr Bothan male from Bespin Tal Kad Shanjaru E 31 49 73 43 29 84 100 C - 221 6 34074 14516 Very Injury Prone
Barad Ynr'deboota Rodian male from Atrisia Atrisia Blades S 25 43 40 52 89 55 100 AA B 102 4 100057 91116
Arwen Yok'tantor Human female from Teth Czerka Sand Bats S 20 47 19 46 69 63 100 C B 5 2 80788 70607
Khe-Manda-Rk Yomm Gran male from Cularin Hyrotii Nova C 31 89 61 61 51 63 100 D - 607 7 53040 20344 Master with Catching, Short
Pher'galan'tt Zad Verpine male from Abregado-Rae ArmaTek Corsairs C 17 89 42 41 54 77 100 D CC 133 5 131572 82042
Moldisin Zal Nur Gamorrean female from Derilyn Synchet Shyracks S 16 39 46 46 94 55 100 C B 806 7 121591 105717
To'telik Zem-Derrick Gran male from Stend IV Synchet Shyracks S 31 50 48 51 96 61 100 B CC 763 9 84994 67647 Agile, Chokes in Clutch
Reeza Zeno Bothan female from Kathol Branada's Secret Rancors C 33 101 31 59 31 83 100 C - 500 4 97284 7100
Creysis Zent Human male from Coruscant Aratech Nighthunters E 31 59 112 72 58 99 100 C AA 489 2 210175 36200 Dead Accurate, Durable, Marksman, Proficient with Passing
Alicka Zerkshoame Near-Human female from Sriluur Duro Tacema E 29 32 59 46 40 72 100 C C 139 4 48913 42963 Proficient with Catching
Shalavaa Li Zih Near-Human male from Haruun Kal SoroSuub Kybucks C 25 111 47 64 46 74 100 B C 798 8 145240 39876 Expert with Blaster, Proficient with Grapple
Jorya Kanda Zoler-Noz Human female from Pii VI Tonena Dewbacks S 27 41 41 50 91 61 100 AA C 80 4 101923 46069 Clutch Player, Daring
Barazzi Zur Zabrak female from Telos Novinyet Ghests C 20 94 46 54 55 55 0 D AA 73 7 74776 49063 Durable, Extremely Strong, Risk Averse
Cei Zur Duros female from Junction Baktar Kinrath F 27 69 64 104 29 71 100 B C 404 5 126597 35623 Protective, Somewhat Injury Prone

Thanks to all guilds and websites catering to RP within Star Wars: The Old Republic