CORUSCANT SPORTS - Boonta 59, 23012             huttball options       about       OTHER TOOLS: Coruscant Translator | Coruscant Phonebook       

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Graaqu Skeck Nion - Carrier - Tuk'ata (C1E)
Duros male from Coruscant, born Boonta 50, 22988 (Age: 22)
Spent (i):
Spent (o):
C-level prospect Marginal coaching prospect Risk Averse
EquipmentArmorOut of Game
Czerka Corporation StarFang Vibrostaff
Czerka Corporation Asp Slicing Tool (+2 TAL, +1 SLI)
Iotran Defense Technologies Tachyon One Armor
Czerka Corporation Infinity Helmet
Personal Trainer (+2 XP)
Personal Trainer (+2 XP)
 Career Highlights
Stat Best Team Date Venue Result
Scores 11 Tuk'ata Ardustagg 1, 23012 Desler Stadium Tuk'ata 17, Mynocks 3
Uncontested Scores 1 Tuk'ata Ardustagg 1, 23012 Desler Stadium Tuk'ata 17, Mynocks 3
Assists 7 Tuk'ata Ardustagg 30, 23012 5th Estate Gardens Starhoppers 1, Tuk'ata 18
Prime Assists 3 Tuk'ata Ardustagg 30, 23012 5th Estate Gardens Starhoppers 1, Tuk'ata 18
Passes Completed 11 Tuk'ata Ardustagg 57, 23012 Desler Stadium Tuk'ata 10, Mynocks 4
Pass Receptions 20 Tuk'ata Kossak 22, 23012 Desler Stadium Tuk'ata 11, Mynocks 1
Newballs 9 Tuk'ata Boonta 62, 23011 5th Estate Gardens Starhoppers 4, Tuk'ata 15
Best Performance 1099 Tuk'ata Ardustagg 30, 23012 5th Estate Gardens Starhoppers 1, Tuk'ata 18
 Career Highlights
Stat Best Team Date Venue Result
Checks 11 Tuk'ata Ardustagg 30, 23011 5th Estate Gardens Sand Panthers 4, Tuk'ata 9
Damage 48 Tuk'ata Ardustagg 30, 23012 5th Estate Gardens Starhoppers 1, Tuk'ata 18
Interceptions 9 Tuk'ata Kossak 45, 23012 Tirsa Pavilion Tuk'ata 12, Starhoppers 4
Pass Blocks 1 Tuk'ata Blotus 56, 23011 5th Estate Gardens Sand Panthers 3, Tuk'ata 15
Steals 11 Tuk'ata Ardustagg 21, 23012 Corellia Colosseum Tuk'ata 7, Sand Panthers 10
Fumble Recoveries 9 Tuk'ata Churabba 43, 23011 Corellia Colosseum Tuk'ata 11, Sand Panthers 5
Throwaway Recoveries 5 Tuk'ata Ardustagg 57, 23012 Desler Stadium Tuk'ata 10, Mynocks 4
Times Checked 17 Tuk'ata Ardustagg 21, 23012 Corellia Colosseum Tuk'ata 7, Sand Panthers 10
 Career Kills
Team Date Name Biography Play Description
No career kills found.
 Career Transactions
Game Date Transaction
No career transactions found.
Graaqu Skeck NionStats
Regular Season
 Scoring and Assists
Yr Team G 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C 10C 11C 12C A A1 S S1 A/g A1/g S/g +/-
11-11 Tuk'ata 24 13 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 17 72 3 1.4 0.7 3.0 25
11-12 Tuk'ata 27 30 4 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 60 21 155 4 2.2 0.8 5.7 96
 Passing and Receiving
Yr Team G Lt LtAt P PAt LtRc PRc P% L% Th% Ps Ps/g
11-11 Tuk'ata 24 61 78 92 219 68 126 42.0 78.2 51.5 172:05 7:10
11-12 Tuk'ata 27 80 118 142 320 124 240 44.4 67.8 50.7 281:33 10:26
Yr Team G Trp Bf Bf+ Hl Hl+ B/g H/g B+/b H+/h
11-11 Tuk'ata 24 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0
11-12 Tuk'ata 27 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0
Yr Team G Chk ChS Dm Gr Sh Ch/g D/g D/h
11-11 Tuk'ata 24 89 14 129 0 0 3.7 5.4 1.4
11-12 Tuk'ata 27 70 1 87 0 0 2.6 3.2 1.2
Yr Team G Bf'd Bf'd+ Hl'd Hl'd+ Inj Chk'd Gr'd Sh'd Inj/h
11-11 Tuk'ata 24 43 210 83 297 376 162 8 31 2.3
11-12 Tuk'ata 27 61 451 97 460 611 240 26 39 2.5
Yr Team G F I TA TO TO/g
11-11 Tuk'ata 24 92 65 52 280 11.7
11-12 Tuk'ata 27 168 99 72 447 16.6
 Offensive and Defensive Recovery
Yr Team G I N FT St FR FRo FRd TA TAo TAd I/g N/g St/g
11-11 Tuk'ata 24 65 64 43 88 78 23 55 51 11 40 2.7 2.7 3.7
11-12 Tuk'ata 27 99 89 54 146 107 39 68 74 22 52 3.7 3.3 5.4
 Games and Possession
Yr Team G W L D Gc Ge Gf Gs Ps Ps/g 1st 2nd 3rd XP XP/g
11-11 Tuk'ata 24 11 12 1 15 0 9 0 172:05 7:10 1 2 3 9791 408
11-12 Tuk'ata 27 17 8 2 27 0 0 0 281:33 10:26 3 5 3 12876 477

Thanks to all guilds and websites catering to RP within Star Wars: The Old Republic